USSR 1941

Chapter 627: trouble

  Chapter 627 Trouble

  Major General Jonas is worthy of being a battle-tested commander. He only hesitated for a moment before issuing two orders:

   "Order the troops stationed on the shore, not to take a step back, block the enemy and wait for reinforcements!"

   "Artillery unit, organize and stop shooting!"

These two orders are reasonable, even though Major General Jonas actually has no reinforcements on the south bank... almost all the surplus troops have been transferred to the north bank to fight. If reinforcements are to be sent, the east wall must be demolished to make up for the west wall, but this is obviously not the case. What a good way, because no one can guarantee that the demolished east wall will not be attacked.

In fact, this is also the theory of the German army that "offense is greater than defense". In ancient times, when fighting with cold weapons, the attacker must have several times the enemy's strength to attack. enough.

For example, on the banks of the Tsaritsa River, the German army deployed a regiment along the depth of five kilometers south of Stalingrad. Even if the regiment was fully staffed, there were only about two companies per kilometer of defenders, while the strength of the same Soviet regiment was It can crush the German army with a huge force advantage in a certain place and easily tear its defense line.

  Of course, the Soviet Army did not have a regiment. They actually only had one reinforced battalion, that is, a naval infantry battalion plus two cadet companies from Shulka.

It's just that these troops are either navy with good quality and combat experience, or they are elite, so the combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of an ordinary Soviet infantry regiment, or even worse... The battlefield is often like this, "Soldiers are more expensive than elites." "The reason is that more troops can add points to the overall combat effectiveness, but they must be spread out at a certain density on the battlefield, so the combat effectiveness per unit area is much smaller than that of elite soldiers.

  At the same time, if there is a gap in a certain place or rescue is needed, because the scene is too wide and there are too many soldiers, it will be difficult to arrive in time and play a role.

   Therefore, the surprise attack launched by elite soldiers on the battlefield is far better than the simple "many soldiers" superposition of the same combat power, especially in special operations that require reaction speed and quick retreat.

  So, although the two orders of Major General Jonas were reasonable, they were not implemented in the end.

   "Block the enemy, don't take a step back!"

  The order was transmitted layer by layer to Lieutenant Mario who was stationed on the river bank.

   "The enemy is attacking violently!" Lieutenant Mario responded in panic: "We will be unable to stop it!"

   "Hold on! We'll have the artillery backing you up!"

   "Yes, Colonel!" Lieutenant Mario replied helplessly.

  However, before Lieutenant Mario had time to put down the phone, a grenade rolled in from the outside with green smoke.

  Lieutenant Mario came and yelled anxiously: "Grenade..."

   There was a loud bang.

  Lieutenant Mario was lucky to escape, because he lowered his body and hid behind the desk in time.

But it didn't seem to make any difference, because a few black figures broke into the outside very quickly, holding a submachine gun and hitting the inside without saying a word... Bullets were flying around, documents were flying all over the sky, and Lieutenant Mario and his The guards were so bombarded by the grenade just now that they could do nothing but wait for the enemy to find out and aim their guns at their heads.

  With the help of amphibious landing ships, the naval infantry brigade tore through the German defense line at lightning speed and occupied the coast. The German army did not even have time to convey the order "no step back".

   They did not take a step back, though.

   The order for the artillery not to move to stop the shooting was similar, and the artillery indeed did so. Rows of shells roared and smashed into the river.

   But it obviously didn't do anything.

  If the German coast infantry stops the Soviet army on the river in time, this pile of shells can play a big role.

  But this was not the case. When the artillery shells came over, the Soviet army had already occupied the coastal defense line, and only a few final amphibious landing ships were still on the river.

  Major General Jonas initially thought that things would develop as he estimated, until the adjutant hurriedly reported to him: "General, the 83rd Artillery Regiment is under enemy attack!"

  Major General Jonas couldn't help being taken aback, which meant that the order he just gave had no effect at all.

   At this time, Major General Jonas flashed a sentence in his mind: "The enemy is too fast! From crossing the river to tearing the line of defense and then attacking the artillery regiment, it took only ten minutes!"

   After looking at the map for a while, Major General Jonas ordered: "Order the 83rd Artillery Regiment to retreat, and the 93rd Artillery Regiment!"


It is common sense to withdraw the artillery regiment, otherwise, the artillery, which can be said to be unable to resist, will directly face those elite enemy soldiers who are like wolves and tigers, which is no different from suicide, and at the same time, a large number of precious artillery fire will fall into the hands of the enemy inside.

   Unbeknownst to Major General Jonas, his attention had been successfully diverted to artillery.

  At this time, the main force of the Soviet army was actually attacking along the Tsaritsa River all the way to the railway bridge.

The offensive went smoothly, because the German defense line was laid along the river bank, and most of them were field fortifications...The houses and buildings are far from the river bank, mainly because the river will surge and flood along the original river when the ice and snow melt every summer. The river bank, even if it is not submerged, is muddy and uninhabitable.

  However, in order to rely on the Tsaritsa River to prevent the Soviet attack, the German army had to deploy the defense line by the river.

  Most of these lines of defense are built on the ground, such as using sandbags or cement fortifications.

   This is a helpless move. If the trench is dug as usual, it will soon be filled with stagnant water.

   Trenches and bunkers can only be dug in a few high-lying areas.

   But these are not important.

  It is important that these German defense lines face the Tsaritsa River.

  The main force of the Soviet army tore a hole in the river bank corresponding to the granary, and then immediately divided into two parts to attack.

  Part of it was a naval infantry battalion, and they attacked the German defense line directly from the flank.

  The other part was the cadet unit led by Shulka. They went around the rear of the German defense line, that is, they flanked the German troops stationed on the coast with the naval infantry battalion on both sides.

  The two parts cooperated very well. The naval infantry battalion rushed to attract the attention of the German army, while the sniper company and mortar company fired cold shots at the enemy from the rear to kill important targets or suppress firepower points.

  Under this rapid and aggressive attack, the German coastal garrison quickly collapsed, and then involuntarily retreated in the opposite direction of the Soviet attack.

   In less than ten minutes, Shulka led the troops around the bend and hit the railway bridge.

  At this time, Vasily, who was walking in front, suddenly returned. When he saw Shulka, he reported: "Captain, we are in trouble. We found a tank in the direction of the railway bridge. It looks like a 'new tank' of the Germans!"

  (end of this chapter)

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