The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 349: Noodles Again!

Chapter 349: Noodles Again!


"Another serving of noodles coming up!"

I serve a customer.  An old-timer that has lived here for a long time.  He looks at me in wonder. 

"Old man, why are you still selling noodles in this god-forsaken city?"

I can't help but chuckle.

"You say that, but aren't you right here at my stall?"

"Haha, perhaps. But you see all my life is here.  My business is land-based.  I can't very well leave with it.  That is why I am still here.  You are different.  You own a mobile food stall.  Leave while you still can."

If only it was that simple. 

"Well, I have many reasons to stay here too."

"You are staying for this tamer kid, right?  The one in a coma.  The one that they said they couldn't move because of his precarious condition?  Am I right?"

"What can I say.  I promised someone I'd take care of him.  You should know that promises are sacred to noodle vendors!"

The man erupts in a hearty laugh. 

"You know, old man. I have more respect for you than anyone else in this town."

"Sure, sure. That will be 8 coppers." 

"Stingy! It's the end of the world.  Do you think I wouldn't pay up?  Why do you have to press me like that?"

So he says but we both know he is joking.  He leaves soon afterward to go back home.  He used to be always busy.  The little time off he could afford he'd spend here with his daughter. 

Now he has plenty of time. 

But she isn't here anymore.  She left with the other beast tamers.  He literally had to beg them to take her.  But this proud man did so nonetheless. 

He didn't care about his own safety.  But he insisted she go.

It was a good coincidence.  She had some talent for it.  Bottom tier talent, but enough to be accepted.  At first, she wanted to stay but he was adamant. 

Nowadays he simply comes daily to my noodle stand.  I can see him reminisce.  Thinking about all the times he put work before family.  Regretting. 

Still, she doesn't resent him, that I know.

He was always her hero.  The one that used to bring her everywhere with him.  Especially at work when she was but a small child. 

I remember he once almost lost a big contract because of it.  But instead of backing down, he kept pushing.  Told them they could go fuck themselves. 

That he didn't have time to be emotionally present.  But that he'd never leave her behind. 

The next day his potential business partner came back.  He had told the story to his mother.  Also gotten beaten up in the process. 

This is why I love this job.  You get to know people.  They all talk to the simple noodle seller. 

I really hope that dumbass Bai wakes up soon.  I can't wait to tell him about all that has happened. 

He will sit on his usual stool. Then while slurping noodles as if a famished beast he will talk.  Tell me about all his plans for the future.  Share all the fun rumors in town. 

I am already feeling nostalgic.  It must be because I am growing old. 

That is when I hear a commotion.  The incompetent city lord is out. For once he is wearing simple clothes.  Clothes that remind me of the past. 

Back when I had just started doing business here.  Back when he was actually a decent human being, 

We make eye contact.  He comes over. 

His entourage consists of a few guards and his mistress.  Surprisingly she is wearing combat gear.  I also get the feeling she knows how to use the sword she is carrying. 

"A bowl for everyone please!"

I get to work quickly. 

They get seated. 

I serve the piping hot food. 

He looks at me. 

"Old man, from now on this city will have a different name.  It will be called the City of Freedom.  Remember it well."

Oh? I can't help but remark. 

"For a new city to be established a useless city lord won't do. Especially nowadays."

All the soldiers get their weapons out.  He gestures them to stop.  Then he slowly says. 

"That's good. Good thing I am the one in charge."

He is confident.  He exudes charisma.  Very different from the man he was the last time I saw him. 

"Very well, from now on I am the best noodle seller of Freedom City."

He grins and quickly finishes eating. 

"Alright men, time to depart." 

He screams that part loudly.  He wants the whole town to know.  What a scheming guy haha.  The guards seem confused about their destination. 

"Now, time to go to Eaglevein or should I call it the City of the Sleeping Dead?"

Everyone forgets to breathe for a second.  This is pretty much a death sentence. 

The last place anyone would dare going currently.  Yet he dares. 

Followed by the gazes of the bystanders they leave. 

There aren't that many actually.  Most people that could leave did so. 

But before long life appears. 

People running all over the place to tell this insane news.  To their family, to their friends, I see some telling stray dogs.  That is how exciting it is. 

At first, people think this is a joke. 

There is even a crowd that assembles in front of my stand.  I may just be a lowly street vendor, but I am renowned. 

This is why the city lord came here.  It was all part of his plan. 

This shows he has been thinking.  He isn't going there on a whim.  He has a strategy.  One that is probably insane. 

Everyone is awaiting my verdict., with bated breaths. 

This will most likely determine their future.  There are talks of fleeing right now.  In case he angers the undead. 

"From now on this place is called the City of Freedom.  Now, who wants some noodles while waiting for the city lord?"

They see how calm I am.  They are probably thinking that I know something.  They have seen us talk after all. 

Truth is, I have no clue.  For all we know, he is about to poke a hornet's nest.  Well, except undead. 

But in any case, I will remain here.  As long as the kid remains at least. 

I am having trouble cook for the 50 customers I have.  Oh well, they'll wait. 

*Sigh* Perhaps I really am getting old. 

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