Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 218: Pygmies (I): Dragon's Arte

Chapter 218: Pygmies (I): Dragon's Arte


Rezar listened tow after trickle and flow past in the brook in front of him, his eyes were closed and his senses were shut to the world, but somehow, in one way or the other he could still feel them watching; the Sons of Dawn and hidden even deeper were the daughters of the Eclipse. The children of midnight were an ingenious creation, they answered directly to him and we're actually responsible for not just his safety, but analyzing and taking care of threats within and outside of the kingdom, the kind of threats you won't see coming until it's right in front of you.

In a nutshell they were his very own MI6 or CIA. It was an ambitious move, but one that seemed to have turned out quite well in his Favor, not to mention; most of the Daughters Of eclipse were vampires of his own making. And due to the fact that he sired them, their loyalty to him was absolute, as opposed to Gynaika's vampires who were loyal only to her. It was almost too hard for Rezar to keep her under control, but at least for the moment she won't be making any other Vampires. And while there was much to delivered from her, especially with her scheming nature, Rezar was sure she would keep her word.

But back to the matter at hand; Rezar slowly got up to his feet, and then moved his body into what he would consider the weakest and easiest posture of the 13. He felt his muscles twist light as small pressure was placed on them. And then he decided to breathe, and quickly following that was his heart dancing, a slow tempo first and quickly followed behind by his magic pulsing. The strain seemed to increase in that moment and Rezar almost couldn't hold it for longer than 30 seconds. But he preserved until...

[You have gained an Insight! Mental +3]

[You have combined a unique physical foundation technique and a unique Magic Foundation technique. +5 to Mental, +3 to Strength, +5 to Constitution, +3 to Speed]

[Magic Skill: Magic Mastery has leveled up to 5! Mental +7, Magic +15, Skill Damage 50%, Casting Speed -30%, Cost -55%]

[The skill tree Dragon Arte has been added to your skill list. 13 Pulses skill has been generated.]

This was unexpected, but it was exactly what he was hoping for, and the fact that he was able to achieve showed that in this new world, you're only limited by the amount of hard work you put into something, and the scope of your imagination. It took him two weeks, but at the very least he's got all of this down to a basic. And this was just the first step. Never the less with this little bit of strength, he could now focus a bit on the task that's in front of him, though he would need to teach someone this method so it could be taken back to Necron and imparted to the military.

Beyond the brook was a copse of trees that seemed to form a natural maze, along with a few rocky outcroppings that served as natural defenses for the pygmy tribe that was guarding what Alistair had called an Ancestral totem. It held a certain type of magic that was unique to the pygmy tribe, and it was magic Alistair wanted to harvest. Previous attempt at making contact with the pygmies had resulted in injuries and bruised egos from his soldiers, the orcs especially hated it.

But there wasn't much they could do when the pygmy tribe had the unique ability, afforded them by the so called totem, to change their shapes at will. If they were smaller they were faster, if they were bigger they were stronger. Hard to defend against and could not be reasoned with even when there was someone capable of speaking their language. Alistair had wanted to study the totem just for a little while before returning it, the pygmies were a part of Morte Bianca so antagonizing them would not look good for the least not where anybody could see them.

The growth of his kingdom came first for me, so if there was tribe of hostile pygmies within the forest in his territory, then they needed to be taken care of with immediate effect. Plus this whole shrinking and I creasing stuff looks like it can be quite helpful, maybe Alistair would be able to create and equipment that would teach the shrinking ability and increasing ability to his spies and soldiers, it would help them a lot in a lot of situations. Besides, it would look really amazing if a giant would bulldoze his or her way through an army of enemies, this would make Morte Bianca even more scary.

"Screet Prepare to move in, Roran keep Tristan in your sights. And Kitagawa, Samira? Don't interfere unless absolutely necessary." Rezar seemingly spoke to the wind, but he knew those two heard him just fine. This was supposed to be a solo adventure, but it would not be right for a king to travel all by his lonesome like this, which was why they were heading out with him.

[Rezar DeathWind] = [Age: 16] = [Class: King] = [Rank: Bronze 1]

[Race: Vampire] = [Bloodline: Storm Dragon// Death God//(HIDDEN)]

[Mental: 49] = [Magic: 49] = [Constitution: 25] = [Strength: 19] = [Speed: 21]

[Traits: War Edge//Black Magician]

{Skill Trees}

[Vampire: Supernatural Body (2) +] [Necromancy: Summon Skeleton (1) +] [Magic: Magic Mastery (5) +] [Arms: Dual Swords (0)//Staffs (0)//Chains (0)//Unarmed (0) +] [Dragon's Arte: 13 Pulses (0) +]

[Skill Points: 37]

He was stronger, though honestly speaking he wasn't growing stronger as fast as he had expected, in the time since his rank up to level 1 bronze, none of his stats had increased until now, no matter how hard he had breathed or practiced the 13 stances. Now it seems after he has properly made a foundation skill, it would help as long as he could keep practicing. But nevertheless it was time to go pay some pygmies a might end up bloody.

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