NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 230: Going To The Town

Chapter 230: Going To The Town

Bloom entered the game with a to do list in his mind. "First the town, then Gerard's quest, and finally I'll have to dig deeper about this game."

He knew looking for the truth wouldn't be easy, cheap, or short. Such a task would require much preparations and a lot of patience. "I even doubt she knows a thing about this," he shook his head while heading towards the village mayor.

"Stop right there."

Just as he got near the doors of the village mayor's building, two strong looking NPCs stopped him while one started to interrogate him for the reason to come here.

To go to the town, players had to first get the recognition of the village mayor. Luckily Bloom was the first to come here and ask for that, or else the long line would stretch far beyond the village walls.

"Good," the mayor nodded, "which town do you want to go to?"

"Any town is fine," Bloom said and he wasn't lying. For him any town would be good.

"Hmm do you want to go to a place where an old friend of mine resides?"

The mayor just said and a system notification popped up instantly in front of Bloom's eyes.

"System alert: Rendog village mayor is giving you a gift, accept it or not it's up to you."

Bloom felt something was off. 'Why would the game give me such a choice in the first place?' he then turned to the mayor as he said: "Sure, that would be my pleasure."

"Great," the mayor laughed as if he was the one celebrating this, not Bloom, "now I'll send you this message and I'll ask you to deliver it to him."

"What's it?" Bloom asked while glancing at the well wrapped and sealed message. "Is it a letter of recommendation?" he asked.

"It's a request for a punishment force," the mayor said while his tone told Bloom how much anger he held deep inside him. "Those filthy dark monsters and players are everywhere! I want him to send a punitive force to restore order."

Bloom's eyes shone as he suddenly had an idea in his mind. "And take this ticket, it will take you directly to Foon."

"Foon town?" Bloom asked in doubt as he never heard such a name before while checking the grand map of this kingdom.

"Hahaha, no no, it's not a name of a town, but a person," the mayor laughed before motioning to Bloom, "c'mon use it and go fast. The village is desperately needing your aid."

"System alert: Player accepts the mayor's quest."

"The Rendog village mayor quest: Player has to go to the Sword city and deliver the message to its mayor."

"Holy sh*t!!"

Bloom exclaimed in utter shock the moment he read the name of the town he was supposed to go to.

"Pardon me?" the mayor turned to him while Bloom didn't know how to respond to such a trap.

"This town ahem, is it the town in the heart of the angel territory? The place known as"

"The death zone," the mayor nodded, "yes it's there. What? Did you hear about it already? Hahaha, I knew, my old friend can't only reside in such a worthless town. She must have made a name for herself, hahaha."

This time Bloom watched in silence as he didn't know how to respond to such shamelessness and act. "Do you think she can spare anyone from her side?" he tried to reason with this NPC to drop such a quest off him.

"Of course," yet the mayor's shamelessness had no end, "she won't hesitate to help," he said before pointing towards the message as he warned, "don't try to open it or else it will be ruined and the result will be jail time."

"System alert: the mayor just added a penalty if you failed to deliver the message perfectly fine in less than one day. Open the quest to check it if you want."

"Damn," Bloom didn't open the quest and he decided to leave. 'Staying here will end my life,' he bitterly muttered before taking the ticket and used it.

The next instant he appeared in another place where a much wider plaza appeared with no one there but him.

And a system alert came in front of his face:

"System alert: Congratulations for player Hannipal to be the first to reach the town in the entire game. As a reward the player will have his prestige in the entire game raised by fifty points."

"System alert: the general ranking of players is now open. Anyone can find it through the personal profile or the forums."

Bloom sighed. Despite gaining fifty prestige points in one go was something great, but he needed at least five hundred more to be able to reach a rank with authority to call on the emergency procedure in the village.

"Now I have to find this what he called her again?" Bloom forgot the name of the mayor before he turned towards the nearest store as he asked the seller:

"Excuse me, where is the building of the mayor?"

"Oh a player? You are a player! They arrived, players arrived! Hahaha."

Bloom felt weird by the shouts of this NPC. He was the seller, or standing presumably to sell inside a potion store just on the corner of the plaza. "Yes, I came here"

The NPC didn't give him any time to explain before he hurriedly showed everything he had inside the store. "See this? It's a perfect potion with the ability to restore half of your Hp lost in the first second. And this it's I dunno," he tossed a potion behind before grabbing another one.

"This one can restore magic points, and the most amazing thing is that it can be used with the Hp restoring potion so you won't have to waste much time like usual."

"Dude," Bloom harshly said to stop this weird NPC, "I'm a weapon wielder, I don't use magic points."


"Now, tell me where can I find the mayor's building or I swear from the entire town's potion stores I won't step in her ever again!"

Bloom shouted while the NPC felt his rage and hurried to point to a direction, "go there, take right and you'll see the building. It's the biggest building there," he said before regretfully glancing at the potions he took out and the one he smashed behind, "won't you buy anything?"

"Not now," he said, "another time perhaps."

"Don't forget about me," the NPC shouted over his back while Bloom only walked away, "weird," he muttered.

Bloom took a deep breath while moving fast through the street towards the mayor's building.

As that bizarre NPC said, the building was exceptionally unique enough to spot it from far.

"Halt," one of the guards shouted and stopped him in track. Unlike the village, the number of guards here was in the tens, walking in a big group that looked too intimidating. "State your business, this is the town mayor's building if you are lost."

"I came here to deliver this message," Bloom took out the message and showed the seal on it to the guards before adding, "I want to meet the mayor."

"Hilarious," one of the guards sneered before adding, "just coming here with a letter and thinking you can meet our beloved mayor? Give me this message and leave now," the NPC shouted at Bloom while others only had amusing looks over their faces.

And Bloom was hit with this all of sudden. 'Damn, it isn't easy to meet the mayor! I totally forgot that!' he exclaimed in surprise before he hid the message the next instant. "This is a private message no one can deliver it but me."

"And I said you won't step inside," the guard said in a serious and domineering tone, "scram now or else I might arrest you."

Bloom didn't know what to do except to retreat. Just as he was walking away, he heard the joking laughs of the guards behind.

"It was a funny kid, why didn't you let him stay more to entertain us?"

"You should have just let him in and waited until the mayor returns from her punitive expedition outside. Like that we would have a much better scene to laugh at."

"He seems ignorant so I wasn't harsh on him."

Bloom recognized the voice of the NPC who spoke to him while he kept moving forward at a fast pace. "So the sexy mayor isn't here, she is outside pretty courageous girl," he muttered while running towards the gate, "I can't risk waiting for her to return. I should find her place outside and meet her amidst the fight this will be easier."

He hurried towards the big town gate while keeping check over his stamina. The town was much larger than the village, so he needed at least two hours to cross it to the big walls and gates.

"What the hell?!"

Just as he reached the gates he heard loud war cries and many ruckus of a nearby hot battle. "Is she fighting this nearby?" he hurried towards the gates to spot a large number of flying angels leading some strange looking ground monsters while trying to attack the town.

"It's monster tide! Damn it my bad luck!!" he cursed while knowing he had no option now but to help with all his might.

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