Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 5 (9)

Book 6: Chapter 5 (9)

Academic City (3rd)

That same evening I returned to my room.

For the first time in my life, I have received a confession of love from a girl that was actually intended for me. This confession had a deep effect on both my mind and body. I got into bed as usual but couldnt get to sleep. I restlessly rolled around in my sheets, fleeting memories of the JCs confession flashing through my mind.

The scent of Goggoru-chan would usually lull me into a peaceful slumber, but tonight, it had no effect.

I tossed and turned before my restless fidgeting was interrupted by a knock at my door.

who could it be?

Maybe the JC.

Please, be the JC.

I can just imagine it. Opening the door to see a beautiful girl with faint red on her cheeks as she looks up at me, clutching her pillow against her chest.

Eventually, we find our way to the bed. Wed sit down beside each other on the sheets and, with surprising assertiveness, shed put her hand on my thigh. Her head would lower, her mouth opens, and.


This is it. The moment Ive been waiting for.

I gulped as I stood from the bed. I grabbed my clothes from a nearby desk chair and quickly got dressed before walking over to the door. I completely forgot to try to hide the sound of my hurried footsteps.

Ill be right there.

I unlocked the door and pulled it open.

And, surprisingly, it was Ester-chan.

She was wearing the same aristocratic clothing she wore when I saw her earlier.


C-Can we talk?

Sure, I mean, I dont mind.

Its not the JC.

Its not the JC.

Instead, its Ester-chan.

Would you feel more comfortable talking inside?

Y-Yeah, sure.

What could it be this late at night?

Thinking back, weve had plenty of one-on-one chats like this before back at the academy in Kalis. Due to me having plenty of experience with her in situations like this, my nerves were calm and I was thinking logically about why she might be here.

It made me wonder if she felt shame visiting a strange mans room so late at night.

What if she didnt tell Allen?

I led Ester-chan to the sofa in the living room before heading to the kitchenette to boil a pot of water for tea. I added the tea leaves I brought with me from my dorm and added them to the pot.

I grabbed a couple of cups and brought them out to Ester-chan.

Here you are.

T-Thank you.

Im sure shell enjoy a fresh cup of tea.

I got this tea at a shop in the Royal Academy quite some time ago. Ever since I first tried it, Ive made sure that Sophia-chan keeps a constant stock available for me. I also brought plenty with me on this trip to ensure I wouldnt risk running out. I remember she was a regular at that same shop, so theres a chance she may recognize the flavour.

This smellI feel like Ive smelled it before.

You do? Its my favourite.

Where would I have?

I know at least one place where shes drank this very tea before.

However, it didnt look like she was able to put two and two together.

What a shame.

So, Fitzclarence-sama, what brings you to my room so late at night?

Eh? Ah, its nothing really. I just thought that, umm, we should talk.


T-Thats right!

Talk about what exactly?

Its strange getting used to the distance that exists between us now. It wasnt long ago that she was constantly throwing herself at me. Now, however, Im just a flat, yellow faced stranger. Our relationship now is one of surnames only.

Is it something urgent that couldnt wait until morning?

Urgent is a good word to describe it.


The lolibitch of the last few days has offered me little more than a disgusted look and a snide remark. However, now shes in my room and speaking to me like a human being. It doesnt sound like much, but shes basically a different person.

I-I never thanked you for saving me.

thank me?

I know what I said to you and to my dad, but you still saved me. So, umm, t-thank you, Baron Tanaka and Im sorry for bothering you so late at night.

I guess I understand why shes here. Shes here about what happened with the tentacled slug. She came here just to thank me. She has her flaws, but when it comes to being a responsible noble daughter, theres no one better. As expected of Richards daughter.

You dont need to thank me.

If theres something you want, just name it and I can get it for you.

Shes also immediately making an effort to repay the favour so she doesnt owe me anything.

I already told you what you can do earlier today.


I know that I have caused you nothing but trouble, but I want you to be happy with Allen-san. I want you both to return to Richard-san. Ill speak with him on your behalf so that he will consent to your relationship.

Do you know about me and Allen, Baron Tanaka?

Allen-san is the right man to lead the FitzClarence family into the future. Despite Richard-sans misgivings about Allen-san, I know that he will have no choice but to recognize Allen-sans abilities. I think a good plan going forward would be to have Allen-san work under Earl Bitch to gain experience.  I hope you can support my plan, Fitzclarence-sama.

are you working for Earl Bitch?

Ester-chan tensed up slightly. Even mentioning another noblemans name can have unforeseen consequences.

I definitely want to avoid causing any misunderstandings.

I am loyal to the FitzClarence faction. That being said, I am familiar with the relationship between Earl Bitch and Allen-san. The Earl is cautious towards you now, but if you ask him to take Allen-san under his care, he will accept without argument.


You disagree? Id be happy to come along.

Im serious when I say that they can come to an agreement. It would be easy to misunderstand my actions as being potentially hostile toward Richard. It could be viewed as forming a rival faction with Earl Bitch. I cant expect her to act on blind faith.

Why are you doing so much for Allen?

Its normal to help your friend.

You and Allen?

Thats right. We were both commoners not long ago.

Except theres nothing common about that ikemen.

Even so, hes one of the few people I want to see reach a happy ending.


Do you think I have ulterior motives?

She was staring me straight in the eye.

Its not a stare even a masochist like me enjoys. Its understandable that shed be suspicious of me. Shes read her diary entries about me that she has no memory of ever writing. I dont think her opinion of me could be much worse.

If you have your doubts, you can always speak with Richard-san to clear them up.

I think I will, and if youre lying about anything, youll receive a proper punishment.

Of course. I wont even try to run.


It seems that my honest feelings were conveyed to her.

Her expression softened and she appeared to relax.

No, its fine. Its probably for the best.

Thank you.

I guess she believed me.

Ester-chan mumbled to herself before reaching for her tea and taking a drink. I followed suit and grabbed my own cup. The only sound in the room came from our throats as we drank my favourite tea.

We sat in silence for a brief moment before Ester-chan spoke once more.

There was one more thing.

What is it?

I wanted to apologize for everything I said to you during the lecture.

Is this really happening?

DId Ester-chan just apologize?

That came out of nowhere.

You dont need to apologize for that. You made good points and the audience was intrigued by what you had to say. You even made me reevaluate my own opinions and changed my mind on certain aspects.

S-Still, I insulted you in front of everyone.

I didnt consider any of what you said an insult. Maybe a heated discussion.


If I took every minor comment about my appearance to heart, I wouldnt be able to go on living.

Something ikemen will never have to worry about.

Ah, speaking of Allen, I shouldnt keep the lolibitch from him any longer.

I dont want to keep you here too late.

It may not be my place to say this, especially considering you just got a girlfriend, b-but if you ever need anything, Ill be there for you, Baron Tanaka. Ill be there to help you if you ever need it.

are you okay with that?

Im not going to let you hold your victory on the report over me! My pride wont allow it! T-Thats why, Ill definitely save you one day, okay!? Remember this, Baron Tanaka!

I look forward to it, and thank you in advance.

Y-You better!

Ester-chan turned her head to the side as she stated this. Its clear that shes warmed up to Baron Tanaka. Its far from the Ester-chan that I once knew, but the encounter with the tentacled slug has at least caused her to treat me like a person.

Thats it! Thats everything I wanted to say!

Yes, good job.

H-Hmph! Im sorry for intruding so late at night, but I wont lose to you next time!

Of course, good night. Just ask if you ever want to talk like this again.

Once Ester-chan decided we were done, she quickly left my room. She wasnt here for very long, but in front of where she was sitting on the sofa was an empty cup of tea.

Seeing the bottom of the cup sent a warm feeling through my chest.

its time for bed.

The power of a tsundere is unmatched.

I was restless before, but now I feel like I can get some sleep.

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