USSR 1941

Chapter 626: log in

  Chapter 626 Landing

   Shulka commanded the troops to board the amphibious landing ship.

  Each amphibious landing ship can carry more than a dozen people, which is almost a squad, so a company only needs a dozen landing ships.

  In fact, this is redundant. If it is forced, the number of people on board can be doubled at least.

  The reason why they didn’t carry so many, on the one hand, is that they also need to carry ammunition while carrying people. On the other hand, it is for combat needs... If you carry too many people and fill it up, it is not only very dangerous, but also once you are hit by enemy shells or machine guns, you will be knocked down a large area, and more importantly, you cannot use it and you cannot fight. .

"Comrade Captain!" When Shulka was about to board the amphibious landing ship, the amphibious landing ship that Captain Harichev was on stopped nearby. He jumped off the boat and pulled Shulka aside, and whispered: "You don't need to personally Lead the team across the river, leave it to me!"

  Shuerka smiled and replied: "Thank you for your kindness, Comrade Captain! But...the matter is important, we dare not be careless!"

Shulka declined this politely. If you want to make it clear, the two companies that Shulka leads are the sniper company and the mortar company. Lieutenant Kharichev actually doesn't know how to command and he can't command the navy. Command the cadet troops while rushing to land on the beach.

  If it is really handed over to the command of Captain Harichev, Shulka believes that he may even use the sniper company as ordinary infantry, and the mortar company as an artillery cover unit.

   This is reckless waste.

  Captain Harichev obviously didn't understand the meaning of Shulka's words, but he saw in Shulka's eyes that the matter was not discussed, so he nodded and said nothing more.

  Shuerka jumped on the amphibious landing ship... Shurka was not used to it at first, because he was a little at a loss as to ride in a car with the feeling of riding a boat.

  However, this discomfort was quickly replaced by the tension on the battlefield.

  The periphery is still filled with gunshots and explosions, and occasionally there are a few shells fired from the direction of the German army.

   This is not what the German army discovered, but the Soviet infantry continued to attack the German army on both wings in order to cover or cover up the sound of the engine of the amphibious landing ship.

  In this case, even if the German army found a few amphibious landing ships under the light of the flares, they would think that they were transporting reinforcements or supplies for the Soviet infantry.

   A few minutes later, the amphibious landing ships parked side by side on the banks of the Tsaritsa River.

  The engineering troops opened up a forward position not far from the river bank... The so-called forward positions are not all trenches, outposts and the like.

  In this way, the amphibious landing ships can be lined up along the river one by one and attack the opposite bank at the same time, instead of refueling several ships to die like a long snake.

  The time jumped to 1:50 bit by bit.

  Suddenly, several red flares rose into the air, and the first batch of hundreds of amphibious landing ships left the forward position with a "boom" and headed towards the Tsaritsa River at high speed.

  Shuerka is in the second batch, and all the student troops he leads are in the second batch.

   This is what Captain Harichev meant.

   "Because the second batch is the safest!" Captain Harichev said, "I think that's where you should stay most!"

   Shulka understood what Captain Harichev meant.

  The second batch is indeed the safest. The first batch needs to face the firepower of the German defenders on the south bank, the third batch may be bombed by enemy artillery fire, and the second batch is in a state of being covered in the middle.

   Regarding this point, Shulka did not delay, because the cadet army was not originally used to charge into battle.

   Just as they were talking, the first batch of amphibious landing ships drove into the river one after another... Unlike modern amphibious armored vehicles that can quickly enter the river, the amphibious landing ships need to slow down before entering the water to prevent too much river water from entering the hull.

  Otherwise, the amphibious landing ship may not be able to float once it hits the water.

  After successfully launching into the water, the landing ship immediately turned the motor of the horse to the propeller propulsion mode, and at the same time, shells roared to the south bank in the dark.

  It wasn't until this time that the German soldiers on the opposite bank realized that something was wrong, because the sound of guns and guns could be heard faintly with the sound of motors and water, and at the same time, the shells were clearly heading for the shore instead of the wings. This was obviously not the wrong location.

Lieutenant Mario, who was sleeping in the bomb hole, was awakened by the bombardment of the shells. He turned over and jumped off the bed built by the shell box, grabbed the armed belt and tied it around his waist skillfully, and got out of the bomb shelter Loudly asked the subordinates guarding the door: "What's going on?"

   "I don't know, lieutenant!" The guard replied: "It may be that the enemy is attacking us!"

   "Attack?" Lieutenant Mario asked back: "You mean they plan to cross the river? No, it's impossible!"

   But before the words fell, a flare rose into the air, and the snow-white light illuminated a radius of one mile below.

  Lieutenant Mario stared dumbfounded at the originally calm river, which was full of enemy landing ships.

  Hesitating for a few seconds, Lieutenant Mario seemed to wake up from a dream, and immediately shouted to the surroundings: "Enemy attack, organize firepower to block them!"

   When the fierce gunfire sounded, Lieutenant Mario sprinted back to the command post, shook the phone desperately, and then grabbed the microphone and reported: "Colonel, we are attacked by the enemy, and we request reinforcements!"

   "It's true, they're right in front of us!"

   "Yes, they are crossing the river!"


  Information was quickly transmitted to the headquarters of Major General Jonas level by level.

  Major General Jonas was taken aback by the telegram.

   "Crossing the river?" Major General Jonas still couldn't believe it.

   "Yes, General!" The adjutant replied: "In the direction of the granary, they crossed the river to fight immediately after taking control of the granary. Obviously they came prepared!"

   "How many are there?" Major General Jonas asked.

   "It is estimated that there is a regiment!" The adjutant replied: "Our people recognize that they use amphibious landing ships, which are the kind of transport ships that can travel in rivers and on land!"

   Major General Jonas realized the seriousness of the problem.

  On the one hand, it was because the enemy actually had a regiment... At this time, the total strength of the German army stationed on the south bank was only one regiment, and this regiment was still scattered along the long river bank, and there was even only one reinforced company at the enemy's attacking position.

   On the other hand, the enemy is using amphibious landing craft.

  Major General Jonas never thought that it could be used on the battlefield, or on the battlefield of crossing the river.

  Before this, the Russians used it to transport supplies.

   But... why can't they be used on the battlefield? !

  (end of this chapter)

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