Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 219: Pygmies (II): Pygmy Fear No King!

Chapter 219: Pygmies (II): Pygmy Fear No King!

The section of the Kerwood forest where the pygmies lived was extremely dense, instead of the normal pine trees and oak, what was there were palm trees, banana trees and thick bodies trees clustered with vines and dense shrubbery of bushes and berry trees. This shouldn't be called the Kerwood forest anymore, but rather the Kerwood jungle. The air here was incredibly humid, and practically everything he touched was wet and had a little bit of moisture on it. Screet hated it, his bionic arm creaked with every furious swing of his staff as he smashed massive leaves and palm frond out of their way.

Roran was nervous, and Tristian nonchalant march through the jungle wasn't helping matters at all. This place was dangerous, and no one knew it better than the Venoik. His racial ability of being a living, breathing walking pharmaceutical let him know if an environment was dangerous or not, and frankly speaking, the rate at which his body was currently accumulating toxins of different kinds, more than told him that the air here, and perhaps the biome itself was all kinds of fucked up, eat the wrong thing and your goose was cooked, not that any of them had a goose, but they would be royally fucked and there was no going back from that.

"Please Screet, stop smashing everything! This place's very dangerous!" Roran implored as he looked around with a nervous disposition. Rezar raised an eyebrow at that and tried to hide his amusement, regardless of the danger, he, Screet and Roran were pretty much immune to death from a natural environment. The only person they had to worry about was probably Tristian, but the fucker was a goblin, or rather a hobgoblin. From what he had seen, those fuckers could pretty much digest anything.

*Whoosh! *

"What was that?" Roran asked as he looked around, his breathing and heart rate rapidly speeding up much to Rezar's annoyance. As many people have discovered lately, any time Roran was anything other than calm, there was a high possibility people would get knocked out or end up very dead after ingesting a severe amount of poison, but Rezar didn't have time to warn or calm the Venoik as he felt a hard impact on his chest.

At the moment of the impact, he had no idea what had hit him, but just before his back could hit the tree behind him, he could see the tiny form of a somewhat pudgy man with painted skin flipping backwards from him. And when he said this man was tiny, he was literally just an inch tall, yet he was able to hit Rezar with this much force. fascinating.

Rezar twisted his body in the air, his fangs and claws sliding out as he stabbed his claws into the tree, staying upside down like a lizard and shifting his focused eyes to the form of the tiny man. The others couldn't see him, he was small. And he was wearing clothes that otherwise blended him into the jungle, it would be extremely difficult for someone to locate him, at least, if said person was not a vampire anyway.

He noticed three more of the tiny men, and all three launched an attack towards him, shooting off their feet and flying towards his form like a trio of tiny bullets. Rezar was ready for them, as he shot towards them his claws slashed towards them. but his claws never reached as the tiny men rapidly increased their frames until what was flying towards him weren't a trio of half and inch pudgy men with rather round and elaborate skulls and covered in tribal tattoos. Instead 12-foot-tall giants, with enough girt and size to squash Rezar just be sitting on him, and one of them was even Female!

But the king was not alone as Screet had shot off his feet immediately, his staff smashing into the lower jaw of the female pygmy, derailing her momentum and trajectory before sending her crashing into a dense foliage of brightly colored flowers. Based on the look on Roran's shocked face, that was not a good place to land. Rezar threw his right hand forwards [Spectral Skull] a glowing silver skull that fit into the palm of his flew out and slammed into face of one of the Pygmy.

The Pygmy had his body immediately become stiff as his massive girt quickly reduced to that of a two feet tall version, which was probably the proper size of his species. The last one got a strike in, smashing its massive fist into Rezar's chest and throwing him backwards, and just in time to receive a broad sword in its gut, courtesy of the former Goblin king. Who proceeded to slowly move the sword from one corner of the pygmy's stomach to the next, spilling its guts in a grotesque fashion. Rezar pirouetted in the air, slapping his feet against a tree and then pushing forwards off it to bring his foot smashing into the head of the pygmy that had received the [Spectral Skull] attack from him.

Its head blasted apart like that of a ripe tomato, prompting an annoyed look from Rezar as blood and brain matter completely coated his boots. He shook it off, rubbing his boots on the forest floor and pretending he didn't see the more than half a dozen member of the pygmy tribe, gathered on the branches of different trees, and pointing an unholy amounts of blow pipes in their direction.

"Hello Pygmy's! I am Rezar Deathwind! King of these lands that you have taken for a home. Lay down your weapons peacefully and I would consider not taking your lives as recompense for your crimes against me." He sounded arrogant, from the look on their faces he knew they thought him arrogant, but was he arrogant...maybe just a little.

"We have no King, Pygmy fear no King! We strong and Big!, and we small and Fast! We squash Rezar Rezar! We have no fear!"

"....." Rezar was gob smacked, and he really was trying not to laugh from the way the pygmy who was probably the leader had spoken. But he was the king, he had an image to maintain. He spoke, and this time to Kitagawa and hundreds of his King's Guard well-hidden and surrounding this area.

"Take them!" and just as suddenly as it started, the fight was over, Rezar never fought fair before. he wasn't going to start now.

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