Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 216: Priest

Chapter 216: Priest


Priest woke up with a start, he was naked and his body quivered as a chill unlike anything he has ever experienced landed through his body. His surroundings were dark, and they were wet, and frankly speaking he knew exactly where he was right now...he just didn't expect that he would be back here at this point in time. He slowly raised himself up to his feet, his knees quivering as the weakness he felt. But then again he understood why he was this week, a recall teleportation across what was literally light years to a pressurize giant asteroid the size of a moon with it's own ecosystem, and hidden at the edge of a black hole did not feel nice. But he served a master that was as fickle as it was unfeeling, she didn't give a shit what he wanted, just what she needed.

He was in a massive chamber, pillars tall as skyscrapers made from the bleached white bones of infants from numerous races, wallpaper made from the carved skins of millions across the universe. And a the thousands of souls floating and walking about the hall in lost focus and memories. He turned to the left where a woman laid on a sofa, relaxed and unbothered as the couch floated on a pool of blood that had pure white lilies of brightest bloom, giving off a significant degree of life and light that was a sharp contrast to this hall of doom and gloom.

But then again that's what time place is; a flock of brightly colored cosmic birds flew above his head where the ceiling showed a beautiful night sky, with the brightest and calmest of moons. Beauty in all it's entirety, as this place showed in more ways than one how much of a conundrum it was. It was contradictory in it's existence and down right impossible, but this was power of the highest order, codes and magic and the ability to shape the very fabric of this universe's reality, this was the home of a god!

"Lady Darkness, it is an honor to be in your presence once again, it has been a few long centuries." Priest said as he bowed to the woman who was for all intents and purposes the mother of Rezar... in a manner of speaking that is.

"Ahhh! Lumel! It is a pleasure to see you again, I thank you for your service to my son, but you will do well to keep your bloody schemes against him under control. His traits before the Rejuvenation were not there for show, he really is the (Son of Death.) Now run along young one, it was your master that summoned you here not me, I swear that thing is getting more and more fickle, not to mention severely impatient. Don't know why that damn scrap heap is acting out in my own house, I should burn it, yes...the nether flames would do quite nicely."

Priest moved away from her confused and thoroughly shocked! He felt like there was something wrong with his memories, but he wasn't sure if Rezar ever mentioned anything about Death being his mother. But the idea was that Rezar really was the son of death and the Trait wasn't just cosmetic. This changed everything for him, and in doing so condemned him to a life of even more suffering, but maybe there was still a chance. He didn't want to kiss off the Goddess of Life and Death, but the things he needs would probably see him crossing her path on account of her son, but he didn't really have a choice.

He moved forwards and then on to the next shocking discovery.....she had a personality! The reason why his master could stay here for as long as it had without feeling troubled was because Darkness was logical. There was no emotions, no personality, just an incredibly self aware and powerful AI goddess that knew the true state of the world and not just some script given. But now she sounds like some teenager or sassy middle aged woman with absolutely no hope of getting married...things were just too weird and it was all the fault of this damn rejuvenation.

He moved forwards until he came to the north end of the chamber, his feet were submerged in a pool of blood that was somehow not mixing with the pool of water that filled most of the chamber. Like the pool Darkness was one, the blood had gathered in one corner like it was oil. Priest looked up and was face to face with a book that had energy floating around it's body like a nucleus. It pulsed once and Priest was forced to his knees and soon his head was submerged into the pool of blood.

He was held there by and unknown power for a few seconds before he was drafted out, hacking and coughing and trying to catch his breath. His quivering got worse, and it became obvious he was terribly afraid. But there was no where to run, it brought him here, and only it can send him back.

"I'm sorry master but I've been looking for the perfect candidate. I now serve someone who can help me find to right one that you can pledge yourself to." The book pulsed again, and Priest had his entire body frozen as blood leaked out of his ears, the freeze disappeared soon after and Priest was left coughing with a shocked look on his face.

"But master! He's the son of you know who, we touch him and she'll vaporize us for good, besides we're in her house, do you think it's wise talking like this." The only reply Priest received was the book pulsing again, but this time much to his luck there was no pain.

"You're not giving me much of a choice Master, but I will try my best to do as you've said. I'll return and get him ready for your descent...Rezar DeathWind would make a perfect host!"

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