Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 215: Snake vs Bone (VI): Scroll

Chapter 215: Snake vs Bone (VI): Scroll

There was action to be had, but not for him. All he had to do was watch as his people indiscriminately wiped out the monsters that had taken a brave today into his territory. Then soon after they surrounded the BOA aliens and forced their surrender. A surrender the was made even easier when it was discovered that their leader or rather future leader had been dead from the poison. Very few amongst them could speak the common tongue enough for anyone to understand them, but the way they mourned and cried and looked all too despondent showed that the loss of their prince hit them harder than the lives of families and friends they've lost so far. It was a civilization that probably treated their monarchs like gods themselves, such a group of people might be significantly hard to control.

"Master we've gathered all the boxes we of the monsters in one massive like you asked, what would you have us do now?" Screet asked as he came closer, his foot falls barely making any sort of sound.

"If that's the case what do you think a pile is for? Burn them all to ashes. They're pretty much useless to us with Roran's poison dancing through their veins. And then have Lenore prepare everyone to move out, we're going home." Rezar said as he scaled his way on top of Tony's back, a contemplative look on his face, along with a scroll in his hand.

Screet turned to go carry out the orders that he had been given, on the other hand Rezar opened up the scroll. The scroll itself was made from skin that was literally peeled from the back of one of the Aliens. Rezar didn't know who, but it seems to be from the prince that died, I was a blueprint on how to make the Medusas. The three that had been following the aliens had also fallen to the poison, proving much of Rezar's theory that though they had metallic bodies, they were biological with their metal skin and bodies being rare biological agents itself.

Normally making living robots seems like the kind of thing Alistair would really like, but the process in which the Medusas were made has turned out pretty interesting. The BOAs have a biotech farm that's completely mobile. As long as there was enough power and enough biological agents, the farm would be able to produce eggs with engineered DNA encoded into it. It was too much science stuff, and how he understood it, most especially when it was written in a language that looked more like squiggles any written language Rezar had ever come in contact with, so he was just as baffled by it.

However engineering DNA with the farm isn't really a problem, and the power required by the farm was something Necron could provide. The curve ball here was the way the Medusas were activated or in this case animated. The BOA Aliens were part necromancers! They might not have the whole thing down, but one important aspect of the school of magic was something they've mastered; at least in a manner of speaking. Summoning! And they weren't summoning Skeletons! They were summoning souls.

It was a complicated process and it was carried out more with technology than magic, but a specialized chamber can be built and the egg would be placed in it's center. The summoner would actually have to call a specific soul, and the BOA keep strict records of all their population. They know exactly who to summon, and what role that person can fulfill based on how they were when they were alive. Rezar didn't know too many people that had died, if he had the Necron, that wouldn't be too hard as it was knows as the book of death, and as he had found out recently, Life and death were two sides of the same coin, so as long as there's a tool that has power over one side, it will have power on the other.

But he didn't need the Necron, he had no idea where that thing was, he was actually only interested in one name and one name alone... .Neema! If it was possible that the summoning can be targeted and her soul can be received and put into another body, and a body that was even more alive than what she previously would take a weight of his chest and give him his demon mole queen back. But above all this has given a new avenue to necromancy, he could no longer use the [Raise Undead] which was quite useful in battle to overwhelm his enemies. Apparently for this new world one method of making undead were enough with his ability to make Vampires considered a priority skill to keep, since it was basically a racial ability.

This was good news, but there was no hurry, all he has to do now is get back and have Alistair take care of this. The arrival of these BOA aliens had seemed problematic at first, but this was probably the easiest conflict he has ever been in. Roran had proved himself indispensable, and that was good. Right now all he wanted to do was consolidate his power and work on his kingdom to make it strong, having what was practically a bio-weapon capable of wiping out and entire city with the right conditions and planning on his side, was a deal breaker. Now he just had to find a way to make the Venoik less afraid of him.

Nevertheless right now, All Rezar could think of was training to get stronger, he has dealt with the first conflict of this new world, and he wouldn't be so nave as to think there aren't more hanging around the horizon. As his life has so proved, there's more than enough chaos waiting for him, it was just a matter of time. But until then, he'd rather go and get stronger.....Malik was still out there.

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