Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 65: Her late night visitor 2

Chapter 65: Her late night visitor 2

On the roof of the administrative offices of the Ministry of War.

Lu Yaozhu sat on the thin wooden spine at the centre of the roof and overlooked the city. The minister of war was located next to the industrial area of the capital. while there weren't many residential buildings in that section, it was one of the busiest parts of the capital during the days.

The minister of war was one of the ministries with the biggest courtyards, the building was tall. Standing on the roof gave one a wide view of the capital, the only other place that offered such a great view was the clocktower at the palace.

Growing up this was one of Lu Yaozhu's favourite spots at the capital, back when their father was still alive. His father usually carried him up to the roof whenever he was upset and they just sat there looking at the city until he felt better.

After many years, it had turned into a habit to come here whenever he felt upset. Which seemed to be whenever he visited the Palace. It was past curfew, there wasn't anyone on the usually busy streets. Everyone had gone in for the night, which worked in his favour. 

Lu Yaozhu wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone, he sat silently and looked down at the sleeping city. There was a slight movement behind him, as Lu Yingjie joined him on the roof. Lu Yaozhu glanced at his brother for a second, then turned back to the view.

Lu Yingjie was used to his younger brother's mannerisms when angry, he sat a few steps away from Lu Yaozhu. 

"Ahh what a view! I haven't been up here in a while. The capital looks beautiful even when sleeping, the landmass has increased", Lu Yingjie said normally like they were having a good conversation. Lu Yaozhu always did everything the right way and was likely upset with how everything went down. 

Lu Yingjie kept talking about nothing in particular, as he tried to make his worked up brother get relaxed. Lu Yaozhu was Quiet for a while before finally opening up, he broke the silence not long later.

"I don't know how to face her, brother... She must have felt violated as I do. You have to understand that... She isn't responsible for what happened. She is the victim in this, like_" he stopped halfway but Lu Yingjie understood what he wanted to say.

Patting him on the shoulder, Lu Yingjie replied "you don't need to explain, I understand. I never intended to play her, because then I would have to blame Zhu Fengyin and we have been married for months. I know what kind of person she is, Su Liya and my wife are a little similar".

Lu Yaozhu turned to his brother surprised to hear this from him, "you don't blame her?"

"No, how can I. When I saw how giddy the Emperor was, everything was carefully planned. Something like this wouldn't happen without some high ranking members of the haram being involved. This little trick is more common in Females and since the Emperor was involved, the orchestrator must be one of his women.

"The Empress had her plans for your marriage, so it can't be her. Plus our aunt and uncle are at odds, I doubt he would ever help her. The next powerful person is the one I believe is most likely the mastermind. Which is imperial consort Shi, she is the most favoured Consort so makes sense that the Emperor would work with her. Doesn't it?"

"Yes, I suspect her too but I want to be sure. They want to ruin our aunt's plans and this is the best way to both ruin my reputation and block off all paths. Elder Princess Ni'an would never allow her granddaughter to become a concubine".

Lu Yingjie nodded "since his majesty put such an effort into this, we can only play along. He would be watching to see how our family will handle this, for him to do this, he must be at his wit's end. You have to be careful out there".

"Don't worry about me, I can handle him. Just promise me you will keep everyone safe, Su Liya included. She is innocent in this war with the Emperor."

"Why are you speaking like you are leaving a will. Don't try anything stupid!"

Lu Yaozhu glanced at his brother and smiled "don't worry, I know not to take any more risks.


The news of Lu Yaozhu's marriage spread wide by the next day, it was all anymore could talk about. Especially since the bride was a ladies maid, that stench could not be easily washed away. A lot of gossips involving Su Liya and Zhu Fengyin began to spread.

By the evening that day, a lot of nosy madams visited the Duke's mansion in search of gossip, under the pretence of congratulating the family. Madam Lu and Zhu Fengyin were masters of pretence, they put on an amicable front to put the wagging tongues at Bay.

However, as soon s the visitors left the old slipped off Madam Lu' face and she sent Zhu Fengyin a heated look. The sight of this daughter-in-law of hers was irritating, "what are you waiting for, return to your room immediately!".

Zhu Fengyin gave her salute and turned to leave. She was at the door when she was held back by Lu Yingjie, who just returned from court. He still wore the red court uniform, he held her arm gently and whispered to her "Don't leave, you deserve to be here as much as she does".

He ran his fingers through hers and held her arm, "let us go", he said smiling. Zhu Fengyin looked up at him with her big soulful eyes and glanced at their interwoven hands turned around and walked in with him. 

She had seen him since he visited her late last night 


last night, at Zhu Fengyin's room.

Zhu Fengyin dismissed her maids for the night to get some sleep. After tossing and turning for some time she finally gave up on sleep, she sat up on the bed and stepped down from the bed. The room was dim save for a few Candles set in strategic positions in the room.

To distract herself from the obvious, Zhu Fengyin took out a book from the bookshelf and picking up a candle. She brought them both to the reading table. Placing the candle on the table, she flipped the book open and began to read.

A few pages into her book, there was a whizz of air from the window as a dark figure jumped into the room. She rushed out of her seat worried until she saw it was Lu Yingjie.

"Your Grace!" 

Lu Yingjie sat on the seat opposite hers, "seat, I need to speak to you".

Zhu Fengyin returned to her seat, "if it is about the scandal, I swear that I and Yaya had nothing to do with that. We are being framed!"

"I am not here to talk about that. We have been married for months now, I have treated you well haven't I?"

Zhu Fengyin nodded "Yes you have".

"Are you still in communication with your father? You must answer me honestly Fengyin. We are husband and wife, Fengyin. After marriage, we become one. We live or die together if we are to make this marriage work, we have to trust each other".

After the painful events of her past life, Zhu Fengyin knew not to trust her father. He would sacrifice her for power any day, there were no benefits in being loyal to him. She looked up to him and informed him that she had exchanged secret messages with her father a few times since their marriage.

She relayed the content of each message and her response, Lu Yingjie silently watched her for a few seconds when she was done. Then replied "Good, get some sleep. We will talk tomorrow"

She didn't know what to make of his response but from his actions now, she could only assume that he believed her.


The Present, At Madam Lu's courtyard.

Madam Lu looked was shocked to see her usually serious eldest son walk in holding his traitorous wife's hand. She sat up and glared at Zhu Fengyin before glancing at her son "Yingjie, you are back early".

"His majesty release court early" he replied then drawing Zhu Fengyin closer he continued "please don't take your anger out on Fengyin or Su Liya mother. They had nothing to do with what happened yesterday".

"How sure are of that! Yingjie, you are still young. You can't judge these things emotionally."

"I already investigated everything mother, the maids involved weren't normal maids. Zhu Fengyin is my wife mother, she doesn't deserve to be treated this way".

"Since you said that, I will believe you. I am tired, indeed to rest. I won't see you off" Madam Lu was supported by her maid Nanny Liu as she left the room.

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