Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 211: Snake vs Bone (II): Report

Chapter 211: Snake vs Bone (II): Report

The march towards the border wasn't going to be a short one, and considering the fact that they had been at this for the past three days, it was safe to say that Rezar and his army were beginning to lose their morale from lack of seeing any action. Elysium had grown bigger than before, or maybe something like that cause Necron was 5 times its previous size, resembling the size of an actual kingdom, and not one that was small by any means. None he less there were no towns or villages to the north due to its close proximity with the canyons of Toromont.

Before the Rejuvenation, it was quite possible to see the canyons in the distance, but right now, all anyone knew about them was the general direction in which it lay. Luckily Gynaika was served just as well by the Rejuvenation than most people, now there was no cool down to her ability, she could see or as Alistair the former goblin king liked to say about his new mistress behind her back, stream the events of present, re-watch the old events of the past, and get a sneak peek preview of the future.

The premise was having enough energy and magic, and in her own case these were two separate things. Never the less it was her prediction that everyone was pretty much relying on, that and the fact that Lenore had went ahead to Scout, Rezar just received news that she was a few minutes out, so without a doubt she would be bringing some answers and detail about the enemies they had to face. After their ordeal with the dragon, Rezar had a lot of faith for his first general, sure she was once a bitch to him, but the woman has proven herself to him more times than he could care to admit, so it was with a small smile he received her on her Necrotic wolf.

"Your Majesty! The BOA aliens are half a day from here, they've breached the border and the small outpost there has been torn down and the soldiers...the soldiers are dead sire. It's almost sundown so I expect them to make camp in 3 hours or less, and then I believe we have the most optimal time to attack." Lenore said as she looked at him fiercely, tears welling up in her eyes.

"this is no time for emotions Lenore, we will move to an acceptable distance, and then well attack in the morning. Now is there anything else you can tell me? Their numbers. Weapons, tactical advantage etc.?" Rezar asked with a straight voice as he kept his focus on her eyes and not on the bouncing joys of goodness on her chest that heaved erratically with her disturbed state.

"They number no more than 2000, though from what I can see, at least a half of them are civilians. Their numbers should have been a lot more, but landing within the Black dragon's territory seemed to have taken care of that. I was able to notice a few black wyrms, draigs and nagas chasing after them. it doesn't make much sense to me as being reptiles much less serpents should have bonded them well, instead the BOA empire are being picked off one after the other. They're keeping a fierce front, but it's bad, at least for them anyway.

If we left them alone, they would be at our walls within a week and maybe with a half of their numbers. We can take care of that, but the monsters they're dragging behind them would end us all. We need to put up a stance here and wipe out both incursions, it would be a fight on our own terms. But forgive me Your Majesty why shouldn't we attack them as soon they're within our sights!" Lenore explained and then finally asked with great grievance.

"For one our soldiers would have just stopped marching, General they would be tired and weak and not at all ready for a battle against a technological advance race, it would be nothing more than suicide. And not just that, they're freaking reptiles, a species of creatures that are quite well-known for the night hunting. They can see at night and we can't. Yes, we have orcs and the kitsunes can actually see at night, but it would be an advantage they have over a part of our army. We already have losses; I would prefer it if we don't incur any more of those."

"Then please tell me your majesty, what do we do? Attacking immediately means we have an element of surprise, and they are even more tired than we are. Giving them to recuperate would be quite dangerous for us tomorrow and then we would definitely be incurring losses!" Rezar narrowed his eyes, the look in them was so cold that Lenore had to pause with her rant as she shivered a bit. In this new world where everyone was given equal starting positions, there was just some things that couldn't change.

And one of those things was a person's presence, his essence, their vibes or you could say the aura. Vampires are dangerous and downright ethereal in the way that they appear. And when they're was like being stared at by a lion... being stared at by death itself. And Rezar had that gaze, it was hard to tell what it meant, but there was just so much power behind it, fear was the only thing left to feel.

"Lenore I would like you to meet Roran! He's a venoik and my head of the Alchemy ministry... well future Ministry of Alchemy now that sounds better. Now I would like you to escort him towards the army, there's quite a nice cool breeze blowing from the west, so make sure he's facing the east of the BOA aliens. And when you're done putting him in position, preferably on a hill where a good draft could let's say; carry an airborne toxin that's quite contagious and spread it across an entire army of invaders.

Many of them would survive, but whether they would be able to fight tomorrow morning, well that remains to be seen. I'll leave you guys to get acquainted with each other." Rezar walked away whistling a jaunty tune, leaving Lenore unsure whether to curse at him in frustration or clap her hands for him in admiration. Never the less she would be doing he said, getting herself acquainted with the man of poisons!

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