Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 2: Chapter 47

Book 2: Chapter 47

You look a bit down today, prince, did someone try to kill you on the way here? Dont come here if thats the case. What would I do if you ruined my place?

No, I was just playing with the children for a bit. But what you said hurt me. I thought we were friends, but youre more concerned about your shop than me.


The red-haired lady laughed in a heroic tone. She picked up the alcohol bottle by the side and gulped a few mouthfuls. She then wiped her mouth and said: Yeah, thats right. Im quite proud to have become friends with you too, your majesty. But you have to consider it from my perspective, because I built this workshop piece by piece. Everything in here was created by me. Everything in here has me to thank, not you or the empress. I can help you out of friendship, but that doesnt mean that I have to sacrifice everything for you.

Youre right. Youre right.

I impatiently waved my hand and then sat down, and said: You smoked again, didnt you? Didnt I tell you there was gun powder over here? If you dont want to get burnt up with your workshop, go smoke outside or make another room.

Prince, youre even fussier than my mom. If I had to go outside every time I wanted to smoke, I must as well live outside. And where would I find the money to make another room? It doesnt matter, it doesnt matter. I wont ignite the gunpowder, dont worry. Oh, right. Ive finished the gun you asked for. Here.

She bent down and grabbed a gun leaning on the wall, handed it to me, and then picked up her pipe. I ran my hand over the gun. The gun was really heavy, but there was nothing that could be done about it. Plastic doesnt exist in this world. To be able to make this gun is a pretty decent accomplishment. Lucia can control wind which is why I didnt design for there to be an air pump. However, Ive already managed to give it the ability to fire consecutively. As long as one can create an air pump, theyll be able to fire steel balls like a machine gun.

The gun had rifling done too. If it were to fire steel balls Its probably not the best idea to tune it so that it can put holes in peoples bodies. There are no wars here, so a bit of brutality probably isnt going to matter. I pushed the door open and looked at the height of the building. I then asked: Can I make a rather ridiculous request? Umm, can you make a chimney higher than this?

She took a puff from her pipe, then looked at me dumbfounded and said: If I had the money to make a pillar that high, wouldnt I have enough to make another room? You sure know how to crack jokes, your majesty. If you want to get it done, then youll need to use your wealth and power as royalty to find a place to get it built. But do you mind me asking what youre trying to do?

I want to make lead bullets. If lead comes down from that height, its liquid form will automatically become spherical in shape, however Since you cant make it, Ill just have to trouble you with making lead bullets then. As for the dimensions, can you make them the same as these steel balls?

Okay, okay, okay. But I dont think I can make many. It wouldve been great if I had access to such a convenient method like the one you described, because my handiwork rate is very slow. And prince, a full moon is approaching. As a half-blood, dont cause some big incident while youre here with humans.

I know. I wont cause trouble Oh, yeah, when will there be a full moon?

The moon will be full tomorrow night. The elves will have another sleepless night again. Are you ready for it, your majesty? Oh, yeah, Im a bit curious about how you react on a full moon night, your majesty. The libido of elves tends to rise to incredible levels on that day. You better not lay your hands on some maid and have an illegitimate child or else itll become a huge issue.

I smiled weakly. As if I have those sorts of thoughts at a time like that. I mean, theres not a single spot on my body that doesnt hurt when it kicks in. It feels like somebody is ripping my bones out of my body. But I have witnessed the part about elves having elevated libido levels during full moons If mom had lost her mind, I probably wouldve been done in already.

I couldnt see Lucia that time. What would Lucia be doing in a corner where I cant see her?

No! I shouldnt think about that. All Im thinking about are eroge* plots. I returned the rifle to its place. I dont want to walk around with a long gun on me. This sort of stuff should be kept secret. I cant let people see it. Ill wrap it up properly and take it with me when I leave. I stood up and said: Ill be off then. Thank you, big sis.

Huh? Are you leaving already? Arent you going to leave me with anything today?

Are you hoping to pry my brain again? Sorry, but Im not an encyclopedia I cant just draw blueprints at the drop of a hat for you. The number of blueprints I can remember are limited too. If I show you anymore, Ill have to show you assault rifles. I smiled weakly and said: I dont have an infinite number of ideas to share either. This should be plenty, right? And if it were up to me, Id suggest researching bullets instead of rifles.

Yes, yes. What you say makes sense, your majesty. I wont see you out, bye your majesty. I hope you have a beautiful night, especially tomorrow night.

What a thoughtful wish I still dont even know if Ill make it through tomorrow night in one piece. I sighed. Nobody here can help me suck my mana out, and neither can I use magic. Ill probably die from the pain. Its such a nuisance without my elf-mom by my side.

I saw Nier holding a small wooden sword as she taught the young boy swordsmanship as soon as I exited the workshop. Nier held the small wooden sword with one hand and took a firm stance. The young boy tried his best to hit Nier, but Nier easily deflected all his attacks. In fact, she didnt even move her feet.

Your majesty!

Youre open!

When Nier turned around, the young boy shouted and swung at Nier who wasnt looking. Nier easily deflected his attack without even looking, and simultaneously attacked his wrist, thus disarming him.

Youre so good, big sis! Youre so good! Youre stronger than the prince!!

The children surrounded Nier and were evidently surprised, and complimented her using words that hurt me. Nier smiled and crouched down. She stroked the kids head and the said: Not bad. You have the basics of swordsmanship. Does someone at home practice swordsmanship?

Yeah! The young boy nodded resolutely and then happily said: My older brother learns swordsmanship! Hes going to challenge the people in the palace next. I heard that you could be conferred a position of an official if you can defeat someone there! Ill definitely go there once Ive mastered the sword too!

No!! You are not to go!!

Niers sudden angry shout scared me. I looked at Nier surprised. Even the kids got scared as they looked at Nier fearfully. The boy retreated two steps out of fear and looked at Nier while trembling. Nier was aware that she shouted at him and went silent for a moment. She then softly said: Sorry I shouldnt have shouted at you Its just its just Dont ever Dont ever take part in that challenge Its impossible to succeed. Its impossible

Big sis

As soon as he called her, Nier quickly pulled him into her embrace.

Promise me. Promise me that youll never participate in that challenge. Dont ever go there, even if you starve to death Nier paused. She looked ahead of her in a daze lost for words. Shes a Valkyrie. Everything she had, from food, water and living was provided by the empress. She doesnt have a salary. Shes a poor child, but can she save these kids from starvation?

The boy leaned on Niers shoulder and stared at me.

I smiled helplessly and walked over. I touched him on his head lightly and softly said: Listen to big sis. If your family is struggling, come to the palace gate and hand this handkerchief to the guards, and then report to me. If Im not there, just hand this handkerchief to the guards and let them know that I told you to come and grab some food. Trust me, you can exchange this handkerchief for white bread.

I pulled my personal handkerchief out and handed it to him. I then looked at all the children and said: Youre all my friends. Whenever you run into trouble, just come to the palace. But remember; always hold the belief that the world is benevolent, regardless of how sad you may feel. Dont forget your dignity and kindness even if you starve.

The children looked at me. They looked at each other at a loss for what to say or do, and then nodded.

I rarely saw those children afterwards, and even forgot how they looked. Maybe they became one of the men by my side. Maybe they became a blacksmith that made one of the weapons I wielded. Maybe they became scholars, or maybe they were still struggling to get by. Whatever the case, I believe that they were all kind.


*Eroge = Erotic Games

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