Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 213: Snake vs Bone (IV): Prophecy

Chapter 213: Snake vs Bone (IV): Prophecy

Death was fickle, by this point in time it was something that everyone knew, sure man has struggled to conquer it for thousands, but as it seems there's just so much for them to still learn. The BOA aliens didn't expect it, The first to go with the young ; at first it started with a little coughing then slowly came due weakness, and then eyes grew weak as their breath grew heavier, it was at this point that the older ones the elderlies, of the BOA aliens began to succumb to the poison. To say that panic and fear began to spread through the their camp would be understatement.

This was not something they were equipped to dealing with, because with all their technology and all their advancements, this was the first time in all of their history that poison became the reason of their downfall. And at first it was hard to recognize that this was poison, after all who in their right mind would have thought it smart to use poison against a race of serpentine reptiles. And one that had mastered the art not poisons ages ago, poisons that they could actually make from their very own body.

It was chaos and with the monsters of the canyons close on their heels, their situation seemed even more dire.. at least until their pursuers also began to call. Death didn't come immediately, and it didn't come for all as it seemed the poisons went after some more than others. The young ones and the elderlies suffered, but so too did a few warriors in their prime. The monsters weren't discriminated against, anyone of them unlucky to catch a whiff of this virus fell within the hour to an eternal sleep that they would never said up from. The intentions of fleeing or pursuing was completely forgotten as all they became concerned about was surviving.

And so the night dragged on, neither monsters nor aliens understanding why such misfortune had befell them, it was a moonless night where wails of death and loss rent the night sky, creating a symphony of terror and anguish that very few would forget for ages to come. It would be a story told in the most legendary of way as future generations will honor the ingenuity of the King of Morte Bianca, just as much as they would be horrified of his methods of dealing with his enemies...because legendary figure or not... Rezar DeathWind was more of a monster than the beasts that roamed all of Elysium.

The morning met Rezar well, frankly speaking he had a good night's sleep, and he hoped his soldiers did too. Of course the sounds of crying and wailing through out the night would have kept many of them awake, but Rezar knew the orcs would sleep even more soundly than him. Underhanded tactics wasn't their way of doing things as they would prefer to just go up and smash their enemies. But regardless of the method, what they liked the most was victory and Rezar was ready to give it to them. He left the tent that had been raised for him and was immediately startled when he saw Gynaika right outside, keeping a sort of vigil with her red cloak over her head, protecting her from the sun slowly rising from the east.

"Have you been here all night?" Rezar asked as he circled around her and walked towards Tony who looked even more impressive after the Rejuvenation, being at least 1.8 meters tall, and growing literal metal armor over his body frame. And he was still pretty much and undead creature.

"Yes I have spent the night outside your tent in silent vigil, there's much I need to tell you about... I've had a vision, a prophecy, one that I feel you should listen to." Rezar raised an eyebrow at that, he couldn't deny that he was severely interested in this. Of all the time they've known each other, this would be the first time Gynaika had to offer anything about the future, but then again this was only a possibility of a future, but knowing even a little about it would go a little my way in avoiding a shit ton of trouble.

"A prophecy you say? Well then, let's hear it." Rezar said to her as he washed his face from a basin that was placed in front of his tent.

"When the King of white descends onto the field of poison, the eyes of night shall strike the voice of darkness, and the war of souls shall begin. The King of white will fall to the fangs of the Cobra's son, stain not the field with Red, or poison of demon's hand shall course death's veins."

If that wasn't spooky as hell then Rezar didn't know what was, this was a freaking prophecy, a vision and it was so unlike the previous times Gynaika had signed before a battle. These were riddles, yet Rezar didn't feel like it was something he could ignore, there was ominous feeling that seemed to creep up the base of his spine after the prophecy was given. He looked up at her with narrowed eyes, he couldn't make head or tails of the prophecy, but he could at least understand that is he should carry out a massacre now, just as he previously intended, then he's probably going to cook himself.

"I suggest we just found up those of the BOA alone who survived Roran's poison attack last night, we can circle around them and eliminate the monsters, there's still quite a few of them around. And they're even more persistent than you, eliminating them would be the wise choice."

Rezar was confused, he just wasn't what kind of stock or value he should put to Gynaika's prophecies. But in the end his guy told him that ignoring her would be a big mistake, and one that he might not live to regret. But still there was much that still needed to be addressed.

"And what of this 'The Cobra's Son'. " Rezar asked as he shifted his gaze to the camp of the BOA aliens, and all Gynaika could say was.

"You have me, and you have Lenore...whoever or whatever he is, he would be read by noon!"

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