Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 212: Snake vs Bone (III): Precursor to Chaos

Chapter 212: Snake vs Bone (III): Precursor to Chaos

Roran was no longer a slave, Rezar and the dawn of this new world made sure of that, but in all honesty he still felt like he was being used. The king of Morte Bianca was an enigma and not one that most people would be able to understand, it would be beyond stupid to say you were able to grasp the way he thought, because you wouldn't know the second he sinks his fangs into your neck. But regardless, Roran didn't mind his current position, though he wasn't so sure about being used as a poison against their enemies. His natural abilities were stronger now, and with an Alchemist skill tree, helping him narrow and refine his abilities, he was now able to make toxins and potions of different grades. depending on the kind of material his body has access to.

He had what most would call an iron stomach, practically capable of digesting and assimilating anything he could get his hands on. From as simple as normal food, to things as crazy as metal or minerals and compounds of different composition. The very oxygen in the air could be made into a deadly poison in his body, and being fed the cadaver of zombies could really cook up some weird shit within a person's stomach, which was why he knew that at this moment he was a ticking time bomb. But be that as it may, he could not deny that he found his current traveling companion extremely pleasing to the eye.

He sat behind her as the wraith wolf she had now chosen for a mount, ran across the low hills and open plains, moving so fast and so silently that all he could hear was the sound of the wind going past his ears and brushing past his horns, and the feel of warmth that came off her body. She was beautiful and extremely so; there were rumors going about that she was actually warming the bed of the young king, along with the Oracle as many have taken to calling the Gynaika. Two of the most beautiful women in all of Morte Bianca all serving a kid barely out of his breeches...this life really wasn't balanced.

The wraith wolf came to a sudden stop and Roran who wasn't paying attention to his surroundings was jostled forwards, in the bid to right himself his wrapped his hands around the only support he could get in a bid to keep himself stable. Safe to say the burns on his hands were well deserved when he grabbed a fistful of Lenore's breasts. Roran cried out in pain as he quickly got off the wraith wolf with tears in his eyes, he could heal himself without any hassle, but that didn't mean he wasn't still in quite a lot of pain after his hands had just been burnt.

"You should work on your balance...and above all watch where your hands fly to. I'm not exactly what you would call a physical contact kind of person, you just might get burnt, or worse." Right after she said worse a spark of purple and yellow lightning arced off her body, he wasn't sure how that could be worse than getting burnt, but he took her word for it. Everyone around that bloody king was nuts and insane, and completely abnormal. Even for a slave he grew serving orcs and being used a variety of experiments, this was way beyond what could be considered normal for a king. But then against he's not met many kings, so using Rezar and his people for a standard might not be really fair.

"the wind is picking up, and we're in luck because it seems to blowing north, the currents might change, but based on direction it would probably be eastwards from the sea. Even if it changes southwards, the canyons themselves no matter how far from us they are would serve as wind breakers.

You can use that hill over there, and please hurry up, I don't want to be caught by any one of their patrols or forward parties." Lenore said to Roran, who quickly got up to his feet and made sure to keep a respectable distance from her, in his mind the demoness was no different from a devil; if that wasn't what she was already.

Roran made his way to a low hill, which unfortunately overlook the approaching BOA army or civilization or whatever they wanted to be called. They were humanoids, though most of them were armored, and they had snake like heads, however the comparison wasn't that obvious as they looked more human with well recognized and different facial features. The patterns on their skin on the other hand was what made things different, some large groups had similar skin patterns, and even though Roran didn't know much about alchemy yet, he suspected those with similar patterns and colors belonged to the same family.

They weren't traveling on foot, they had vehicles, cars with massive tires and tanks and giant mechanical snake women that Roran was all too familiar with; The Medusas. There were three of them, which didn't do much for their chances, because he knew just how hard it was for them to take one down when they had first come in contact with the BOA, but at the time only the Medusa was at the base, which was a bit confusing, never the less, he wasn't sure just how much damage his toxin could cause to those things, but whatever the case may be, he had to play his part, Rezar was the miracle king after all, he would also play his part.

Lenore watched as a haze covered Roran's body, it couldn't be seen and it was quite similar to watching fire from a distance or looking at a distance in a desert with the sun burning you. He seemed almost illusory for a second, and just as Rezar had planned, the wind blew the haze outwards, unseen it carried death into the midst of the aliens, bathing and saturating them in the poisons, and moving forwards to the monsters a little distance away. She didn't know how long it would take for the toxin to take effect, but one was for sure. come morning Mother Death will be having a feast.

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