Max Talent Player

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

The items name was Endless Sky Crystal.

[Endless Sky Crystal]

A crystal imbued with the mana of the Endless Sky. People with particular constitutions can manipulate the mana within using a special method.

Grade: Low

Endless Sky Crystal?

There was nothing about it in his notes, Playpedia, or any guide or encyclopedia.

So something like this existed.

A crystal imbued with the mana of the Endless Sky. As soon as he saw the crystal, he could grasp its purpose.

It fulfills a similar function to the yellow mana crystals I had in my Inventory.

When Hyukjin created a Heavenly Sword with Isabel as a base, he couldnt cover the mana cost on his own. The yellow mana crystals in his Inventory shattered, releasing energy that he then absorbed and used.

By particular constitution, it must be referring to the Endless Sky Physique.

Because he had a second heart, he should be able to use the mana of the Endless Sky.

But why are you giving this to me?

Why, because I thought it would suit you.

Does the particular constitution in the description have anything to do with me?

For some reason, Hyukjin didnt want to tell Jackson everything. It somehow felt like he was waging a battle of wit, where every piece of knowledge could yield an advantage. In Hyukjins eyes, the Great Explorer of his former life didnt seem as virtuous as his reputation lauded.

I think there might be, yes.

You thought wrong then.

No, Im certain that Im not mistaken.

I think Ill find it difficult to use this item.

Hyukjin had to carefully consider whether this gift was truly an act of goodwill. Jackson gave him the feeling that the man was hiding a great deal.

Even if you cant use it now, you will be able to use it someday.


If you are the person I think you are.

What kind of person do you think I am, Jackson?

The one whose head I must anoint with oil.

Jackson had said the same thing last time, but Hyukjin didnt know what he was talking about.

I have no intent to profit in any way whatsoever by giving this to you. Id be grateful if you would think of it as a simple gift.

Ill do that, then.

For now, Hyukjin accepted the Endless Sky Crystal.

The day you will use it will come.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Hyukjin knew someone was outside the door. It was a familiar presence.

He opened the door for the new visitor.

Hello! It sort of feels like its been a while.

It was Kang Somyi, the only witness who had seen him going from the first floor of the D-Tower to the second. The explorer who had seen through Hyukjins Cognitive Dissonance.

My teacher told me to bring this.


Jackson scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed laugh. About that I somehow became her teacher.

Youre Kang Somyis teacher, Jackson?

It was true that Kang Somyi was, like Jackson, a famous explorer in Hyukjins past life. But that didnt mean she was connected in any way to Jackson. She had been famous for her full facial burns, which led her to going out in public with her head completely wrapped in bandages. There had been zero indication that she was close to Jackson.

Things have changed from the past, ever so slightly.

His existence was a major variable that changed the present, and those changes led to Kang Somyi becoming Jacksons student.

In any case, take a look. You have no idea how hard it was to get my hands on this.

Kang Somyi passed Hyukjin an item.

[Endless Sky Hammer]

An artifact that can shatter an Endless Sky Crystal. An Endless Sky Hammer is needed to be able to harness an Endless Sky Crystals power.

Grade: Low

Hyukjin stared at Jackson.

Awfully determined, arent you?

Endless Sky Crystal, and Endless Sky Hammer. With these two, he should be able to use the Endless Sky Crystal.

Jackson smiled good-naturedly, then shrugged.

The time will come when you will prove your qualifications as a king.

You seem to be sure of that.

Yes, I am. Thats also why Ive been unable to leave Korea.

In the early days of Playing, Jackson went traveling from country to country. He was supposed to uncover countless strategies and hidden pieces in the world, earning his name as the Great Explorer.

But now, hes stuck in Korea.

As Hyukjin thought, something was different after all.

Kang Somyi plopped onto the sofa, saying, Mr. Hyukjin, could I crash here for a few days? Your house is so nice.


I dont know about Teacher, but I cant leave this place. If I get caught by the Red Devils, itll be Game Over for me. Kang Somyi drew a line across her neck. Please let me stay here for a few days.

Jackson added, That, or you could also hunt them, Hyukjin.

* * *

* * *

Time passed. Jackson walked out the front door.

The choice is always yours.

Still covered in filth, Jackson closed the door and left. After seeing her teacher off, Kang Somyi said, You know, theres something Im really curious about.

What is it?

How did you leave the D-Tower 2nd floor alive? I caught the gist of what the articles were saying. Chinese Players illegally took over the escalator and were threatening and confining the Player on the upper floor. And that Taeguk Shield stepped forward to suppress them. Kang Somyi shook her head. But that wasnt what happened. When Guildmaster Song Kiyeol arrived, the situation had already been nearly resolved.


Are you truly the one who is qualified to be the king?

According to what Jackson says. Do you know anything about the king, Miss Somyi?

Somyi stroked her chin in thought, sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

A lot of explorers probably know about the king.

Why is that?

Because the ultimate goal of an explorer is to find the king, I guess?

The ultimate goal of an explorer was to find the king? There was nothing about that in the past. No, even if it had existed, it wasnt something the ordinary populace would have known.

Why do you seek the king?

Hm, I dont really know, either. Its just the mission of our class.

Why dont regular people know that?

Because the king will be born at a time no one knows or expects. The king dislikes troublesome and noisy affairs. Kang Somyi tilted her head. Or so my class description says. I dont know why.

Hyukjin was continuously finding out new things about this world. Today, he learned a little more about the objective all explorers shared.

How long are you going to stay here?

Like I said, just let me stay a few days. I cant leave. The Red Devils are too frickin scary, darn it.


Kang Somyi shook her head violently to and fro, clutching the sofa like she couldnt possibly be parted from it.

What a nuisance.

I might be a nuisance, but a girls gotta survive.

Hyukjin snorted, thinking, With your skills, you should be able to slip out one way or another.

But she was insisting on overstaying her welcome.

It must be your job to watch me.

She might have even been ordered by Jackson to do so. She, the Faceless Explorer, was his student.


It was fine. He had the feeling Jackson had set this stage. The Sangam World Cup Stadium Dungeons early break might even have something to do with Jackson.

The choice is always yours.

Hyukjin decided to make that choice.

* * *

The guild members of Giantgod convened at Kim Hyukjins house. Sitting next to Hyukjin was the Guildmaster of Taeguk Shield, Song Kiyeol.

Sitting on the sofa, Shin Yeonseo picked up an apple slice, munching on it as she said, Boss. Are we gonna go out to hunt Red Devils, too?

Its more like were going to be calling them here, not going out.

Jo Sungyuns fiery gaze was fixed on his guildmaster. He hadnt participated in the Red Devil hunt at Kim Hyukjins behest. That was a thorn in his heart. Even at this very moment, many, many people were being eaten alive by Red Devils.

Hrm? How are we gonna call them here?

I will explain, said Song Kiyeol, standing up. The devils typically respond to one of two things.

One was humans. They considered humans their prey.

Humans. And mana crystals.


We will lure them in with mana crystals.


For this process, we will be mobilizing Taeguk Shields own arrayist, Choi Wookhyun.

Choi Wookhyun was the person who had played an important role in developing the hangover cure, a feat that pushed him to the top ranks in Taeguk Shield.

We will set up the mana crystals according to our arrayists blueprint, and if things go as planned, theyll head here, towards the DMC Riverview Xi.

How will we hunt them after theyve gathered? asked Sunghyun.

The Players couldnt hunt the Red Devils at their current level. This time, Hyukjin responded.

The hunting will be done by me. With Seohye.

He would borrow the power of the Guardian Tower, as well as the Endless Sky Crystal. Jo Sunghyuns lips twitched like there was something he wanted to say.

Sunghyun. I know what youre going to say.

Kim Hyukjin was the one who had adamantly opposed hunting the Red Devils. But now, he was doing a 180 and saying he would hunt them. Of course it was strange.

Its almost impossible to hunt them. It might become dangerous for me, too. Thats why well be combining the efforts of Giantgod, Taeguk Shield, and Wings.

Hyukjin would handle the offense on his own. But for everything other than attacking, he needed help from other Players.

Whenever Im in danger, cover my back.

If someone could distract the Red Devils for a split second, he might be able to hunt them. Choi Sung-gu shivered.

But Hyukjin, broski. Why go this far, when we can just shut up and stay put? Were safe here. I hate scary things.

Hyung. Cut the crap. People are dying by the dozens at this very moment. Do you hear yourself?

Bro, are you a cat or something? Do you have nine lives?

Is that important right now?

It is. Ive only got one life!

It was a little odd that someone who was saying that came here fully prepared for battle, but in any case, Choi Sung-gu stayed true to his whining character.

Hyukjin raised his right hand. The squabbling pair instantly quieted.

When it comes to the worst-case situation, when I cant get up anymore out of exhaustion, its your guys job to buy me time.

So Yoohyun curled his hands into fists.

Well buy you gazillions of time no problem, Hyungnim!

Song Kiyeol asked, May I inform the media that we will be leading the operation?

Of course.

The news spread: Taeguk Shield was stepping forward to hunt the Red Devils and bring an end to this national calamity. Before long, it was all anyone could talk aboutKoreas strongest guild was on the move.

I heard Wings is also taking part?

Taeguk Shield and Wings are going to work together?

The most famous guild and second-most famous guild in the country would be working together. People started to have hope.

Sitting at his desk, CEO Song Kiyoung rested his chin on his hands in deep thought.

In the end, Kim Hyukjin is taking action.

The CEO had thought Hyukjin wouldnt. CEO Song judged that Kim Hyukjin wouldnt take action on an uncertainty. The young man knew how to bet on a dangerous gamble, but he wouldnt start something with no chance of success.

Weve got a steady supply of white mana crystals from Boracay.

They would use those mana crystals to deploy an array here.

Mana crystals, and their use were told to us by Kim Hyukjin.

That was how it was. Kim Hyukjin gave them a hint, Sungshin acted on it, and now, they were on the verge of mass producing a hangover cure.

Was this scenario devised by Kim Hyukjin?

If so, he was truly a terrifying man.

Just how far into the future has he drawn his plans?

* * *

The situation was streamed live on TV. Under the escort of the Wings Guild, the Arrayist Choi Wookhyun went around planting white mana crystals. The scattered Red Devils began heading to one place.

The reporters broadcasted their migration from the air.

The Red Devils are moving.

And they were heading in the direction of the Guardian Tower, the DMC Riverview Xi.

Taeguk Shield and Wings are preparing their forces to clash with the calamity-class monsters.

Millions watched with bated breath. Most people in the country had their eyes glued to the TV or their phones.

Kim Hyukjin honed his concentration.

This is where I encountered the Fire Giants.

An individual Red Devil was weaker than a Fire Giant, but their numbers were far more overwhelming.

Jackson. Ill move as you wish.

Ultimately, Kim Hyukjin made his choice. To hunt the Red Devils massacring swathes of people, at the cost of revealing his Endless Sky Physique.


His heart trembled.

Some distance ahead, at the base of the hill, he spotted the first Red Devil walking this way. The thrill in his chest wasnt a new feeling, but it wasnt bad. On the contrary, it was exhilarating. It felt as though he were alive.

Ill use the Endless Sky Crystal.

[Utilize the Endless Sky Hammer to use the Endless Sky Crystal?]

He used the hammer on the Endless Sky Crystal. Now, he would be able to use the strength, the mana, stored within. His mental preparations were complete.

[Utilizing the Endless Sky Hammer to use the Endless Sky mana within the Endless Sky Crystal.]

[Only the Endless Sky Physique can use Endless Sky mana.]

A violent, fierce energy swept into his second heart, similar to what he felt when he first arrived in the Endless Sky. The energy was so intense that an ordinary Player may very well have been vaporized by the force.

But Kim Hyukjin stayed calm. He accepted the energys torrential flow, and his second heart harmonized with it. Vitality overflowed from his body, and he began to glow with blue light.

And in a turn of events he hadnt predicted, two women appeared next to him, one on each side.

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