Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 2: Chapter 46

Book 2: Chapter 46

Whats the situation on the Black Streets been like lately?

Theres a huge debt owed to me, and I cant get it back, but we still need to buy all the firearms. Im stuck with this batch of goods! Nobody buys the swords, armours, and saddles we make either. Weve had to lower the price of military equipment down so low were just breaking even.

Couldnt they be sold to other countries previously?

Soldiers from the army are patrolling the Black Streets all the time now. Theyve arrested a fair number of people. Weve had to stop selling to avoid the heat!

Soldiers? Isnt Kurt responsible for the soldiers? Cant you talk to him about it?

It was the princes order! The prince personally passed down the order! And the prince goes to the Black Streets every day. We dont have a spare moment to catch our breath!

Whered this prince come from? How come Ive never seen him before?

Im not sure. The prince brought Castor down in one stroke. The empress really dotes on him too. We cant touch him. And we cant assassinate him even if we want to because his bodyguard is the Valkyries sword instructor. Even if we were to hire assassins, wed probably need at least two hundred of them.

Yeah, if we anger the empress Were all dead meat Why do we need to kill the prince?! Why not just bribe him? If we can bring him to our side then the problem is solved.

You think we can bribe the prince with the amount of wealth that we have? The princes wallet is the empires national treasury! Whats more is that the prince has nothing he particularly likes. He doesnt like women, he doesnt like money. He just likes going to the Black Streets every day. What would we gift him?

Just kill him then. How about bribing a servant close to him to poison him?

Thats impossible. His close servant is an elf he saved. Theres no way shed help us. The prince is a half-blood. Hes half-elven. Its said that the war ten years ago started and ended because of him.

Cough. Cough.

The fire inside the secret room swayed. Near a dozen people wearing black cloaks were debating at a huge stone table, which was situated in the middle of the secret room. The room built from bluestone bricks was covered with moss and lichens. The figure of a fat person cut everybodys conversation off and got them to end their debate. They all turned to look at the fat figure. He extended his hand out and placed it on the table. His fingers which were like lotus roots projected a shadow which covered the jewellery and gold on the table.

The princes existence is bad news for all of us. When he brought down Castor, the prices of Castors goods all dropped. We merchants whove had a monopoly on these goods cant continue maintain the prices. However, hes still a valuable asset. As long as he lives, we can use him to instigate another large scale war. Arent you all worried about overstocking weapons?

Only the elves could put up a fight against the empire if it were such a large scale war. Further, the elves have maintained a friendly relationship with humans for ten years already.

The fatso snickered and said: Theres no friendly relationship between the two countries. Does the empress truly like the elves? She just doesnt have a choice. Just as you mentioned, the prince is a half-blood. He only comes every second month, so where is he the other month? Of course hes with the elves. Her majesty treats his majesty as her greatest treasure. If the war back then was started because of his majesty, then theres no reason a second one cant be instigated with him as the catalyst. If the prince dies while hes with the elves, then not only is it unrelated to us, the empress will even attack the elves out of despair. Shell even personally take to the frontlines. If that happens, is there a need for us to be worried about excessive inventory? When that happens, well return to the golden era when her majesty was conquering the lands.

But, how do we get the prince killed when hes with the elves?

We have friends among the elves.

He pulled his chair out, stood up and then said: Ill go make the arrangements. You people behave. Be patient for now and dont do anything illegal. It might be tough to sell your goods, but its not affecting your livelihood, is it? Dont reveal our plans beforehand. Leave the prince alone, got it?


Alright, then lets leave.

I stepped over a puddle of dirty water and headed to the red-haired ladys workshop with Nier. The candy pouch Nier had on her belt had been refilled. The candy stand man had already died so I had to make a long trip to buy the candy. Niers expression was a lot more relaxed now. The sweetness of the candy mustve suppressed that sour taste thatd leave people drowning in despair.

Big sis! Big bro!!

When we got to the front of the workshop, the children gleefully gathered around us. Nier leaned over with a smile as she scrubbed their heads, and then asked: Theres no one missing today, right?

No! The soldiers have protected us day and night!

One of the boys looked at Nier, excitedly raised his hand with a wooden sword in it and said: The soldiers are so cool. I want to become a famous soldier in the future too! I want to be cooler than you, big sis!

I laughed and looked at Nier. Nier gently looked at him and scrubbed his head with a smile. She then said: Make sure to work hard then. You need to be brave, loyal and strong to be a soldier.

Uhm! Ill give it my all! Ali got taken into the palace. I want to enter the palace and become a guard too!  He waved his wooden sword around with style and looked like he knew what he was doing. I couldnt believe hed picked up some sword skills. His hand movements showed that he knew what he was doing. The children who stood on the side were wowed and clapped.

Nier smiled and clapped as well. Yeah, that kid was more skilled with a sword than I was.

He proudly put his sword away, then looked at me and asked with admiration: Big bro!! Big bro!! Do you know swordsmanship?

I rubbed my nose since I felt awkward. I then said: I dont. Id carry a sword with me if I could But I cant use a sword at all

What can you do then, big bro?

The kids looked at me with a hint of disappointment. Their looks of disappointment made me feel worse than the looks of contempt Nier gave me Why are you all so disappointed? I dont know swordsmanship. They dont teach it in the military. Why did I feel guilty like I committed some sort of mistake? I rubbed my nose and awkwardly said: I I know military boxing and military wrestling

Spar with big sis then! Come on! Come on! Big sis!

They pulled Nier up and she looked at me with a serious look.

Hey, hey, hey!! Youre my bodyguard!! Why did you let the children goad you into fighting me?! I did say I know military boxing and wrestling but I treat it like radio calisthenics! You want me to use radio calisthenics to fight with someone who kills people?!

Nier placed her sword down and looked at me with clenched fists. I helplessly smiled. The guard stance for military boxing and wrestling is

Uhm. What I saw the next moment were the buildings and sky above me

Nier didnt use force. She completely guarded against my attack. Her fist beautifully caught me in my gut, and when I leaned over, I got struck with an uppercut, which knocked my torso upright and me onto the ground

Please forgive me, your majesty!!

Nier quickly went down on one knee before me Shouldnt you be helping me up and not kneeling right now?

I shook my head the way you would after getting stunned by a shot to the head. Nier didnt use force. I used the wall as support to stand up, then looked at Nier, waved my hand and said: Its fine. Rise. Did you see that Eh?

I saw the children look at me with their terrified eyes. They were so scared they didnt dare to move. Whats the matter? Didnt I just lose? Did I happen to unleash some wicked punch or something?!

Y-Y-Youre Your majesty

The eldest kid quickly knelt down, prostrated himself on the ground and shouted aloud: I am very sorry, your majesty!!

The other children quickly followed suit.

Huh? Oh right

I finally understood why they were scared. I helplessly smiled, crouched down and helped the kid at the forefront up, and said: Relax, relax. Just act like you always do. Im really happy when Im around you all. You dont have to act like that because of my identity. You havent done anything wrong either, so relax.

Still quivering, he raised his head and asked me with disbelief: Ar-Are you sure? We Can play with you, your majesty?

Yeah. Havent we been playing together for a long time already?

I smiled and scrubbed his head. I then stood up and they did too. They looked at me with fear. I extended my hand out and Nier was unsure what was going on. I looked and Nier and said: Candy


Nier handed me the small pouch. I held the candy and teased them for a bit. I leaned over with a smile and said: Yours. Enjoy. Enjoy it

You guys ate my bread to, so were friends from now. Dont worry about a thing.

I gave them all a candy-ball and then returned the pouch to Nier. The children finally eased up and revealed their smiles when they saw the candy. Kids are easy to cheer up. If Nier was like them, then our relationship would probably be really good by now.

Nier, Im heading in first.

Nier nodded and replied: Understood.

I turned around, brushed the dirt off myself, then knocked on the door and entered the workshop.


*Black Street(s) = An area where there is poor safety standards and lots of fights

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