Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 128 128

Chapter 128 Chapter 128

"Domain Shift!" Drunken Monarch whispered and his body passed through more than a million moon attacks with ease.

With that single secret technique alone, he found himself staring at the face of his eternal enemy who stood there at only 10 feet before him.

"So you have appeared before me at last. Why stop now? Are you not so confident in your mastery in the Dao of Space?"

Twilight Moon smiled and her childish voice brought unwanted memories towards the old man.

The moons vanished and the world returned to its usual guise but not without the damage on its many surfaces from the battle that had only elapsed for a few breaths.

"You still remain arrogant as ever, Twilight Moon. You should know by now that i wi..."

Daoist Drunken Monarch exchanged trivial talk with the little girl before exploding into action once more.

"BANG!" The heavens shook as one dirty old man released a trillion palm strikes in one motion.

Alas, this number alone was not enough to land even one single hit unto the small body of the little girl.

It seemed like she had a trillion eyes to match because she could smoothly evade each attack by just a hair's breadth.

"BOOM!" Twilight Moon threw a counter attack with those cute fists of hers and she also got a taste of her medicine in the hands of the old man.

Daoist Drunken Monarch would swing his body into curious impossible stances and along his masterful gambit, the fabric of space appeared to twist and bend but never truly break.

He would only influence them with just the exact amount to dodge the booming fists of Twilight Moon. Alas, the same could not be said to the shockwaves of her attacks.

Mountains that were located from millions of miles away were toppled down to ruins and even the seas were divided to create a whole nother continent on the spot.

Chaos reigned and it would be a great understatement to say that billions of people have paid the price of this conflict alone. Alas, our bored gamer has another question altogether.

"Why hasn't this xianxia world turned into dust yet?" Clark could not help but moan in wonder.

He would have fully expected that with 2 True Immortals fighting within the planet, that it would be more than enough to disintegrate this floating blue rock in the cosmos to non-existence.

But he was proven wrong yet again from his hasty assumptions.

'And I even let my Blood Twin safeguard my people in the Demonic Sword Sect should anything unexpected happen at this moment. Tsk. Tsk.

I guess that I've wasted one of my strongest soldiers from gaining exp for me.' Our bored gamer chastised himself for this negligence.

"This is only natural, child. Even though a True Immortal is strong and could do wondrous miracles through his sheer power alone but to destroy a single world in this universe would still be a faraway dream for us.

The Ancient Laws remains firm because the gods above don't want to lose a haven for mortals to continue to breed and multiply after all." Daoist Crazy Monkey answered behind.

Although he has many more ideas and dissatisfaction from how the world works but deemed it unnecessary to share his thoughts to a mere Aspirant Realm Junior.

'I see. So that's the reason why I keep feeling an immense pressure from the heavens since this fight has started.' Clark mused and gazed at the silent face of the sky.

He quietly cursed himself also for thinking that he could simply demolish the world with one punch only should he desire to do so someday.

He knew better now that this world or any world in this universe for that matter was sturdier than it appeared.


'I'm really a fool sometimes. To get so full of myself with just a little bit of power up in my hands.' Clark shook his head and looked on the other side of the battlefield.

Daoist Black Flame and Snow Frost were standing face to face and had not moved an inch since the war between Peak True Immortals had started.

It appeared like they were Eternal Adversaries that were guarding one another's action into a stalemate.

But since this did not concern Clark at all, he also paid no mind unto the two immovable True Immortals.

The fight continued for more than ten minutes and at this time, our bored gamer was already sitting in that golden throne of his.

At his side, Daoist Crazy Monkey could only shake his head time and time again at how careless this promising child has been with his safety. Nevertheless, this did not stop Crazy Monkey from reminding Young Master Clark for the umpteenth time already.

"We should already escape, child. This war will not see an ending anytime soon."

Daoist Crazy Monkey tried once more. He knew that with the Dao of Fate against that of the Dao of Space, there would be no real winners to be had just yet since each mastery negated one another perfectly.

If truth be told, Crazy Monkey has not at all expected for Daoist Drunken Monarch to become this strong already.

'Since he could already match Twilight Moon in a deadlock, this would not bring any respite to any righteous sect in this world. Instead, they would be all the more subdued by the other side.

Hmmm...' Daoist Crazy Monkey concluded and he thought of ways on how he could capitalize on this recent change.

"Just relax, Senior Crazy Monkey. Here, do you want some of these cold soft drinks? This is so popular in my native sect. Try it."

Clark offered some special products from Earth which he bought from the system with only 100 shop points.

He had learned that there were myriad goodies in the miscellaneous section of the system shop. In the end, Crazy Monkey could only accept the kindness and take one pull at the drink.

"Tastes good, yes?" Clark asked happily.

"Indeed. Do you have some more with you, Young Master Clark?" Crazy Monkey visibly changed after he tasted the cold beverage.

Clark smiled and threw another bottle towards the Daoist and they sat in satisfied repose amidst the heroic war between True Immortals.

30 minutes elapsed and there was finally a halt in the deafening bombings of the world.

One little girl remained untouched and pristine while another was already bloodied and has lost one important limb in the recent engagement.

"I'm still no match for you, Daoist Twilight Moon. I expected this much." Drunken Monarch smiled as he cradled a right arm that was no longer attached to the rest of his body.

"You were a fool to come here, Fan Chen." Twilight Moon nodded.

"Indeed. As repayment, let me offer you this present."

Daoist Drunken Monarch threw a jade slip and looked below towards a great picture of someone who was freely enjoying his time in the world.

"Young Master Clark, was it? What if you could play with time as you wish? Would you take it or would you let it slip by your fingers?"

Drunken Monarch said and his words were pretty much heard by our good gamer.

A breath later, his figure vanished in the chaotic skies and he was absolutely assured that no one would bar his escape.

His quest was to snatch or kill the child who had the potential of becoming a True Immortal someday.

Drunken Monarch could have summoned his allies who were waiting for his signal to come forth and join him in battle.

Unfortunately, it appeared that even with those in the fray, they would still not be enough to take care of the boy on their own.

'Well, at least i left a memorable gift for them all.' Daoist Drunken Monarch chuckled into the void.

"A riddle? But i'm not too good at solving riddles!"

Clark exclaimed but in the next breath that followed, he realized that the little girl in the sky was already looking at him pretty differently from a moment prior.

'SHIT! That fucking old man!' Clark cursed inside.

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