Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 130 130

Chapter 130 Chapter 130

The heavens and earth were shrouded into chaos as four inhuman sources of bottomless energy duked it out in the open.

Our overpowered protagonist flew into the fray and was so fearless amidst the onslaught of three True Immortals against him today.

The aura he released took the color of darkness while Twilight Moon exuded a lavender light in her person. Snow Frost and Crazy Monkey had a white and brown shades respectively.

But even in their differences, there was one thing that made them all similar.

Every single one of their eyes were glowing the familiar radiant tinge of gold that separated them pretty much from their mortal lineages.

The four stood and fought like the very gods and goddesses that created them in the first place.

Although everyone of them were having an unmatched and domineering presence about their forms but the outcome of the battle could not have been more disappointing when the dust finally settled in the aftermath.

But before any ending was told, a beginning of sorts must happen. And so the four of them danced in the wind!

"BOOM!" Clark's figure blurred in line and there was only the telltale turbulent path that marked the passage of one very angry boy.

There was a 30 meter deep crater from where he stood before and from that point on, only a raging madman collapsed into the direction of Twilight Moon.

'So fast!' Twilight Moon determined from within.

Although the speed of this person she only knew as Young Master Clark may have shocked her at the moment but that has not at all caught her off guard so as to get completely careless against this adversary.

She had lived for far too long and has faced a trillion different life and death battles for such a surprise to freeze her into impotent inaction.

"Vermilion Meteora!" Twilight Moon whispered and an almost comparable technique that she used from before converged upon the rapidly approaching target before her.

A sea of moons were summoned forth into being and left their smoky trails unto near distance of the battlefield.

The minor differences alone were the colors of the moon turning from lavender into the bright hues of crimson and of course a new addition was held into form.

There was a gigantic moon about one thousand meters in size from the ground up and the huge heavenly body was eerily levitating behind the small figure of the little girl who called this variant moon into existence.

'Ohhh... A new secret technique created by Daoist Twilight Moon? Interesting.'

Black Flame who viewed the skirmish from the side could not help but comment on the scene that affronted his sight.

It was his first time seeing this kind of skill from the hands of the Twilight Moon and it was one where she has not even used it against her fight with Daoist Drunken Monarch.

It could be seen from this fact alone that she may have gauged something that he, as a mere spectator, could not fully determine at all.

In fact, Daoist Black Flame was not alone in this curious act by Twilight Moon as every other True Immortals in this universe was all watching closely into this rare scuffle between Peak Cultivating Monsters.

Many would have no doubt conjured some riveting theories left and right in just a fraction of a second but the same could not hold a candle to the disbelief that followed upon the next breath of conflict.

The first point of contact ended in an unbelievable fashion!

"BOOM!" Numerous red moons were squashed into pieces but the magnitude of the attack still could not hinder the explosive maniac that was out for blood and more.

"Checkmate!" Our bored gamer muttered and in the next moment, he found himself looking eye to eye at the dignified expression of one little loli.

He spared no thought and released a single punch directly into her budding chest.

"SQUISH!" The expected physical touch did not happen as Twilight Moon's body seemed to sway in agile fashion like she somehow predicted the path of our good gamer's punch.

With but a quick twirl, the evading motion turned into a direct counter attack with Twilight Moon preparing a cute fist into the mix.

She did not choose to punch but hammered Clark's head instead. Twilight Moon would have indeed been successful if not for our bored gamer to finally use his cheat.

"Stop." Clark murmured and time stopped flowing with him as the center of the cast.

He looked at his sides and saw that Crazy Monkey has now transformed into several hundred replicas of himself and it was pretty difficult indeed to know which monkey was the real one.

Most of them were frozen in time but there were some of Crazy Monkey's summons that were lucky enough to position themselves outside of the 70 meter radius from Clark which afforded them action and space to move unhindered by our bored gamer's Dao of Time Mastery.

Alas, the same could not be said to the Frosty Lady who was bringing forth the wrath of nature and cold at her fingertips.

Snow Frost's Technique consisted of donning a complete armor of snow and she even had a gorgeous chilly crown atop that pretty head of hers.

Still, since she acted to converge into a three pronged attack together with her True Immortal friends, that has not at all saved her from being caught up into Clark's immovable spell.

"FLASH!" Daoist Black Flame immediately vanished from his spot.

After seeing how absolutely monstrous and terrifying this Young Master Clark's strength was, it was utter lunacy to remain here!

"Now what shall i do with the three of you?" Clark asked into the silence that ensued. There were running monkeys on the ground but they could only look up in helpless pleas.

"Release Daoist Snow Frost and Twilight Moon, Young Master Clark!" One of Crazy Monkey's clones shouted but it was received by only deaf ears.

Instead, our bored gamer looked at the unmoving countenance of two girls and a bunch of monkeys in his midst.

"Let's start with you then." Clark decided after a pause.

He could still feel the immense anger building at his heart and he knew that he could not settle this fire in him if he could not exact vengeance from his earlier beating.

"I expected that you would not attack earlier but you did it all the same. What a cruel heavy hand you have, Daoist Twilight Moon."

Clark spoke his verdict and before anyone could blink, his palm was already at the face of the little girl.

This was his signature bitch slap and he had no remorse whatsoever in doing this as just repayment for such a violent little lady.

"PAK!" The slap landed true to its target but the resounding skin to skin collision did not happen.

"CRACK!" Instead a tearing sound echoed loudly in the midst.

"Ohhh... You really are a very clever girl, Daoist Twilight Moon." Clark praised his opponent when he realized what had taken place right before his very eyes.

The gargantuan moon that has the size of one thousand meters took the place of the lovely small girl.

The large heavy object splintered into a million pieces before they were caught in the firm embrace of the earths below as nothing more but dusts in the wind amidst the hot desert dunes.

"Who are you really, Young Master Clark? You can't simply be a mere Outsider!" Daoist Twilight Moon judged out loud.

She was high in the sky, in the peak of where his vast moon was located previously and was very much away from the influence of Clark's 70 meter radius of absolute control already.

If she wanted, she could have easily escaped into yonder lands but she chose not to.

Crazy Monkey and Snow Frost was still in here and the good miss could not dare leave without doing everything she could for the two righteous True Immortals.

"I have already said earlier that I am no Outsider. I don't even know what an Outsider means!" Clark retorted harshly but did no more than that. He moved not an inch at all.


'This little girl has hit me once and I tried slapping her to oblivion but missed. If I attack her again right now, that would seem so petty of me.

Tsk. Tsk. I could only give up taking my revenge in the end.' Clark mused inside as he shook his head in approval to his conviction.

He never really tried to kill Daoist Twilight Moon but had just wanted to let the little girl get a taste of her own medicine.

Alas, even this humble consolation was spared from the reach of our good gamer's hands.

'This should be good all the same. I can't have me appearing like a child molester in front of all the other True Immortals who are watching my performance today.'

Clark had a self deprecating smile on as he stood straighter to at least hold a pompous attitude before the prying eyes of everyone.

"Are you the son of a god, Young Master Clark?" Twilight Moon asked softly from out of the blue.

In reply, Clark's smile even grew wider but deep inside him, he could not help but express the words out over and over again...

'If only you knew, little girl. If only you knew...'

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