Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 6 (2)

Book 6: Chapter 6 (2)

Aufschnaiter Family

The temporary cancellation of the international meeting had reached the wider public as well. The ambassadors were all gathered with their various entourages at the airship landing, but there were also several merchants trying to make a final sale before their foreign guests left the city.

The airship landing pad was situated in the centre of Academy City. Its use wasnt restricted to the visiting ambassadors either. I could see many other nobles boarding their airships as well. It was unlikely that the merchants gathered here were illegitimate or trying to scam the tourists like the vendors common in modern society near world famous tourist attractions.

These merchants have most likely received prior approval from the officials of Academy City.

People travelling to and from the city would appreciate the convenience of these merchants. Travelling all the way down from the top of this tower and back would take more time than most nobles would willingly sacrifice. Not to mention that no matter the city, there are always dangers present to even the most powerful of families. I decided to take advantage of this convenience and used the merchants to purchase whatever supplies we still needed. Richard was covering the expenses so I didnt mind the increased prices.

This allowed me to finish supplying the airship for our return trip in no time. The captain confirmed to me that the airship was in good condition and we could depart whenever I wanted. The crew were all aboard and ready to set sail.

After my check of the ship and its crew was complete, I left the deck to return to the tower.

I wiped the sweat from my brow with my sleeve when I heard someone call out to me.

Ara~? Are you returning home as well?

Ah, if it isnt Doris-san and FitzClarence-sama.

On a landing pad filled with docked airships, I just happened to run into Ester-chan and Drill-chan. They must be here to check on their airship just like me. If I recall correctly, the lolibitch travelled here on Drill-chans airship, didnt she?

Why is it that you use different honorifics for Liz and I?

Hmm, is it really that hard to figure out?


Drill-chan started pouting over such a triviall thing. Girls with hymens are just cuter, arent they?

No, I cant think about stuff like that anymore. I have a cute JC girlfriend. I cant be attracted to other girls anymore. I need to be more mindful going forward.

You could exchange that favour I owe you to force me to use the same honorific.

Whod waste a favour on something trivial like that?

Youre right.

Not that it matters. Youll be on your knees, bowing before me before long.

whats that supposed to mean?

Ara~n? Did you forget already? A certain cure youre interested in.


The recipe for a hair regrowth potion.

I, as a man that recently obtained a girlfriend, have no need for such a thing.

Im sorry for not telling you earlier, but I no longer need the recipe.


Im sorry, but Im afraid I no longer have need of your help.

W-Wait a second! What is that supposed to mean!?

The stunned expression Drill-chan made was cute.

The JCs love has taught me that a man can be attractive even without a full head of hair. Disregarding whether or not I want a potion to regrow my hair, I also cant act as the servant of another woman when I already have the JC. My body is no longer mine alone.

Baron Tanaka, youre returning to the Penny Empire, right?

The lolibitch suddenly interjected herself into the conversation between Drill-chan and me.

Yes, thats right.

When do you intend on leaving?

There are some things that need my attention back at home, so I plan on leaving soon.

Whenever the JC is ready. Im already ready and the rest of my group is ready as well. The ship is stocked and prepped for flight, so whenever the JC is ready, we can leave. She might have a host family or something shes been living with here in the city. Maybe I should have gone with to introduce myself.

Then, we can travel back together.

What do you mean?

Well be travelling in the same direction and theres safety in numbers. There are so many rumours about the boldness of sky pirates harassing airships in the skies of the Penny Empire and Pussy Republic. They primarily target ships of the nobility, so it would be safer for everyone if we travelled together.

That does make sense.

Two ships travelling together would be safer. It might make any sky pirates think twice about attacking us.

I just feel like Ive heard this somewhere before.


What is it?

I-I-I just dont want you thinking Im asking because I want your help specifically! I-Ive just heard others talking about its safer travelling in numbers and sky pirates tend to attack isolated ships! If Doris ship gets attacked, we can just leave her behind!

The lolibitch seemed to remember that shes supposed to be tsundere and made sure to find an excuse for wanting my help.

What are you saying!? Youll help me, right!? You promise!?

Of course, I wouldnt abandon you. Dont worry.

Drill-chans teary-eyed plea showed how worried she actually was.

I doubt shed be in much trouble knowing the demon that serves her.

so, what do you say?

That sounds good. If our schedules line up, Id happily join you.

Good, thats great!

So thats how it is.

I might still be Baron Tanaka to Ester-chan, but Ive taken a few steps closer to being just Tanaka once more. Ive taken a step into her inner circle, although Im still on the edge. I think this is an appropriate distance for us to be at. Not quite friends, not quite strangers.

I think the best relationship we could have would be as friends. Wouldnt you agree, lolibitch?


We gave our final farewell to Academy City and took to the skies.

Im sure two majestic airships belonging to two noble families flying alongside each other was quite the sight to behold. Onboard one of these airships were members of the Penny Empire including myself, Edita Sensei, and Goggoru-chan.

And I cant forget my lovely girlfriend, the JC.

So cool! This airship is amazing!

Im glad you like it.

I made sure to give her the most extravagantly decorated room on the ship. From the moment we took off until now, Aufschnaiter-san has been constantly saying amazing, amazing at everything she sees.The vain side of me was happy to see her eyes light up.

Incidentally, Im alone with JC right now in the aforementioned first-class cabin.

I think I should mention, I-I dont have much money with me.

Thats nothing to worry about. None of this cost me anything.

Eh? H-How is that possible?

All of this is a favour from my faction leader.

Well, that may be stretching the meaning of the word favour. In reality, I was given this in exchange for work and to better fit the role I was meant to be playing.

Its more like I get to play the role of a powerful noble thanks to Richard. I can actually look cool to my girlfriend.

Hou, you really are a great noble, arent you?

It really isnt a big deal.

Umm, i-it is for someone like me who has always been reliant on my parents.


The airship belonged to Richard and this room was suited for someone of his rank.

The interior of the cabin was far from what would be expected of a room on any ship. There was a lush carpet that covered the floor. It was so thick that my shoes sank deep into it. It was furnished in much the same way as the FitzClarences home that I had seen previously.

Similar to fancy cars and private jets in modern times, wasting money on extravagant airships is probably a pastime for those with too much money. It truly shows the extent of Richards wealth and power. He casually lent out such a lavish thing to a simple baron of unknown origin.

Feel free to take advantage of all of the amenities.

Eh? I couldnt possibly do that! I mean, after all.

Its completely fine. I want you to enjoy yourself on the flight back.


Everything the JC does is so cute, but its amplified when she blushes.

I could happily die tomorrow if that face was the last thing I saw.

Ive already reached nirvana.

Now, I have other matters that require my attention, so Ill be leaving you by yourself for a short time. If you need anything while Im away, ring this bell here and an attendant will be by shortly to assist you.

Ah, oi.

No, I cant. I have to leave. If I look at her any longer, Im likely to push her onto the bed. Just having the bed and the JC in sight at the same time makes it nearly impossible to resist. I doubt shed even try to stop me. This really isnt good.

Now then, if youll excuse me.

The first time is about being lovey dovey. Also, sex, but lovey dovey is important too.

Id set the mood with a romantic dinner. Afterward, wed sit out on the deck and look out at the stars. Look, the stars are so beautiful, Its beauty pales in comparison to yours, this would lead to, Lets head inside to the bedroom. Its getting cold out here.

Id be able to get her in the mood while naturally leading her to the bedroom.

This isnt the right moment for my first time.

I need to get my mind straight. What better way than to head out and speak with a bunch of manly sailors?


As I left the cabin and walked through the ship, I happened to bump into Edita Sensei.


Ah, Edita-san, taking a walk around the ship?

Flying through the sky on a massive ship loses its luster quicker for some rather than others. Especially, when its someone like Edita Sensei whos passionate about her research and when there are no facilities aboard to accommodate her. This is a problem shes had to deal with since first boarding the airship. She may be fine with it, but Id still like to make the trip as enjoyable as possible.

youre in a good mood.

You think so?

Weve spent a lot of time around each other, but I dont know if I can recall ever seeing you as happy as you are right now. So, whats put that smile on your face? You can tell me.

No, I think youre just imagining things.

Seriously? Is it that obvious?

Thats not good.

I cant let it be so obvious.

Its kind of like an office romance.


The words office romance made certain thoughts run through my mind and I noticed Senseis face contorted by disgust.

It must be showing on my face again.

Do I usually look depressed?

T-Thats not what I meant! You just look different! Aah, theres just something different, okay!?

Thats good to hear.


Being a couple comes with its own hazards.

I dont want her to merely be looked at as a barons girlfriend. She deserves better than that. I want the world to look at the JC the same way I do. Not to mention, she has a rather antagonistic personality that makes me worry shes going to get herself into trouble.

I hope our trip back is less eventful than the trip to Academy City.

Ill push things forward to get rid of this awkward atmosphere.

A nice, peaceful talk with Edita Sensei.

Y-Yeah, me too. I dont want anything like that happening again.

Exactly. Normal and boring is the best.


We remained in the hall making small talk about whatever came to mind for several minutes. I recently obtained a girlfriend, but Im still talking to another girl. If Im not careful, Ill turn into a slut.

I feel like Im floating.

found you.

As we were casually conversing, another voice joined in.

Of course, its Goggoru-chan. She made her way over as soon as she noticed me, but stopped a few metres shy once she saw Edita Sensei.

The chocololi is as attentive as always.

I still want to be reverse raped by er.

No, I cant think like that.

I have to stop. The JC is my cute girlfriend.

Rocoroco-san, were you looking for me?

.up on the deck. Theyre calling for you over there.

Over there?

The other airship.

Ah, Doris ship.

Its only been a few hours since we left the city. I hope something hasnt already happened over there.

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