Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 6 (1)

Book 6: Chapter 6 (1)

Aufschnaiter Family

A new dawn has arrived. The dawning of my first day as a riajuu.

If I were still a hopeless virgin, Id be heading to the library to do research on the Juregui sedge. That was the former, girlfriend-less me. Now that I have a girlfriend, my purpose in life is to support my love in whatever way I can.

I dont need the hair on my head. Id happily rip them from the roots for her.

She told me shed love me even if I was bald.

After getting out of bed, I entered the bathroom and fixed my appearance in front of the mirror. I was paying greater attention than usual to how I looked. After I was happy, I walked out toward the living room and was met by Goggoru-chan and Edita Sensei in their usual places.

Edita Sensei on the sofa and Goggoru-chan on my bed facing the living room.

Good morning, Edia-san, Rocoroco-san.

It was a sunny morning, so I offered them a bright greeting to match it.

Absolute sense of accomplishment. Overwhelming contentment. Ultimate satisfaction.

I dont think Ive ever been happier than this. I can feel the joy radiating throughout my body. I glanced out of the window and looked out over the picturesque cityscape. The warm light filtering in was nothing compared to the warmth I already felt inside.

A soft chirping coming from a bird outside the window added to the peaceful morning atmosphere. I felt like I was in a daze. There was a strange feeling inside me that wanted this unusual sensation to last forever.

This is happiness. This is what true happiness feels like.

that refreshing aura youre putting off is making me sick.

Did you say something?

Edita Sensei mumbled something I couldnt quite catch.

Its possible that the busamen that she never expected to get a girlfriend now has one has reignited her desire to get married. Ever since the first day we met until today, Ive never seen her with a man. Im sure she has a crush on someone.

Youll be fine. Even if youve lived your life as a promiscuous woman, youll definitely find a man to be with.

Dont worry about it.

Really? Then I will.

Even when she pouts shes cute.

Id be happy if shed give a speech at my wedding.

No, maybe its too early to be thinking like that.

Still, this is a medieval world. It isnt uncommon for girls as young as the JC to get married. It might be early, but it is something I need to consider. Maybe I should start saving up for my wedding. A nice honeymoon abroad is a necessity.

Alright, I have a goal. Im going to work my hardest to reach it.

Has your smile always been that creepy?

Eh? What was that? Sorry, I was just lost in thought.

What a worthless man.

Did I do something to offend you?


Senseis in a bad mood today.

Ill try to keep my distance.

I just want to see the JCs face as soon as I can. I want to kiss her like I did yesterday. I want to feel her tongue again. The closest thing to heaven on earth is a french kiss with the JC.


Now that I think about it, I wonder where she lives.

Theres probably a dormitory similar to the one at the Royal Academy in Kalis.

That is strange. She knows where Im staying, but I know nothing about where she lives. What am I going to do? I want to see her so badly, but I dont know how to find her. The pain is almost unbearable. Ah, I want it so badly, but I cant have it.

My mind was filled with fluffy thoughts like a shoujo manga. Something that would otherwise be beautiful if it involved two young lovers somehow becomes creepy when a middle-aged man is involved. How could the cute JC ever fall in love with such a creepy old guy? Dont get me wrong, Im overjoyed, but I still feel sorry for her.

I was agonizing over this in my mind when someone knocked on my door.

It must be her.

Coming! Ill be right there!


My steps were light as my feet carried me to the door.

I opened the door, ready to invite my girlfriend into my room.

Shes here. My girlfriend is here.

I shouldve prepared some tea

I apologize for bothering you so early in the morning, Baron Tanaka.

What the heck is this? What is he doing here?

It was someone far removed from my girlfriend.

Eh? Ah, Professor Bus, what can I help you with?

It was Professor Bus. The moment I saw him, I was instantly reminded of the forbidden love scene I witnessed between him and Pi-chan in the library. I couldnt stop myself from reflexively taking a step back.

I wanted to speak with each ambassador about the meeting.

Of course.

I wrongly assumed that it would concern Pi-chans violent attack, but I guess I was wrong. Incidentally, I reported everything that happened with Pi-chan to Professor Bus but I made sure to omit anything involving the Demon King. It only happened yesterday, but I expect Pi-chan to be caught.

It doesnt give off the best image knowing that the vice-representatives secret boyfriend accidentally destroyed half of the city due to his inability to control an illegally created chimera. It could lead to the citizens doubting the citys leadership. The Professor even bowed to me and begged me not to tell anyone else.

Has a date been set for the meeting to resume?

Actually, its been postponed indefinitely. Im sorry that your time has been wasted.

Thats unfortunate.

Most of the ambassadors are returning to their respective countries. A new prophecy was revealed last night, as well, which has led to the Great Holy Kingdom falling into a panic. While those of us still here in Academy City are left with trying to repair the damage caused by the chimera.

Yes, I suppose now isnt the time to be holding the meeting.

Im sorry youve wasted your valuable time travelling here only to have the meeting postponed.

You dont need to apologize. Time may have been wasted, but Academy City is the biggest victim here.

Thank you for saying that.

Its not surprising that the other ambassadors have already left. They seemed like they were looking for any excuse to leave, and an attack on the town is a reasonable one to use. The new prophecy he mentioned is interesting, especially given the timing.

That being said, none of this matters now that I have a girlfriend.

Things like prophecies and demon kings concern the chosen Heroes. Let them deal with it.

Ill be returning to my country as well.

Ive heard rumours of sky pirates growing in confidence as of late. Please, take care on your journey back.

Thank you for the concern.

I should be the one thanking you for the wonderful lecture you helped with.

Professor Bus extended his hand to me.

I guess he wants a hand shake.

I thought of the various places that hand has been and the many things its held and felt nauseous when I thought about touching it. However, I have to act the part of Ambassador Tanaka of the Penny Empire. No matter how disgusting the alcohol is, sometimes you have no choice but to drink it.

I could feel the hair on my back standing on end as I made my decision. I held the same hand that had probably massaged Pi-chans p-chan countless times. Im sure I was just imagining things when I thought I could feel a penis shaped groove in his hand.

Youre welcome to visit us again whenever you wish.

Yes, if the chance ever presents itself, Ill happily do so.

I couldve genuinely meant these words if I never stepped foot in the library on that fateful day.

It was with this regretful thought that my days in Academy City came to an end.


After learning of the situation from Professor Bus, I had no reason to stay in Academy City. I started packing up everything in my room before heading to the airship. When I arrived, I spotted several of the ambassadors I recognized that were getting ready to leave the city as well.

After boarding the airship, I greeted the captain and the crew for the first time in several days. The captain informed me that he and the crew were given accommodations in the city while they waited for me.

There were still some necessary supplies we needed before wed be ready to take flight.

I was standing near the ramp giving instructions to the crew when a familiar voice called out to me.

O-OI! Ossan!

I turned around and spotted my cute girlfriend.

Hello, Aufschnaiter-san. What brings you all the way up here?

I went by your room to see you, but that Elf told me you were already returning back to your country.

No, I havent left just yet, but we are  preparing for our return flight.

O-Of course youd have to go back!

Im not going to leave without you.


The JC blushed and pulled at the hem of her skirt. Her toned thighs rubbed against each other as she fidgeted. Ah, its so nice. Fidget. Fidget.

How can someone be this cute?

We made a promise, didnt we? Well travel to the Penny Empire together.

Y-You remember?

Of course I did. We had a deal, didnt we?

Ossan, ImIm so happy!

She hugged me.

The JC is hugging me.

This is dangerous.

Shes so soft.

And her scent is filling my nose.

I want to have sex with her.

I want to make love.

Youll need to get your bags packed too, Aufschnaiter-san. I can speak with Professor Bus if there are any arrangements that need to be made concerning the school.

I put my hands on her small shoulders as I spoke. This may have seemed like a warm gesture, but I was primarily trying to keep her at a distance to hold myself back.

I need to calm down.

I have to calm down or this could end badly.

O-Okay, Ill be right back! I can take care of the school arrangements!

Really? Well, when youre done, you can wait with Rocoroco-san and Edita Sensei in my room. Ill come to get you as soon as the airship is loaded and ready to take off.


The JC gave me a bright smile and a nod before running off back to the entrance.

Yes! How cute.

I cant believe this straightforward girl is the same person I met a few days ago.

Shes so cute.


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