Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 5 (8)

Book 6: Chapter 5 (8)

Academic City (3rd)

I followed the JC out of the classroom to an area behind the school.

We were standing face-to-face between the sides of two buildings. The small space between them created a secluded alleyway that hid us away from the main road. Calling it an alley may give the idea of a dark and dirty place, but it was clean and quiet which is what the JC wanted.

This reminds me of my school days. Ah, the nostalgia.

About two or three metres away from me stood the JC. She asked to speak alone so I was forced to ask Edita Sensei to return to her room ahead of me.

Why did you ask me to follow you out here?

I know what this setting and atmosphere suggest.

Handing your crush a letter with your confession.

But this letter will be a confession of love for the masochist demon. She probably has no other way to contact him so shes resorted to asking me to do it. When it comes to contacting a noble, who better to ask than another noble. Ive experienced this first hand before. Back in junior high school, I was surrounded by ikemen. I have plenty of experience playing the role of carrier pigeon.

There was even a rumour that asking me to deliver your confession increased your odds of success.

Umm, th-thats because.

If you need my help with something again, Id be happy to assist.

I thought that my graduation from junior high would mean a graduation from the delivery business as well.

This might be something Id normally refuse. However, she fought bravely against Pi-chan yesterday and she confidently gave her presentation today. Shes deserving of a reward. Even if it isnt for me, its nice to see a beautiful girl trying her hardest.

Whatever it is, feel free to just tell me. Im open to anything.

Ill help her get started.


As long as its something I can do, Ill do whatever I can to make it happen.


I gave the JC time to calm her racing heart.

Her stuttering elevated her already high levels of cuteness. Her face was red and she was fidgeting. She would occasionally glance up at me, but when our eyes met, shed quickly look away. This pattern repeated for several seconds.

w-will you be my boyfriend!?


This must be what it feels like to have a child.

I only needed to tutor her for a short time and now shes practicing confessing with me.

come again?

Eh? What do you mean? Eh, umm.

What did you just say?

Y-You heard me, didnt you? You said youd do whatever you could to make it happen!

No, that was.

Then, g-go out with me!

After school behind the school building.

A female student and a virgin.

A confession.

Who is the target of her confession?

youre asking me?

Who else would I be talking to?

No, its just that I.

It all suddenly became real to me.

My heart beat was steady moments ago but now it was racing. Each beat sent a wave of pain through my chest. Sweat started pouring from every pore on my body. I was just standing still but felt a sudden sense of vertigo and my throat felt incredibly dry.

Whats happening?

Whats happening to me?

I felt almost drunk. I failed to grasp a single strand of thought as a myriad of emotions ran through my mind. I began to lose my grasp on reality and questioned where I was or how I got there.

No, Ive been in this position before.

I know what this is.

Ossan, please, go out with me!



The JCs anxious eyes looked up at my ugly face.

Shes a good actor.

I locked eyes with her as my mouth started moving on its own.

Lay off the jokes, okay? Even your pranks should have a limit.

The busamen slayer has been activated.

I guess this is her way of getting payback for the way I acted while helping her with her report. I was enjoying my time with her and maybe I took things a little too far at times. I couldnt help myself. I mean, who could when theyre around a cute schoolgirl in a plaid miniskirt.

T-This isnt a prank!

I dont think its very nice to be making fun of a middle-aged man. Still, you clearly worked hard on the report and you gave your all to protect your classmates. If you apologize, Id be happy to help you again in the future.

I told you, Im not joking! I like you, ossan, even if you are balding!

Even if you did, how much of an age difference between us do you think there is?

Before I could even react, the JC closed the distance between us.

She reached her arm out around my neck and pulled down. The pressure naturally led me to bending forward so our faces were level. She came even closer as a sweet scent reached my nose.

I thought our noses would bump into each other, but something soft touched my lips first.



Something warm.

Against my mouth.

Then, I felt our front teeth touch.

I could even hear the sound, but what followed was even more startling.



Something forced its way between my teeth.

Something solid and rough.

Solid but warm.

And wet.


Hnn, uuh.

The sudden strange feeling made me want to instinctually pull away, but I quickly realized it was her tongue. This, combined with the warmth of her hand on the back of my head made me realize what she was doing. My mind still wanted to turn away, but my body hesitated.

Because it feels good.

We were simply touching lips, but it felt so good.

It felt better than the countless restoration spells Ive felt in the past.

Did it last for a few seconds or had we been here for minutes?

I couldnt say.

Her tongue seemed to want to feel every inch of my mouth. It wrapped itself around my tongue before tracing a path across my teeth, gums, and the inside of my cheeks. It searched for every corner of my mouth. It  was as if it were trying to scrub the inside of my mouth, leaving a taste that was alien to me.

The JC pulled away after a few moments.

As our lips parted, a thin strand of saliva still connected them.

The image of her lips still connected to mine was imprinted in my brain.

what are you doing so suddenly?

My mouth fell slack and words unconsciously fell from my mouth.

I could feel my thoughts slipping away.

The kiss had reinvigorated the JC and she spoke with even more confidence.

Ossan, I want you to go out with me! Do you accept!?

No, you and I cant.

Age is just a number! I like you!

I like you.

I like you.

I like you.


i-if youll accept me.

Her words echoed around inside my mind.

It felt like a dream. Yes, a dream is an apt description of this strange feeling. Its a mixture of euphoria, anxiety, and bliss. No single word can describe it.

However, the thing about dreams is that they end.

Often abruptly.

I was snapped back to reality by the sound of more voices.

O-Oi, you idiot! Stop pushing me!

Youre one to talk! I know its you putting your hand in weird places!

Aahn, mo! Stop moving already~!


Several voices I recognized all spoke in sequence from somewhere near the entrance of the alley. I also noticed the silhouettes of a few people sticking out around the corner.

The moment was ruined and our focus was drawn to the new voices.

I recognized everyone that had been eavesdropping on us.

Of course.


The JC and I are currently staring at a group of familiar faces.

Ester-chan, Edita Sensei, Drill-chan, and the Kimoronge were lined up in front of us.  They must have been hiding just outside the alleyway, watching the exchange between the Jc and me. I guess they followed us after we left the classroom.

Drill-chan and the Kimoronge werent at the presentation, so that suggests they joined the other pair in following us along the way. After all, that big-breasted loli without a hymen is always bored and looking for something to do. I dont even need to check to know thats the answer.

Its quite the coincidence to see all of you here.

Y-Yes, a coincidence! Aah, how strange running into you two here!

Edita Sensei was scrambling to find an excuse for her eavesdropping.

Being confronted so directly pushed Sensei to her limit. She might actually be more flustered than the people she was peeping on. I can already feel myself calming down.

However, Drill-chans expression remained unchanged.

Are you happy about this?

I dont know a man that wouldnt be happy hearing a woman confess to him.


I cant overstate how happy I am.

I feel amazing.

Its like Ive crossed the finish line. All of the hard work and pain Ive been through is over and now I can live the rest of my life devoted to the JC. Ill devote my life to her even if it leads to my death. Then, Ill become a spirit and devote my spirit life to her.

The path is clear before me.


Of course.

I thought I remembered you saying something about not liking that one.

I have no idea what youre talking about, Doris-san.

When would I ever say something horrendous like not liking the JC?

Ive loved her since the day she appeared in my life.

After all, shes a schoolgirl that looks amazing in a miniskirt.

It must be my mistake. This looks like fun so I wont say anything else.

You wont?

I dont understand her.

I suppose thats nothing new. More often than not, I dont understand why she does what she does or says what she says. However, if Im not cautious around her, its likely Ill fall into one of her traps. For now, Im just going to nod my head, let it go, and focus on whats in front of me.

A virgins mind is more single-minded than expected.

My dream of a sex-filled summer vacation will need to be postponed.

For now, I just want to relish this warm feeling in my chest. Thinking back to my first days in this world, Im glad that I was ripped off when I first tried to pay to lose my virginity. I could have lost it to someone like that due to my own lack of willpower.

a-and youre fine with the age difference?

Age doesnt matter when it comes to love.

Ester-chans look of disgust wasnt anything I wasnt used to.

Fu~n? Well, i-its not like its any of my business.

Youre worried about her, right? Thank you for being concerned.


My chest feels so warm. No matter what any of them do, I feel like I can easily smile and forgive them. I think I could even watch Ester-chan and Allen start making out in front of me and still be able to masturbate. No, I know I could.

N-Now you all now! This ossan is mine!

The JC made a declaration as she took a step toward the group.

Her swaying black twin tails.

Her checker patterned miniskirt.

I wonder if theres ever been another person that wanted me like this. Her focus mainly seemed to be on Edita Sensei. They were working closely on the report together and have grown closer over the last few days.

Everyone else remained silent.

I guess theyre all overwhelmed by the sudden confession and subsequent kiss they witnessed.

The JC is so cute.

I-I actually have another class soon!

Her face turned bright red as the beautiful schoolgirl ran off.

Its strange to say, but its nice that shes such a normal, girlish schoolgirl.

My heart has been completely stolen.


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