Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 217: Reports

Chapter 217: Reports

Rezar was back in his small office looking through a few documents and reforms that the Kingdom would be undergoing within the next few months to three years. Honestly speaking, he would be taken a back seat from all of this responsibilities for an undetermined amount of time, so as to have enough time to train himself and learn all he has to. According to the Dragon, she had taught him all that was required for him and his kingdom to have a proper foundation of strength, it was now up to him to train and master and innovate with the tools that he has been given, and that was wholly what Rezar planned to do.

Lenore, Gynaika and Alistair would be in charge of running the kingdom, with Lenore focusing on military matters, Gynaika on politics and establishing communication with other territories, and Alistair focusing his time solely on developments for Morte Bianca. On the other hand he would be traveling with Roran, Screet, And least on the surface. He knew over 300 of his King's guard would not be too far away from him, traveling and learning and training with him. He was heading out for a training journey, but the main aim would be to find and locate the old Priest, his disappearance for over a month now had raised an alarm not just in Rezar, but the people who were a part of his congregation, so a definite move like this was required on Rezar's part.

"Your Majesty I have the weekly reports with me, is this a good time?" Alistair's effeminate voice asked as he knocked on the door to the study.

"Come in Alistair, I have things I need to talk to you about too." The door opened soon after, and the Muriel Elf walked in dressed in an elaborate silver and white suit. His horns were adorned with bone jewelry that were coated with silver and ornate designs hanging from them. Rezar gave him a nod and Alistair as Rezar have noticed over the time they had spent together, happily started talking.

"The BOA aliens have been placed in indentured servitude just as you asked your Majesty, they would serve in the development of Morte Bianca for the next three years before being free and accepted as full citizens or allowed to travel the world to discover themselves.

As it's an amicable policy and doesn't encroach to close to the slave territory, especially since they'll be paid minimum wage and fed for the duration of their servitude. So basically it's free shelter, protection and feeding and they're still getting paid. It's a lot more than we ever got when we were taken as slaves." Rezar raised his eyebrows and said.

"You were just a slave for about a day Alistair, so I don't think that comment was in the proper context."


"I mean you get the general idea your Majesty. Nevertheless many of the able bodied males have been put to work on the roads and the mines, I'm working on understanding and incorporating their technology, and I might have a portable prototype of their animation chamber ready in a week or two. I was able to study the method and with the help of Gynaika came up with an alternative way. It can help you raise the dead out in the field once again, but not instantly like before, and without preparing a proper and we'll engineered body like the BOA method.

But that aside, I'm not really that conversant with skills and abilities, I just make the tech. None the less, most of the blueprints we have and couldn't really make anything off, are now extremely useful. The ship, and teleportation gate might be completed in an estimated 16 months time. The jet is not a problem, I'll be done with the first prototype in 3 months if not less. The satellite blueprints might be a bit harder, but establishing a stable source of communication would give us an edge others don't have, telecommunications is also a massive business opportunity, and for a planet that's been forced into an advanced age and quite rapidly too, those with the initiative will get a slice of the biggest pie.

Which is why I wanted asking for permission to funnel all available hands not working on any current projects to focus on the satellite. We have a lot more professionals now, and a lot more people and quite frankly traveling in order to deliver messages don't sit too well with me. We can have something concrete in six months."

"Don't bite off more than you can chew Alistair, but I do agree we need stable communications, especially now that I'll be traveling to train and develop the [Dragon Breath Pulse] technique along with the 13. We need that to strengthen our military, I won't be going to get for the next 6 months but moving within the bounds of Morte Bianca, familiarizing myself with the lay of the land. Split your focus in two, let half go wild with your gadgets, and the other half focus on the infrastructure of the Kingdom.

After six months get me a replacement minister of infrastructure and Kingdom Management, and a new assistant. And then you can just assume position as the new year of Research and development. There's too much on your neck, and I need you doing what you do best.

Also our soldiers need armors and they need weapons. Implement firearms into standard weapons for the samurais, especially the sniper rifle and begin training with it. Open a school, though you'll handle that with Gynaika and Lenore's help. If there's anything else you can get a message to the Daughters Of The Eclipse, they'll be able to locate me wherever I am within Morte Bianca. Now anything else?"

"Yes your Majesty, if I might make a bold suggestion, why don't you head south into the forest. I believe there a resource points that should be located, just they're hot spots for really angry monsters."

"So you need me to wipe them out?" Rezar asked as he got up to his feet.

"If you don't mind, then yes please!"

"Very well then, guess I'm going hunting!"

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