Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 64: Her late night visitor 1

Chapter 64: Her late night visitor 1

The Duke's mansion

Lu Yingjie rode his horse during the ride back to the mansion from the palace so Zhu Fengyin was alone in the carriage. Everything that happened in the palace replayed in her mind during the ride back.

She didn't know what to make of the whole mess, she didn't understand who and why Su Liya was targeted. Why did it have to be Lu Yaozhu, madam Lu was like a tiger when it came to her children. This night wasn't going to be peaceful for her at the mansion but that was expected.

She didn't know how Su Liya was feeling while at the palace. The Emperor held her in the palace under the pretence of preparing for the wedding but any smart person could see that it was to protect his interest. The Emperor just conferred a marriage between one of his keep officials and a maid.

While it looked like an accepted union to onlookers, there were a lot of powerful parties unhappy with the union. The best place she should be right now to save her neck was the palace. It isn't unheard of for a bride to accidentally die in the capital. Although it was a good idea that Su Liya was held in the palace, she couldn't help but worry.

While she may not be killed there were other ways the Empress or madam Lu could get their pound of flesh. 'i have to find a way to ensure her safety. YaYa is innocent. This was all a dirty move made by someone sinister' Zhu Fengyin thought as the carriage stopped moving. 

Tian Tian walked down from the maids' carriage and ran to help her mistress out. A maid under her banner had caused a mess, Madam Lu wouldn't take that lightly. It wouldn't be good if her mistress wasted any more time to get down. Tian Tian was scared Madam Lu would take out her anger on Zhu Fengyin.

Tian Tian pulled the door open and said "Mistress we have arrived". 

Zhu Fengyin took in a breath and let it out before getting up and stepping out for the carriage. She heard Madam Lu ask after Li Yaozhu as she was helped down.

Madam Lu stood by the gates with Lu Yiling while the steward welcomed them. "Is Xiao Zhu back?" Madam Lu asked.

The Duke mansion's Steward Uncle Lu replied "no, Madam".

Madam Lu looked ahead but didn't see her eldest son anywhere. "Why isn't Yingjie here?"

"My lady, the Duke left as soon as he got here to search for our second young master" Uncle Lu replied gently.

"Yingjie went after Xiao Zhu and Yong'er?"

"Third young master went back to his room" Uncle Lu replied.

"Good" Madam Lu replied. There was a sudden drop in temperature as she turned to Zhu Fengyin and "You, followed me". Madam Lu walked Swiftly to her Courtyard with Zhu Fengyin following her closely. 

Madam Lu raise her hands and slapped Zhu Fengyin on the cheek as soon as they got into the room. "You scheming little snake! Kneel!, Madam Lu said angrily and sat on the seat at the centre of the room.

Zhu Fengyin ignored the tubbing pain from her cheek and fell on her knees silently. 

"Are you happy now, you have destroyed my son's prospect? I never should have let you step into this compound, you are no good!" Madam Lu hissed looking down at Zhu Fengyin.

Zhu Fengyin didn't reply, she remained silent no matter what madam Lu said to her. She understood that madam Lu was angry, nothing she said would make her calm down. Lu Yiling who stood silently by looked down at Zhu Fengyin sympathetically.

While she didn't know the particulars of the scandals, she suspected that Zhu Fengyin might not be the mastermind behind this. Based on what she knew about Su Liya, that gold digger must have orchestrated everything herself.

However, she didn't bother to speak up for Zhu Fengyin because although Zhu Fengyin was not the mastermind, she was still guilty by association. Her ignorance of the true face of that two-faced maid of hers brought them this mess. She should be held accountable for that.

"Why did you do it? What do you want from us!" Madam Lu shouted.

"I am sorry mother for my maids part in this but I can assure you that neither I nor Su Liya had any hand in this. We are being framed mother!" Zhu Fengyin replied head bent down.

Madam Lu laughed softly then standing, walked to Zhu Fengyin and raised her chin. She said gently "You are being framed! Do you want me to believe that lie? Zhu Fengyin, do you think that I don't know about your romance with the sixth Prince. You might have my son fooled but I know that you are still in communication with the sixth prince's camp. Were you ordered to do this by the sixth prince's camp?"

"No mother, I am not in communication with the sixth prince. I never was mother, you have to believe me" 

"You want me to believe that you weren't aware of your maid's actions. Since you want to play it like this, I will play along" She looked to her Nanny Liu and said, "escort the young madam to her room. She is not to leave without my permission".

"Yes," Nanny Liu replied. She turned to Zhu Fengyin and pointing to the door said "this way young madam".

Zhu Fengyin was helped up by Tian Tian and escorted to her room. True to her words Zhu Fengyin was locked in her Courtyard until Lu Yingjie and Lu Yaozhu returned home.


The imperial palace 

Meanwhile back at the Empress's palace,  Empress Lu pace about the room while bitting gently on her Lips. It was already late in the night but she couldn't sleep. Sleeping was a distant thought in her mind, there were so many conflicting thoughts in her mind.

Her ladies maid Xuayi had dismissed the rest of the servants to give her some privacy. Xuanyi stood by the wall, she watched her mistress go toe and froe. 

Empress Lu strapped her pacing, turned to her maid's maid "where is that maid?"

"Your highness, as per his majesty's orders, Princess Ping was placed at Jing Palace."

"I am tired of this wait, let us go meet my adopted daughter" Empress Lu walked towards the door. She was a few steps away from the entrance when the door was pushed open and Emperor Zhong walked in.

Empress Lu And Xuanyi curtsied immediately, "Your majesty!"

The Emperor looked from his wife to her maid briefly before dismissing the maid "leave us".

"Yes," Xuanyi glanced at her mistress for a few seconds then bowed out of the room. The Emperor's servants retreated and shut the door behind. It was only the royal couple in the room.

"My Empress are we going to keep standing here?" Empress Zhong asked, his lips curved in a small smile.

"Excuse my mistake, your highness please come in" she turned to the side. The Emperor walked past her and walked to the inner room. 

The Emperor stood by a painting on the wall, "It has been a while since I last came here. My Empress, please don't take this to heart".

"I don't dare, your majesty"Empress Lu replied from a few steps away.

"We have been married for over twenty years, haven't we. How come in the years we have been married I have never seen you this worried about me as you are right now. Was I not worthy of that?"

Empress clamped her hands tightly "Your majesty shouldn't play with me, you are my darling husband. If you aren't worthy of my love who is".

Emperor Zhong turned off around, "Then you better listen to this darling husband of yours and stay put. I let you run around freely for long it seems since you dare to get my elder sister involved in cour.

"Did you think I didn't know what you were up to when you brought Xia Ying to the capital? Don't get ahead of yourself Lu Nuo. (Lu Nuo is the Empress given name. She is a member of the Lu clan)

"In this palace, nothing happens without my knowledge, this is my last warning. Don't ever try something like this again, I will give you a month to handle the mess with Princess Ni'an" He left the room and returned to his palace.

Empress Lu was still standing at the spot when Xuanyi walked in. "Your Highness? What is wrong" Xuanyi said when she saw her like that. 

Empress Lu blinked a few times and replied calmly "oh... Nothing. It is getting late. I am going to bed, you may leave".

Xuanyi has followed the Empress since she was still the young mistress of the Duke's mansion. She was familiar with her actions and could tell that her mistress didn't want to talk about whatever had her worried. She nodded and left the room.


Back at the crown prince of Chu state's room.

He sat by the desk and listened as his spies reported on the events of the day. When the last of his spies left, his guard handed the secret missive from Minister Zhu. He sent him outside before opening and reading the content of the not. 

'The first move from our end has been made proceed as planned'

He set the note ablaze after reading the note.

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