USSR 1941

Chapter 628: Tiger

  Chapter 628 Tiger Style

  "A new type of tank?" Shulka couldn't help being surprised: "Are you sure?"

   "Yes, I'm sure!" Vasily nodded and replied: "I recognized it from the outline, there are at least three!"

   In fact, Shulka knew that Vasily would not admit his mistake.

Because since the previous "Tiger" was captured, the Soviet army has distributed pictures and photos to various units... The "Tiger" tank is still a secret to the German army. If the German army is a secret, then the Soviet army should let it go Everyone knows.

  Of course, the more important thing is that because the "Tiger" has powerful firepower and defensive power, almost all anti-tank guns of the Soviet army are helpless against it, so preparations should be made as soon as possible.

   Of course, Vasily has seen "Tiger" photos, and as a sniper, he has very good eyesight, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

   Then Shulka understood that those "Tiger" tanks were preparations for the German army to penetrate or attack the No. 2 train station along the river after dawn.

  Shuerka guessed right, Major General Jonas specially transferred five "Tiger" tanks from the rear to provide cover.

   Paulus also raised objections to this.

   "It's immature, Jonas!" Paulus said with some concern: "You know, before rushing into battle, I found that this kind of tank is not safe enough, and it is easy to break down in battle!"

"I know, General!" Major General Jonas replied, "but we need it, because we want to take the enemy's railway station and hold it! Being taken away by them is actually doing useless work, we seem to be running in circles, and have nothing but consume soldiers and ammunition!"

  Major General Jonas' words are indeed true, and the Battle of Stalingrad was in such a predicament at this time.

At the same time, Paulus felt that Jonas's consideration was correct. What they needed was to hold on to the captured train station, so they didn't need much maneuverability of the "Tiger". A strong support point.

   This is almost invincible with air superiority.

  Thinking of this, Paulus agreed to Major General Jonas' request and transferred five "Tigers" in relatively good condition to Stalingrad.

   In fact, it should not be called "tune". These "tiger styles" were originally in Stalingrad.

  This is because Paulus found that the German army was in a difficult situation in the battle of Stalingrad, and he hoped to use some other "superior" equipment to attack the Soviet army to change this situation.

   "Tiger" is one of them, and "Cannon" is also one of them.

At this time, Paulus or the German army has gradually fallen into a vicious circle. When they are in a protracted battle, they often do not think about seeking breakthroughs in strategy and tactics, but hope to strike with certain weapons and equipment. The enemy forces the enemy to surrender.

   This kind of equipment does exist, such as the atomic bomb that the United States is about to develop.

   But these things such as the V-series missiles developed by Germany cannot do it.

  In fact, the more it is at this time, the more we should consider whether a tank like the "Tiger" is suitable for the current war and whether it is cost-effective.

  This is like drinking poison to quench thirst. The more you lose on the battlefield, the more you hope to have an absolute advantage in equipment and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop. In the end, you actually produced the "Mouse" that can't be used on the battlefield at all.

  Five "Tiger" tanks were transported to the south bank of the Tsaritsa River by the engineers on flatbed trucks by rail.

  Originally, Major General Jonas hoped to mount them on the train and transport them to the north bank along with the supplies, but problems arose after the engineers measured them.

   "We did not replace the tracks of the 'new tanks', General!" The engineer reported: "This is determined by the tanks being in a state of readiness, and they are required to be ready for combat at any time..."

   "Don't talk about this!" Major General Jonas interrupted the engineer: "Just tell me what's wrong!"

   "The rails are not in the middle!" The engineer replied: "You know, they were blown up once, and our people artificially moved them to the right side to avoid the crater when repairing them..."

   "What impact will it have?!" Major General Jonas emphasized again, he was about to be mad by this wordy engineer.

   "The 'new tank' cannot be towed on a train to cross a bridge!" The engineer finally got to the point: "Its tracks will hit the steel girders of the railway bridge and get stuck there!"

  Major General Jonas realized that the problem was serious.

   "Is there any solution?" Major General Jonas asked.

   "There are two solutions!" The engineer replied: "One is to replace the tank with narrow tracks for transportation, and then replace it with wide tracks for combat after passing the railway bridge!"

   "Then do it!" Major General Jonas asked angrily, "Why do you still report to me?"

   "Because it takes at least ten hours!" The engineer explained: "It also takes time to test the car, because we can't guarantee that it will work normally after changing the tracks!"

  Major General Jonas didn't realize how poor the "safety" of this new type of tank was until then.

  Ten hours? This means that when the "new tank" is ready, it will be noon the next day, which may make the German army have to postpone the plan to attack the No. 2 railway station for another will not be able to attack at night.

   And this is unacceptable to Major General Jonas.

  The reason is obvious. The longer the delay, the more the Soviet army will supplement the No. 2 train station with reinforcements and even artillery.

   After being silent for a while, Major General Jonas asked again: "So, what about another method?"

   "It's the railroad tracks that are shifting!" The sapper replied: "But the railroad bridge is just wide enough for the 'new tanks' to pass through, which may take two hours!"

   "Then do it!"


   "No but!" Major General Jonas said, "Just do it!"

   "Yes, General!"

  The engineer originally wanted to remind Major General Jonas that if the tank fails in the middle of the bridge, the consequences will be very serious.

  This is one of the reasons why it takes two hours to cross the bridge in "Tiger Style".

  The engineers need to overhaul the "Tiger" to prevent them from driving to the bridge and lying on the bridge, and they also need to pass one by one, otherwise several vehicles will be stuck on the bridge if they are not careful.

  Actually, from the perspective of engineers, they are more inclined to change the track, but since Major General Jonas gave the order, they have to execute it.

  Therefore, five "Tiger" vehicles stopped at the bridge head and prepared to pass the railway bridge one by one.

   While passing a car, the Soviet army hit the bridge along the river bank.

   After thinking about it, Shulka ordered Vasily: "Contact the artillery immediately, and our mortar unit, and concentrate on bombing the bridgehead!"

  (end of this chapter)

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