The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 542: Time to Leave

Chapter 542: Time to Leave

"It means that the Eternal Gu Breeder wants me dead. You, my friend, have just thwarted the plan of a godly being." 


"The sect leader left our fate to the Gu deity to decide. The verdict is that we were not worth saving, it seems."

He just threw us in here like that?! What kind of disregard for human life is this? Are we nothing more than worms in his eyes?

My friend doesn't seem surprised either. This is what he considers normal, isn't it? This is so messed up!

[Why would he rely on a god for something so critical?! What if the god was busy with something and just didn't see?]

"I doubt that. Gods are greater entities. They won't make a simple mistake like that."

Greater entities my ass! Sure, they are more powerful than people of the Earth realm, but they are evidently flawed! Hell, I even have some as my subordinates somehow. This whole transcendent being act is really bullshit.

[Waitnow that we are alive and well we can just leave, right? Then they'll think we've been saved.]

"I wish. This kind of ritual should put a mark on us should the Gu deity spare us. We won't be able to fake it."

Why is it that gods love to put their stamp on people so much? Good thing the water goddess's mark on my forehead is gone at least. 

[So, what's the plan now?]

"We should still have some time before they come to check on us. This place is protected by potent spells. The only entrance or exit is the one we came from. Chances are it's guarded too."

[You're telling me there is no other exit in this sewer-looking area?]

"Exactly, I wish we could magically make one, but sadly we'll have to wait for"

[Actually, why can't we?]

"What do you mean?"

[Can you guide me to the area farthest away from the sect above?]

He seems unsure about what I'm planning, but he complies. We walk in silence. The place is dark, there is water on the side, but it seems stale, it smells stuffy, and the only sound we can hear is our own footsteps. 

All around are plenty of Gus lurking in the darkness. They are warily eyeing us as we progress. No, they are scared of Leaf. They are staring at it, making sure it doesn't suddenly attack them. I can't help but chuckle. Fight fire with fire and Gus with Gus, it seems. 

From time to time, my friend grabs a Gu to tame it. Part of them wants to struggle, but then they look my way and give up. Still, he's carefully choosing them. Right now, it's possible to subdue any thanks to the Gu ancestor, but it could prove dangerous later on. 

He's selecting ones that are less likely to turn on him and will cooperate with the other Gus. I swear this requires a lot more knowledge than I thought. Compared to this, beast-taming almost seems brain-dead. 

Before long, we reach a dead-end with a sturdy-looking stone wall on front. There is even a scary-looking nightmarish moth Gu nesting there, but it politely moves away when it sees us. 

"This should be the farthest point from the sect."

[Alright, let's get to work then.]

So what if there isn't any other exit? I'll just dig one! I play the living excavator with my friend rubbing his eyes in disbelief by the side.

"W-what happened to the restrictions?!"

[Eh, what do you mean?]

"N-no, never mind."

If there were any, they're gone. I dig the rock barehanded. Then, I reach the soil part pretty quickly. I keep digging. How long has this place remained closed off from the world?

This place is apparently the future of their sect. It's where they get all the Gus for the new generation. Of course, I'm aware of the disaster this digging will likely cause the Gu sect. Still, it's karma for trying to kill me. 

I wonder how much the Gu Breeder will regret afterward. Well, it's not my problem. He should have encouraged his followers to have a little more initiative. It's incredibly stupid if you ask me. 

That's how I keep digging until the rays of the setting sun fall on my face. The air is fresh too, and I can see the tall, vibrant grass swaying in the wind. It's such a big change from the dark sewers that I can't help but take a moment to enjoy it. 

"I can't believe that you've breached the Gu Rearing Land in only a few hours. It should have been an impenetrable fortress!" 

After saying that, he takes one long last look behind us while sighing. He realizes what we've just done means. From now on, he will have to break ties with the Gu sect. There will not be any possibility of reconciliation.

I can see complex emotions pass in his eyes. He doesn't regret anything, but he seems to be reminiscing. He probably remembers all the time he spent there. It will be a new page in his life for sure.

But I do not see any guilt either. He did his best for them, even fighting the Sun Young master and risking his life. Yet, they repaid him with suspicion and hate.

[Are you alright?]

"Of course. It just feels strange to leave that easily. There are no goodbyes, no fighting either. We are simply sneaking out. Who knows when they will even realize that we are gone? But, even when they do, it will be too late. 

[I understand, shall we go? Do you want to take care of the scouting?]

He nods as he sends tons of Gus flying in every direction. As we leave, I notice all the wild Gus behind leave excitingly before scurrying toward the greenery. 

They instantly disappear, hopefully for a better life. Usually, that'd be really bad, but Gus already infests this pace. It's not like a few more will make a big difference, right?

That is how we walk away, leaving all our troubles behind. Water sect, here I come. I got a pink-haired girl to save, and I'm not stopping before I succeed...

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