Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 230: Spooky 1

Chapter 230: Spooky 1

The toll booth was not that big, however for a toll booth to be here, there has to either be a settlement or village close by, because even if the booth wasn't big, it wasn't large enough to house anybody. It was a mystery, but the trail of blood leading from the booth across the bridge was more than enough clue as to the direction who or whatever was responsible for this had ran to. Rezar marched up to the booth, he could smell blood and death, but there was no sense of life that he could detect, and if there was anything a vampire could do well, it was sense life.

And that made it very peculiar, because even in the absence of people, there should always be a trace of life hovering around in one way or the other, whether it was by grass, or the insects buzzing in the air. But this place had nothing, it was like a dead zone, nothing came in and nothing went out, there was just a void, and this didn't make much sense to Rezar. But Elysium became a whole new reality in one day like it was changing its clothes after a bath. Strange things did no more than surprise him a little from now on. Rezar opened the booth with Samira close behind him, she took a step backwards soon after and started dry heaving as she lost the contents of her stomach.

Even as a vampire, Rezar had to admit that what he could see what pretty gory.

Fortunately, he had stronger stomach than most, which was probably brought on from the fact that he could also be this artistic when it came to the job of killing a person. The personnel in charge of overseeing the toll booth had roots growing out of his chests, stomach, eyes, ears and nose. The roots where green with thorns and creeping vines that seemed to spread all over the booth, and right above the man's head, from his split skull his brain had taken the form of a pumpkin, and one that seemed to have been carved into the face of a Jack-o-lantern.

Rezar moved closer and took a quick look at the man's brain, he squinted his eyes in confusion as he noticed a few peculiarities with the man's brains. Well even more peculiarities considering said brain was popping out of his cracked open skull; never the less, his brain was stiff, like clay or maybe burnt toast. It was gray and there was a silver of crust on it that reminded Rezar of dried plant juice or something along that line. And then the very obvious fact that said brain was carved like a jack-o-lantern, this was a weird crime scene. Even weirder than he would have ever thought.

"What do you think is responsible for this Samira?" Rezar asked, using the word 'What' specifically. It was hard to imagine that there would be a person with such an ability, and it was eerie as fuck and creepy as shit!

"I'm not exactly sure your Majesty, I haven't seen anything like this before?

It was worrying, and honestly speaking Rezar didn't like it, whatever or whoever might have caused this amount of damage, that person doesn't seem to be far off as the scene seems pretty fresh, and even worse it was heading in the direction of the village they were going to investigate. Rezar looked around the tool booth one more time, he focused his gaze even more trying to look for anything out of the ordinary. But the entire scene was clean, there really wasn't anything Rezar could use to tie this gory scene to a suspect or a creature.

"We don't have much time, we should hurry along, I wouldn't want to lose the trail of whatever did this. Do you have a scent Samira?" Rezar asked as he walked out of the toll booth and raised his head into the air, taking a much deeper breath than normal.

"Yes your Majesty. processed wood and earth, the kind that can be found in the garden, except it didn't go across the bride but under it." Rezar nodded his head he moved towards the river, there were tracks on the ground, but it was uneven and didn't match the foot prints of normal person, and it didn't match one of an animal either.

"At the very least we can say whoever did this is well aware of our methods in tracking him or her down, so its definitely a person and not an it. There might be smarter monsters in existence now, but this is too peculiar. The water would wash away its scent, and the river seems to be shallow enough to cross to the other side, he or she is obviously a good swimmer. The tracks end by the river and it shows no sign of them coming back out. Go check the other bank for tracks, ignore scents for now and move a little way downstream where the river curves into a bend and into the woods. They might have let the current sweep them down a bit."

Samira had a look of respect on her face for Rezar, his analysis was spot on and quite frankly unexpected. She knew just how much of a loose Cannon the King of Morte Bianca was, so it came as a great surprise to her that he could analyze a crime scene with such clarity and insight to the point of even being able to predict the suspect's actions.

Rezar ignored the almost glazed look of respect on Samira's face as he went across the bridge, while Samira and her subordinates leaped over the river itself. Rezar looked up at the sky and closed his eyes, he spread his senses outwards, taking in the scents and the feeling of energy as it spread across the air and danced over his skin. Samira and her subordinates might be searching for a physical clue, but Rezar was after something else, it was worth a try trying this, but what he was looking for was magic, and he knew he would find it soon, it was the one thing the new reality heavily implemented. And because of that, magic now left traces, and everyone had it, and there were no better trackers than vampires.... he could find the magic.

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