The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 348: City of Freedom

Chapter 348: City of Freedom


This is the worst!

Where did everything go wrong?! 

I have been in secluded cultivation for a while. 

With my mistresses. 

Upon coming out, I heard the news. 

Eaglevein fell. 

The entire continent is now tense. 

My backing is gone. 

I am nothing more than a powerless lord. 

Anyone could replace me any time. 

I need to protect myself! 

I quickly call for my right hand! 

The guy that takes care of things while I'm busy. 


He's gone. 

Or so tells me an uneasy guard. 

He's been gone for a long time.

No one has been in charge of the city at all. 

Our treasury almost got emptied. 

The only reason there are still guards is the soul oaths. 

Who knew it would become so handy!

It was just so they wouldn't backstab me. 

None of them wanted to swear initially. 

But then the giant behind me, Eaglevein, convinced them all. 

Now my only source of power is destroyed!

There is apparently a necromancer that took over it. 

Singlehandedly ruling over it. 

The City of the Sleeping Dead. 

This is insane. 

What am I going to do now?!


Sleeping dead? 

He isn't leaving it, right? 

What if he can't for some reason? 

Either a pledge or another reason. 

What if? 

I could run, bringing elites troops with me.

Give everything up. 

Renounce my identity as lord. 

I'd have to disguise too. 

Even then, I'd probably get screwed by some sect. 

I was a servant of Compromis after all. 

Even if only indirectly. 

I quickly go over all we know. 

The tamer guild has evacuated most of its members. 

To a faraway branch. 

They left on the backs of giant flying creatures. 

Leaving only a few key members behind. 

Everyone with some power has left. 

This is the worst state this place has ever been in. 

We are right next to the biggest hazard ever. 

I am sure no one will fight me for it. 


"Guards! It is time for a decree!"

They are looking uneasy. 

They see me laughing like a madman. 

I have been lazing for so long. 

I have been doing nothing but wait for the days to pass. 

But this event is a wake-up call. 

One that reminds me of all the drive I once had. 

Back when I was younger. 

Back when I truly wanted to make a difference. 

I know exactly what I should do right now. 

It is a plan anyone would consider deranged. 

It is exactly because of how preposterous it is that it will work. 

Because no one would ever dare do what I am about to attempt. 


"Note this well. 

To all my brothers and sisters wandering the land. 

To all the lost ones. 

To the ones far from home. 

Or that have lost it completely. 

In this period of incredible tension. 

Know this: you guys are screwed. 

The sects will devour you. 

Tear you apart without care. 

The useful will be reduced to slavery. 

The worthless will be sacrificed. 

The dark ages have begun! 

There will be tears. 

There will be suffering.

There will be blood. 

There will be death. 

That I promise you all. 

To all of you. 

All the Sects want you dead under their foot. 

Until their God reigns supreme! 

You will be the first casualties. 

I know it.

You know it. 

You may have been lying to yourselves. 

You may have hopes and dreams. 

But you know the sorrowful reality. 

Now my friends. 

Have you heard of Compromis? 

The God of diplomacy!

The one and only!

We do not wish for war. 

We wish for friends. 

That is all. 

The City of Freedom shall welcome you. 

All of you. 

We are easy to find. 

Right next to the City of the Sleeping Dead. 

That is terrifying? 


Who are we? 

The followers of Compromis. 

We do deals above all else. 

You know what this means, don't you? 

Why do you think we are still standing? 


The City of Freedom. 

Remember it well. 

Spread the word. 

All shall be accepted. 

That is all. 

Good luck. 

You will need it."

I look around. 

Every guard is shaking. 

Terrified of my plans. 

"Now, all of you go on. 

Repeat what I just said. 


Word for word. 

Until the whole continent knows about it.

That is all."

They know clearly that I haven't left my room in ages. 

They know I wasn't even aware of the situation. 

They know the dangers of it all. 

But they are under oath. 

They cannot leave easily. 

Even if they could where would they go?

They are frightened. 

But so what?

They have no choice but to do my bidding. 

Before long they all leave. 

Leaving me with my three mistresses. 

Ones that have all truly brought me joy over the years. 

I can see the fear in their eyes. 

They have heard everything.

They can attest to what I was doing all this time. 

This makes them a liability. 

They are all under oath, but weaker beings are easier to break. 

It is extremely easy to access their memories without their knowledge. 

Using secret techniques. 

Ones that are uncommon. 

But ones that exist, nonetheless. 

Normally I wouldn't care. 

So what if a bit of information gets out? 

This time it is different. 

Many people will think that I am bluffing. 

Many will think that I am a madman. 

A fool at the end of his rope. 

But it doesn't matter. 

None will dare invade. 

On the off chance it is true. 

Unlikely for sure. 

But there will always be that little voice in their head. 

Saying what if? 

As long as I am no direct threat, the sects won't care. 

Before long all the sectless will gather here. 

They may be worthless on their own. 

But what happens when they are hundreds?

When they are thousands?

Or even tens of thousands? 

Food will be an issue for sure.

This will require to be swift and forceful. 

We will start a conquest. 

The sects will gladly let us. 

We will act as a barrier between them and the undead. 

Before long we will be strong enough. 

Then we will negotiate. 

As equals. 

Until then we will be pillagers. 

But so what? 

The choice will be simple. 

Join us or become fodder for our growth. 

Before long we will be unstoppable. 

I am perhaps mad for thinking this.

But I believe I can make it happen. 

Funny how I will proudly brandish the flag of Compromis. 

Why would a god forgive a being that destroyed his city? 

Who knows how the gods are thinking hahaha. 

I also believe the god himself will not stop it. 

I will borrow his name. 

He will be getting tons of followers. 

I am using a necromancer and a god in one go. 

Hehe. Who would have the balls to do that? 

So I need to keep the truth hidden. 

These mistresses are a danger. 

"Don't worry. No need to fear. 

I only said all that to get them riled up. 

Meanwhile, we'll escape somewhere nice. 

Just the 4 of us. 

Where do you ladies want to go?"

They relax. 

All except one. 

One that is a spy sent to infiltrate my place. 

She is stronger and wiser than the others. 

She understood what is going. 

The two nave ones thank me excitedly. 

I hug them very close. 

In the meantime, they are whispering sweet promises to me. 

"I love you." 

Then I snap their necks. 


Their faces are still adorned by a smile of happiness. 

"Thank you for all the joy you have brought me. 

May you rest in peace." 

I wish things were different. 

I truly wish. 

I turn to the last one. 

"I know everything about you. What do they rely on to make you obey?"

I know it isn't an oath I have checked. 

Then she spills it. 

They have her brother. 

"Serve me and we will get back your brother or avenge him at the very least." 

She nods. 

She asks me why I am sparing her. 

Even with the danger, it poses. 


"Because you can at least defend yourself from soul searching."

She wants to know the true reason. 

True. The core reason is simpler. 

"Because I'd miss you otherwise."

Anyway, no time to feel sad.

I have things to accomplish.

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