The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 462: I'm Strong I Swear!

Chapter 462: I'm Strong I Swear!

"If this little is enough to impress you, how will you react when you see the rest?"

Wait, there is more?! I'm already enjoying the moment so much. Some will belittle the fact that I'm currently walking on water as normal in a world of magic. Hell no! It's something crazy cool!

Think about it! How much of our world is covered in water? Think about all the new places one can explore? Think of the freedom! What if we could simply go on packsack journeys across the sea?

Then you stop by small islands to refill your water and visit the local flora and fauna. Of course, with divine energy, it's even better! One still craves food and drinks but at least it gets rid of the 'I'm gonna die if I don't find any' aspect of it.

Now she's telling me there is something even better?! She's gesturing me to head to the middle of the lake. I carefully advance until the destination, enjoying the feel of my feet bouncing on the liquid as I go.

"Are you ready for something magical?"

That is when I see them all raise their hands at shoulder level. I can see a glowing blue light appear in their palms. It seems to be ever so slowly pulsating. Just as I'm wondering what they are doing exactly I notice something.

Below our feet, I can see a tiny blue light start to pulse. It seems to be deep in the lake and yet I get the feeling it's extremely close to us. Wait, it's perfectly in sync with their magic!

The more it goes and the stronger and faster the pulsations become. I think it'scalling to something? There is something about to emerge from the body of water is what I'm feeling! Will it be some ancient guardian? Will it be some incredible formation?

I don't know what to expect, but I'm so expectant! That is when stats the rumbling and the rippling. The languid lake is no more. Instead, I feel like I am at the eye of a storm with the surroundings going crazy.

Water starts gushing crazily extremely high upward as if trying to touch the sky itself. Huge pillars of water! So much water! It all swirls violently in the air. I can feel the humid breeze it generates. 

The lake surface has completely changed. Around me are translucent walls, there is a ceiling, I can even see a table with chairs forming in the middle! This place has just transformed into a palace in front of my very eyes!

It all happened so fast! Then as if nothing special happened they all take a seat. There are 6, one for each attendee exactly.

I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding. What can be better than walking on water? I now have my answer. Sitting on chairs made of water around a table made of water in a palace made of water!

I can see them gesturing me to take a seat. I slowly lower myself in it. It instantly adapts the shape of my butt removing any discomfort whatsoever associated with the action! It is the incarnation of softness itself! It takes all my self-control not to moan in satisfaction.

That is when starts the meeting, with the last woman I met taking the lead, yes the one I asked to ask her name.

"Alright, shall we start this meeting?" (Anonymous)

"For sure." (Princess)

"First of all, the topic of today's discussion will mostly be about this newcomer in our midst. Water Queen I believe you are the most familiar with him so please share how you two met." (Anon)

She glances at me, giving me a look of reliability.

"He used to be sealed by the God of Order on the Everfrozen Peak. Now, our records mention the God of Order as a vindictive God that would seal under a profound magical spell everything he disliked. He was rescued by one of our members. She quickly brought him to me so we could be his host." (Queen)

"Wow! We all thought he was but a normal friend of yours." (Empress)

Looking at the others silently scoffing seems she was the only one. Well, she did try to pass herself off as a servant while wearing luxurious jewelry. Yeah, I'm not too surprised. The anonymous character suddenly turns toward me.

"Let me ask you directly. What are your plans here?"

Should I try and scheme? No, I'll just be honest. Either they agree or they chase me away and I'll be fine either way.

[I am looking for a quiet place to settle along with some friends. Of course, I will have to find them once more for they are currently scattered across the entire continent. I don't mind helping with this place's defense either.]

"Some friends? Do you mean more like that naked fool?" (Anon)

[Not really, he is quite peculiar I'll admit. But still, he's not a bad guy once you get to know him a bit.]

I say that while barely having journeyed with him, but my gut is telling me.

"You said you can help with the defense, right? What can you do?" (Anon)

"Actually, I can attest to his strength! He managed to defeat me with ease." (Princess)

"What happened?! You were chasing him and winning, but then" (Fairy)

"He is fast, strong, impossible to kill as far as I know, his chest muscles are sturdy, " (Princess)




"Hewhy are you guys looking at me like that?!" (Princess)

"So, what kind of fight exactly did you guys have for you to feel his pecs and for the both of you to need a change of clothes?" (Fairy)

"It's not like that I " (Princess)

"Enough, so body enhancement, right?" (Anon)

[Yep, I may not look like it but I'm very strong!]

Of course, if I was 100% honest, I'd addvery strong if my opponent stays stationary and doesn't use any weird magic trick. But! I'm not lying I'm just omitting.

"Wait! So, you can fight at the front, right?" (Empress)

[For sure. That's always where I'm at!]

"I say we need him for sure! He'll be at the front, and we'll be at the back shooting!" (Empress)

"Yes, he could be a great asset for sure." (Fairy)

"That's what I've been saying all along!" (Princess)

Think she's forgetting a very recent past but I'll let it slide.

"Since he was brought in by Queen, I guess there remains only I. Alright, having you in our ranks would be beneficial. Now, how do we organize ourselves for our next strike?"

[Waitwhat next strike?!]

I'm a pacifist! Don't tell me

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