The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 461: Achieving Peace

Chapter 461: Achieving Peace

I have only one thing to say. She really, but really loves pink. Even down there it's

An instant later, her eyelashes are slowly fluttering as she regains consciousness. She seems confused a bit but I can't blame her. How often do you get attacked by a human projectile? Let's just say this move of mine was totally a kamikaze attack.

Then she realizes her current state with a shock. I'm expecting her to get angry, but no. She starts trembling, her face is pale, she seems extremely stressed. She quickly covers herself with a veil of water, forming majestic-looking clothes. She shakily asks.

"Y-you, you've seen it right?!"

[What are you talking about?]

Take notes, everyone. Sometimes it's better to play the fool, it saves you lots of trouble.

"Y-you've seen ...down there. you've seen how disgusting this hair of mine is. pink hair is unnatural, isn't it?"

She seems to be tearing up. What is happening? Ah, is it possible that she told everyone that she is dying her hair pink but really that's her real hair?! Is she worried that it's weird? Why?

[Wait, your hair is naturally pink?! That's fucking awesome! That's like anime protagonist level! You will be destined for great things haha!]

She freezes completely. That much is understandable, she's probably wondering what the Hell is an anime. But then she suddenly intensely glares at me, not breaking eye contact whatsoever. In her eyes, I can see a trace of hope. She seems to realize that I'm not lying to her and is shocked beyond belief. That is when the most genuine-looking wondrous smile appears on her face. 

"Really?! You really think it's awesome?!"

[Yep, I'm kinda jealous really. I'd love to have some cool hair color like that. I'm stuck with that boring one. I mean I could dye it but that'd be lots of work and it would totally disappear anyway whenever I run into an attack or something.]

She shyly starts twirling her fingers.

"I-it's actually the first time someone has complimented me on my hair. Usually, they all stare at it like I'm some kind of rare animal. That's why I don't go out much, that's why I painted my house pink to be surrounded in"

[I get it. *Sigh* I think you're mistaken about something. People, in general, don't give a fuck about anything. The glaring flaw that you think everyone will notice they won't care about. Just live your life your own way don't bother with them.]


[Do you understand?]

She nods shyly. Guess I totally misunderstood her. She was never trying to be snobbish at allOh god, I've done something pretty horrible didn't I then?!

[Hey listen, I'm sorry about the whole thingyou know...]

"Ah! It's fine haha. We are water mages. Cleaning is especially easy for us. Right, what did you initially want to talk about initially? Something important right?"

[Ah, yes! I want to figure out the state of the continent. I've been away for a few years you see. I also want for us to discuss strategy on how we'll protect this place from would-be invaders.]

"You make it sound like you were away from the continent haha."

[Yep, another realm and all.]


[From time to time, there are portals that pop up in the Earth realm. Fun places to explore but can be a bit harsh sometimes. In one, there was an undead army and a bone dragon for instance. Ah, in the other there were giant cockroaches everywhere hmm abyss devourers they called it.]

"W-what?! Bone dragon?! Abyss devourers?! You faced all that?!"

[Yep, well in both cases lots of friends helped me.]

"How about I call for a Head-Mage council? Then we can all plan together!"

[Hell yeah!]

Mission accomplished! We simply walk back to her place calmly, I'm grabbing new clothes too. On the way, people are sending us questioning glances. I quite understand them. A few minutes ago, we were fighting across the entire city.

[Wait, will you have to repair all the damage you caused with your attacks?]

"Damage? I didn't miss a single time..."

[That's not possible! I clearly remember dodging so many times!]

"My specialty is homing techniques. It was the same projectiles going after you over and over. Many missed the first time but soon afterward"

[Wow! That's amazing!]

She seems pleased about my compliment, but I'm being honest. How awesome is a pink ball of doom chasing the enemies relentlessly!? Very!

Can you picture a bunch of tough-looking badasses sharing campfire stories of their days on the battlefield? Then one would just go "I remember it, the pink ball that" Then that would trigger them all: *Sound of everyone crying and screaming from PTSD*

Before long, we are done rounding up all the other Head-Mages. What about the remaining one that didn't want to hear me out? Well, she realized I would have no issue fighting to reach my goals and she wisely decided to hear me out, that's all I'm asking really.

[Alright, shall we start discussing]

"Wait, we need to abide by customs. There is a place to discuss anything that affects the fate of the sect."

Sounds legit. w head to the very center of the city where lies a very still lake. All the waterways seem to be connected to it. It's weird how water flows in and out of it, yet it looks completely tranquil, like still water.

"Here we are."

[So we'll discuss this by the lakeside?]

They are all grinning.

"The lakeside? Haha, no. Follow us."

Then before me, the Water Princess simply takes a step on the water! How?! I can't help but stop at a loss. How am I supposed to follow? I'm no water mage! Would it be disrespectful of me to be swimming while we are meeting?

Could you picture a very serious meeting with me just dog-paddling in the water in the meantime?! I can but I'm not sure it's a good idea.

"Are you coming?"

[I'm no water mage]

"Haha, don't worry about it. This place is special. This is the spirit of the sect. Go on."

I unsteadily move my foot forward. Then I can feel it touch the water, but I'm not sinking! I have no clue how this is all happening, but this is amazing!

Haha, talk about a miracle! What's next, turning water in wine? I really hope! I can see the clear liquid underneath me. It's glittering under the sun beautifully. 

I'm simply walking. Nothing else. But I'm walking on goddamn water! This is enough to make my day! I even try jumping in place a bit! I can feel my feet softly dig into the water surface before I get pushed back up.

I can clearly feel the humidity and yet it doesn't seem to permeate my body. It feels so foreign and magical! That's when I hear the pink-haired girl giggle.

"If this little is enough to impress you, how will you react when you see the rest?"

There's more?!...

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