The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 541: When Lost Ask God

Chapter 541: When Lost Ask God


Was that the right move? I don't know anymore

I've been leading the Gu Meadow for so long and today is definitely a first. I thought the barrier going down was already crazy, but it was only the beginning of our troubles.

We are strong because of our offense. One bite, and whoever is opposing us dies. Well, that only works when there are flaws to exploit. 

Now, the issue is that many Rank 4 powerhouses have developed incredible defense methods. This makes it so some are fundamentally immune to our power. But that's where the Gu ancestors come into play. 

They are our last trump cards to get rid of the elites. That is really all that we are afraid of. No matter the number of cannon fodders it won't pose any threat. 

It would only mean more food for our Gus, and all could be dispatched with one single poisonous fog attack. Now, we have lost this trump card of ours. 

How big is the damage? Initially, I was still hopeful. Without the contract, they won't do our bidding for sure, but the Gu ancestors may just save our sect from complete annihilation on a whim. 

But soon, I understood how optimist I had been. It's not just the barrier that's missing. The Gu ancestors are gone too. It's as if they were never there in the first place. We kept searching and searching but without success. 

This right there is chilling. What kind of power can do all that without anyone noticing?! We just realized after the fact. 

The only saving grace is that so far, only the champions know about it. As far as the general members are concerned, the Gu ancestors are still fine and well. But there is only so much time that we can buy. 

Gu ancestors without the barrier will not behave at all. They will come out and eat disciples randomly. That's what they were doing in the past. There is already unrest about it. 

But there will be even more unrest once people realize that there are no traces of our vindicative protectors. All this is giving me a huge headache. 

At that point, I was already freaking out, but it got even worse. The Gu Meadow has been peaceful for so long that it was bound to happen. It's just the timing that is horrible. 

At our border, there are now many armies assembled. Somehow there are righteous, neutral, and evil sects alike in their midst. This isn't that surprising, considering how hated we are. No, what is strange is their leader. 

The sect leader of the Sun sect is heading the operation. He's already destroyed a few villages just to vent. Their demands are peculiar too. They sent a messenger. Well, a few. They all got devoured by Gus, but we did get the message. 

They want two individuals offered to them on a silver platter, and then they will leave peacefully. They are here for revenge, or so they say. 

One is that one champion that I gave my word to treat fairly. The other is the unknown man he has come with. I have questioned this visitor, and he triggered my Gu to think he was lying but never got any godly retribution.

This implies that he lied slightly but that somehow the Eternal Gu Breeder approves of his conduct. It has been so long since we have gotten an oracle from our god that I feel lost. What are we even supposed to be doing?

But this much is normal. Our god often goes in seclusion for long periods of time training Gus. Still, it is hard making appropriate decisions like this. 

Once more, I managed to hide the news, at least for now. The Champions are the only ones that know about it. So far, each of the three champions has its own opinion about the topic. 

One thinks they are on our side and shouldn't be given up no matter what. 

One thinks they are troublemakers that should be handed over to them. 

One thinks they are our enemies and should be tortured in the most painful of ways then handed over to them. 

But here is the issue. If they are our enemies, why would the Eternal Gu Breeder refrain from sending us a sign? The whole vow ritual was using his power. It would have surely reacted if they were enemies. 

If they truly are on our side, then why are they acting so suspicious? A report of the unknown man walking naked arrived at me. He was said to have just gone on a normal walk. This doesn't seem to fit that narrative. 

Then there is the rumor about the demise of the sun sect's young master. Sadly, confirming whether it's true or not proves hard. Given that this suspicious champion has been going around buying Gus, it's probably true. He perhaps lost his Gus in the process. 

Then, are these armies really here for revenge, or are they just trying to extract allies before they launch their assault? This one is far stretched but still possible. 

I really have no clue! Allies? Enemies? A misunderstanding, perhaps? I really feel lost. 

That's why I decided to proceed as I did. I brought them both to the Gu Rearing Land. That place has tons of wild Gus, but it does fall under the Eternal Gu Breeder's jurisdiction. 

I simply threw them in, poisoned them both with a mild paralyzing toxin, and locked the door. Then I came straight back here. 

I'm now in our temple, praying to the Gu deity. I've accomplished a ritual beforehand to send a one-way message to our god. To manage such a feat, I had to sacrifice an old artifact that we possessed. 

Many would agree that it is foolish of me to do such a thing, but I somehow feel that it is needed. There is something about the two of them. They look extremely weak somehow, but I have the feeling they can accomplish great things. 

Am I delusional? Perhaps. Perhaps I am even going insane. But, I do not want to be the one to decide their fate recklessly. I am not qualified enough for it. I am but a mere mortal. 

Thus, our god shall make the decision. If they survive, it will be god's will. If they die, it will be god's will too. 

Now, I need to wait patiently and pray

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