Max Talent Player

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Hyukjin realized that the Endless Sky Crystal in his Inventory was slowly breaking down. As it fragmented, the mana it released was being processed by his body.

He heard Isabels voice.

I didnt think I would manifest here, she said.

He heard Seohyes voice as well.

Neither did I.

Sunhwa ran up, pulling Seohye in for a tight hug.



The two spun a few times, embracing each other. Hyukjin got the feeling it wasnt the time for that, but he didnt interrupt their reunion. Sunhwas eyes were glistening with tears. Thankfully, Seohye pulled away after giving Sunhwa a few pats on the head.

Dont we need to kill that Red Devil? Seohye asked, pointing to the monster at the base of the hill with her chin. At that, the white-robed Isabel took a step forward.

Child of the Red Eye. You stay put.

Violent energy whirled from the purple mana crystal topping the staff in Isabels hands.

Who are you, auntie?

Auntie? Isabels face contorted into a scowl. Auntie?

Yes. Auntie.

The moment Ahn Seohye saw Isabel, she felt an inexplicable surge of displeasure, intensified by her mental connection to Hyukjin.

Seohye could tell.

She doesnt look that old, but...

By all appearances, Isabel didnt look much older than her. If Seohye were a person and not a Guardian Tower, she would have probably called Isabel unnie. But she could sense traces of innumerable years from Isabel. This woman in front of her was absolutely not in her 20s.

Child. You should instinctively feel who I am, no?

Yes. An auntie.

Isabel didnt seem at all interested in the Red Devils approaching from afar. At least at this moment, her attention was fully on Ahn Seohye.

And you can feel that my mental connection to Husband is incredibly strong, cant you?

I havent been a Guardian Tower for very long, so I cant feel it that closely.

Dont lie.

Im not lying. And why is he your husband?

Because hes the Sword Pactee.

The Sword Pactee is the Sword Pactee. How does that make him your husband?

Kim Sunhwa nodded. It was her first time seeing Isabel manifest, and she had been wondering who it was. Only after hearing the words Sword Pact did she realize the womans identity.


The transcendent artifact Isabel?

But Isabel is a sword.

She was a sword, so why did she look like a magician? Hyukjin interrupted with a cough.

Both of you, now isnt the time for this.

Isabel refused to relent. Child. Return to the Guardian Tower.

No thanks. Do you know how long its been since Ive been able to move freely?

Sunhwa butted in with her own input. I dont want you to go back, Unnie.

Isabels frown grew a little more pronounced.

Answer this. Are you confident you can wipe out all of the Red Devils over there?

Im not confident I can wipe out all of them, but I can kill the ones approaching Master. Seohye smiled sweetly, her eyes glowing red. Ill kill everything that threatens Master.

Hyukjin frowned imperceptibly. Hearing Master in his head through their mental link was still okay, but hearing Seohye say it out in the open made his insides squirm. Sung-gu was clearly trying his best to pretend like he hadnt heard, and Yeonseo looked strangely at Hyukjin, unable to conceal her astonishment.

Seohye, what kind of bizarr-o title is that? Master?

It was automatically set when I became a Guardian Tower. No matter what I call him, it comes out as Master.

Ah is that so?

Hyukjins face reddened a little, wondering why this situation felt more mortifying to him than fighting Red Devils. While all of this was going on, the Red Devil drew a little closer.


Eye of Perception wasnt blaring a warning at him. Normally, Eye of Perception would have sensed the approaching monsters strength and sent a danger signal echoing through his whole body, but that wasnt happening.

Isabel spoke again. Child. Make a concession this time. Theres no time for a long explanation. Husband has limited strength, and maintaining both of us will prevent him from drawing out his full power.


As Im sure you can feel as well, manifesting us both is draining the Endless Sky Crystals power far faster.

... Seohye balled her fists. Ill concede this time.

Good decision.

But I wont back down next time.

For some reason, Seohye considered Isabel her foe. With a jolt of shock, she realized something.

Am I jealous right now?

She didnt think she was being jealous because she saw Kim Hyukjin as a man. It felt a little different from that.

Shes bound to him with a higher level contract than me.

Both she and Isabel were bound to Hyukjin with contracts. But Isabels was more than thatit was a pact.

And that frustrates me.

The other woman was connected to Hyukjin even more closely than her. That was what Seohye disliked. It was a blow to her pride, and the Guardian Tower Ahn Seohye was left with a sense of intense defeat.

Auntie. Ill go back to the Guardian Tower. Im conceding this time, so you need to be a big help to Master in my stead.

After sharing a regretful farewell with Yeonseo and Sunhwa, Seohye returned to the Guardian Tower.

By the time she left, the Red Devil was just a hundred meters away. But something was strange about the monstereven though the Guardian Tower wasnt repelling it, it couldnt come any closer.

Grr, grrrrr.

It glanced around uneasily, looking anxious.

Isabel closed her eyes for a moment.

Husband. Did those little red ones bully you?


Hyukjin captured something with Observers Eye, and realized what it was.

Isabels domain expansion.

Isabel was exuding an invisible energy that was covering this entire area, unfurling over such a large region that Hyukjin could not begin to measure its borders at his current level. He only knew it was incredibly huge. Everywhere her energy covered was her domain.

Ill punish them for you.

* * *

* * *

A certain Japanese man visited the VVIP hospital room in Sungshin Hospital.

Did you feel it, too?

The man looked to be in his late teens or early 20shis face still held traces of immaturity. Holding a Translation Marble, he stared at the woman on the hospital bed.

The womans name was Ham Sohyun.

I have no abilities other than Precognitive Dream.

I see.

And the mans name was Itachi. Itachi walked towards the window, gazing into the sky.

Just one year ago, I saw no future of me coming to Korea. No star in the sky told me that I would be here now.

But one day, things were changed again and again by the enormous star, the future changed, and he ended up coming to Korea, altering his original fate of never leaving Japan.

And now, the enormous star my eyes cannot see is about to move.

How can you tell that something you cant see is moving?

I can feel it. Its existence is so enormous I cannot see it with my eyes, but I am cognizant of its flow.

Itachi took out a precognitive note. It was a copy.

A meeting occurs before the cornerstone of an ash-covered temple.

If they meet as enemies, so shall a conflagration of hell commence.

If they meet as friends, so shall the hymn of heaven ring.

The star has sung, and it sung a hymn. A hymn of great rapture that launched another star.

I struggle to understand what you mean.

What I mean to say is that the man named Kim Hyukjin is launching a star. Have you had any dreams related to Kim Hyukjin recently?

Sohyun nodded. Just a few days ago, she had a precognitive dream about him. She recited the note she had scribed while having the dream.

A false, sweet fragrance shall permeate you.


The prophecy of the true seer doth come to be.

Did your vision come to be?

Sohyun nodded again. I think so, yes.

How very strange. Its already fascinating that you can dream about a specific person, but youre certain that its him, and you can even feel that the prophecy you made about him was fulfilled. This is, to my knowledge, a first.

And it only happened with one person, Kim Hyukjin. That was the reason why Itachi flew to Korea.

Have you met him?

Yes. Once.

How was it? At Ham Sohyuns hesitation, Itachi urged, Please speak your mind. You can say whatever you think.

Itachi wanted to know more. He wanted to know more about this absolutely incomprehensible Player who could change the position of the stars, launch a star, and possibly even destroy a star.

I dont remember his face.


I remember that I saw him, but I dont remember how he looked, no matter how hard I try to remember.

Could it be that he used a special skill?

Kim Hyukjin had Cognitive Dissonance. But at that time, he hadnt used it.

No, its not that. Ham Sohyun fumbled a bit, then continued. It was like I was looking at darkness.

Itachi nodded.

The person who shows you clearer visions than anyone else feels like darkness to you. How fascinating. He gazed into the sky again. And the mighty star protecting Kim Hyukjin is currently dominating this space. That stars name isugh!

His body convulsed, and he collapsed to the floor, unconscious. Ham Sohyun hurriedly summoned the nurse, and the unconscious Itachi was moved to another hospital room.

* * *

Ill punish them for you, said Isabel. Its difficult to get rid of them one by one, and theres no time. Ill use the mana in the Endless Sky Crystal in the most efficient manner.


If you dont want things to get troublesome, use Cognitive Dissonance first.

For now, Hyukjin did as he was told.

Ill give you a little boost.

He heard a notice.

[Cognitive Dissonance has been temporarily promoted to Wide-Area Cognitive Dissonance

[Wide-Area Cognitive Dissonance is boosted into Wide-Area Cognitive Distortion and takes effect.]

Hyukjin had no idea just how wide an area was being affected, but a Wide-Area Cognitive Distortion was triggered.

Isabel uttered an incantation of some kind.


Her body disappeared. Only her voice could be heard.

Infinite Sword Rain.

And then, something unbelievable occurred. Above the Red Devil loitering a hundred meters away, unable to come any closer, appeared a sword. The sword descended, plunging into the Red Devils head and splicing it in two.


A notice rang out.

[Red Devil has been killed.]

[EXP acquired.]

[500 Coins acquired.]

Clearing the Dewinged Angel Statue Gate had rewarded him with 2,000 Coins. But now, he was getting 500 Coins from a single monster.

The Red Devil was slaughtered with a single attack. And because he himself hadnt killed itIsabel hadthe Observer penalty didnt take effect, meaning he got both EXP and Coins.


His shock didnt end there.

[Red Devil has been killed.]

[Red Devil has been killed.]

[Red Devil has been killed.]

[Red Devil has been killed.]

Notice after notice streamed in, so fast he couldnt even check each one.

[You have received 720 identical, simultaneous notices.]

Then, the Endless Sky Crystal crumbled into dust.

Ah this

It quickly became apparent that Isabel had failed to control her strength. Weakness swept through his body.

So dizzy.

He couldnt check all the notices. Not long after Itachi fell unconscious, Kim Hyukjin followed suit.

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