Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 231: Spooky 2

Chapter 231: Spooky 2

"Your Majesty!" Rezar winced in annoyance as his concentration was broken by the Samira's call. He moved towards where she was standing with her underlings, right by the river bank, with an all too excited look on her face.

"What have you found?" Rezar asked as he turned to the Night Mother.

"there are foot prints on the bank, but it's strange. From what I can see a pair came towards the river, but when it left it had doubled, and from the way the footprints are close and intermingled, its either a pair of lovers hugging each other, two friends with their arm over each other's shoulder, or someone helping and injured or tired person move. One of the footprints has a deeper indentation than the other, so it's either two smaller men, or a woman and a man. But above all this, the fact still remains that one set of footprints approached the river, yet two left it and went into the forest."

Rezar nodded his head in acknowledgement, causing a smile to stretch over Samira's face. The Night mother had hoped to impress the king, but judging from the annoyed look on the face of her underlings, she just stole someone or all of their discoveries. But she didn't care one bit, the approval of the Bone King was something she sought after greatly, and being bonded to him as vampire who he sired, she felt even more compelled to please him. Rezar knelt in front of the river as he made a couple of observations, calling them out loud and filling in the blanks in Samira's report.

"On the other side a sort of creature went into the river, and on this side a man came out, even though we thought he was trying to avoid detection by going into the river, based on the footprints left behind, even if they're leading to the forest, it shows that we're not dealing with careful people. And if we have to go by all of the obvious evidence you've found from the footprints, I would say our suspect is injured or exhausted, and being supported by a small male or a female. Which means we have an accomplice, and even if the river has washed his scent away, the accomplice should still leave traces. What do you smell?"

"Processed wood!"

"Vegetables. Pumpkins actually!"

"Smoke and chicken. fried chicken!"

All of Samira's subordinates spoke up at the same time, saying everything before she could steal anymore credits from them. Rezar found it amusing, so even amongst the King's guard hints of politics were beginning to take shape. He could put a stop to it, but he wouldn't. the threat of her position being taking away of him giving his favor to any of her subordinates would probably keep her on her toes.

"The three of you follow your scents to the village ahead, or rather head to the village and trace it. Samira and I would follow the tracks to the forest. You're all very good, but there's one thing you all missed... and that's the smell of death." With that said Rezar ran into the forest, his body a blur as Samira rushed to keep up with him, easily matching his pace as they vanished into the canopy of green and secrets.

Rezar had been a vampire longer than any of them, so his senses were a bit sharper, and as such he could perceive things a lot better than the vampires who were turned from his blood, or were turned by people he had already turned. Never the less it didn't take them 20 minutes before the came out of the forest, standing on top of a hill that overlooked a large farm. Beyond the farm was a village that was partly in ruins with some part of it still smoldering in the aftermath of flames. It looked like the village had just been attacked, but the current state of the village wasn't what really drew his attention.

It was the farm, and the rows upon rows of pumpkin patches and pumpkins spread in neat symmetrical rows. There was a small farm house and a barn next to it. And then from the farm there was a small dirt road that led up to the village itself. Seems the farm was the first building anyone would encounter before they got into the village proper.

But never the less there was a lot of peculiar things about this farm, and one of the most peculiar thing was that there was a massive split pumpkin in the farm, it was also carved just like the brain of the man he had seen in the toll booth, and apart from that Rezar could feel it; he could feel magic from the pumpkin.

But from the pumpkin there was a patch of blackness that seemed to spread, and it was all coming from blackened vines that seemed to stretch from the bottom of the pumpkin all the way to the farm and even into the village. Just as he noticed the vines, the remaining subordinates of Samira showed up, but maybe calling them subordinates would be the wrong word as they too were proud members of the daughters of the eclipse and vampires in their own right. He shook his head as he crouched down to observe, for some reason Rezar found this position calming and crouching down closer to the earth seemed to give him a lot more clarity than normal.

"The village is deserted your majesty! We found tracks leading further eastward, the forest of Kerwood ends in under two miles from here before the plains attached to the Breone mountains come into view. There are a few other bodies in the village having been killed in the same way as the man in the booth. Others were killed by bladed weapons, which is to say either this pumpkin brain murders came first, or the bandits had passed through first. Never the less, the village is empty." Rezar nodded his head to them, his gaze still not shifting from the giant pumpkin as he said.

"Looks like its Halloween girls, time to get your scare on."

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