Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 129 129

Chapter 129 Chapter 129

"Ammm... Senior Twilight Moon. Why are you looking at me like that?" Clark stood up from his golden throne and immediately recalled the nice ride unto his inventory.

He spent 100 shop points for that and he was not of course willing to take the chance for it to be one of the collateral damage in the upcoming misunderstanding that he may have against these lofty True Immortals.

Our bored gamer kinda liked his sweet ride already even after only using it for merely two consecutive times today.

"Whatever that old ugly man has let you seen in that jade slip, I guarantee that it's not true at all. I am an innocent Young Master who knows nothing about the w..."

Clark started but alas, he was not given the opportunity at all to finish what he had to say for himself.

"BANG!" Our protagonist saw nothing but rubble as he felt himself be buried alive into the crust of this xianxia world.

He could not breath at all and the heat of the earth was suffocating enough.

Luckily, just as cultivators needed not eat or drink after they reached the Mortal Shedding Realm, breathing air could also be foregone because this was one of the bountiful perks afforded unto the talented men and women who trained for years to go against the will of Heaven.

When the tumbling body of our careless protagonist stopped like an immovable rock in the abyssal earths, he heard the familiar report of the system on his ears.

"Host has received a critical hit!"

* * *

- 0 HP!

* * *

Nancy reported the situation and it has not all surprised Clark to find that he was unharmed in the aftermath of the attack.

Instead, he looked at the cave like structure that encased his form in the embrace of only solid rock and nothing more.

His eyes were bleeding a golden brilliance from within them and if anyone could see him now, happy was definitely a far fetched adjective to describe the face of our avid gamer.

"I spend my life living with only peace and harmony in my heart and yet this is how people repay me for my kindness. Tsk. Tsk.

Being a good sheep certainly has its downsides no matter what world i'm living in." Clark muttered and there was clear anger in his voice.

He would have wanted nothing else but go on a rampage mode and slaughter everyone above ground but a nagging curiosity has halted him into inaction.

"I was wondering, Nancy." Clark called for his system.

"What is it, host?" Nancy obliged in her usual sweet voice.

"Why does my HP stat still remain at 1,950? Isn't that too little for someone like me who has already ascended the realm of True Immortals?"

"Negative, host. That health points stat is most appropriate for your level because as the system has already told you before, you will forever be bound by the system and its limitations.

Should you and the system separate in the future, then that will be the moment when you will return to the shackles of your mortality also.

You could cultivate by then like any other mortal of your kind and will lose the aid of the greatest system ever created in all of Creation."

Nancy replied and there was a distinct note of pride in her voice.

"But you won't ever leave me right, Nancy?" Clark panicked when he heard of this information from his system and wished to hear the good news from his very own Nancy.

"The system can't separate from you, host. But if my real master, The Elder God, would decide to command it otherwise then the system would have no other choice but to obey."

Nancy answered in a sad voice.

'FUCK ME! Why can't you at least lie for my peace of mind, Nancy? I would gladly be satisfied in my ignorance in that case!' Clark moaned inside but left his complaints unspoken.

In the end, he decided to think of happy and positive thoughts in order to regain at least a meager sense of sanity for the moment.

'That Elder God won't take my system cheat away from me. I believe that after I successfully did my part and entertain him well enough that he would only be too willing to leave this system gift to me forever!'

With that thought in mind, Clark finally had the renewed motivation to face every single day with hope and promise.

"I think i've rested here long enough. I should not let my guests wait outside." Our bored gamer muttered and a moment later, his body vanished into the void.

"Nice! This shit is so cool!" Clark exclaimed as he could see the illusory places of not only every nook and cranny of this xianxia world but also of several other countless stars in the cosmos.

With a thought, he could visit every wonder in Creation and he only needed a moment in order to do so. It was that easy!

"Void Travel is really op!" Clark was excited because this was his first try in void travel which was quite different from when he used his Blood Twin from before.

That experience was akin to instant teleportation while this one provided a pretty different approach. He refocused once more and returned to gaze at a familiar scene.

It was the same hot desert sands with four True Immortals blessing these barren earths with his presence. He poked a finger into the blurry and almost insubstantial image before him.

"CRACK!" A forefinger broke into reality and a breath later, a handsome boy in pink cultivator's robes stood in front of this party of Immortals.

"Why use violence when we could talk just like civilized people?" Clark asked particularly at the one who sucker punched him into oblivion. A little girl in the chaotic kiss of lavender aura.

She seemed unusually uptight than her usual confident attitude from before and it was not that hard to determine why she acted this way in the present.

Twilight Moon could see that the boy was not harmed at all from her earlier attack. Not even one tiny bit and this realization boded an unwell scenario for her immediate future.

Nonetheless, she stood her ground and asked in a voice filled with courage.

"What do you want from this world, Outsider? We do not welcome your kind here." Daoist Twilight Moon's childish voice echoed loudly in the hot desert sands.

One should know that Outsiders was a term coined for dwellers that originated from other realms beside the current one where this xianxia world belonged to.

True Immortals or an equivalent cultivation realm from these domains usually conquered and enslaved worlds for resources but not without the combined resistance of all others.

"Outsider? What is that? I am no outsider." Clark shook his head and was too tired to give anymore of his precious time to this group of fools.

He could of course kill them all but after seeing the big green tags of the heads of the three True Immortals, our good gamer could not help but hesitate to murder saintly souls like the ones before him.

In the end, he could only look at the fourth and wished for this evil one to attack him instead and not that little loli.

"Do you also want to fight me, Daoist Black Flame?" Clark asked with a smile.

He felt that countless divine senses were flying at every inch of his body right now and he was thinking that perhaps he could deter everybody else by simply killing this evil man as an example.

Alas, bad grasses are hard to uproot and they were certainly not dumb fucks who would stupidly charge at battle that they have no absolute assurance of winning against.

And this was exactly how Daoist Black Flame responded wisely after our protagonist's open invitation to a life and death struggle.

"Daoist Twilight Moon's prejudices against your kind are hers and hers alone. While I on the other hand has a totally different opinion. But today... I am just a passerby, Young Master Clark.

And I choose to remain neutral. Please continue."

Black Flame retorted with a smile of his own and carefully took three steps to the side which denoted aptly how he stood on the matter at hand.

'FUCK ME! Smart bad guys like this one should not appear in this game world. The script must have been dealt with some error or something.

This evil bad NPC should be the one charging at me like a bull and not goody goody little miss loli right here together with her angelic woman and hairy monkey sidekicks!'

Clark wanted to cry in annoyance but no matter how hard he denied the reality of the situation, he still faced an almost impossible choice right now.

"Return to whence you came or you will die by this Handsome Daoist's hands, Outsider!"

Twilight Moon said her ultimatum and even without a single word of persuasion uttered from her lips, two blinding spiritual explosions joined her war party with tyrannical conviction.

"I guess it can't be helped then." Our bored gamer sighed in response.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them again after a single beat, Twilight Moon, Crazy Monkey and Snow Frost shivered in response.

In those deep dark eyes, they could see an obvious premonition of their deaths. A short pause later and then...

"BANG!" A new war started with an ear shattering eruption.

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