I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 647 Magic Gun Development

Besides the magic guns, Angus also produces magic bullets. This bullet is enchanted with various kinds of effects, such as burning, freezing, or even simple piercing enhancement.

Most magic bullets will explode upon contact and produce certain effects, such as burning, freezing, or even simple piercing enchantment. Unfortunately, this magic bullet can't be combined with the spells from the magic gun except for a few compatible ones.

The magic bullet and spell from the magic gun will clash with each other. It may produce reactions such as instant explosion, canceling the spells, or lowering the firing power. In the worst case, it may damage the enchantment rune itself.

Still, Angus finds it possible to use magic bullets with a few firing spells like Snipe Shot, Flame shot, Fire Missile, or other small firing spells. Angus planned to use the new division to create firing-type spells that work well with magic guns.

Although he has a strong mind and fast calculation speed, he still needs the help of the others in creating new spells. When creating spells, the most important thing is the creator's creativity. With more people, Angus will be able to collect more unique ideas.

As for helping him develop magic guns, he directly refused it. He didn't even let Master Valeron help him, much less the others. Most of the reason is to prevent the gun problem in the future.

Angus knows the power and advantage of magic guns, but he also understands its problem in the long run. In his previous life, everyone could use guns. Even a child of five years old could kill the president just by pointing a gun at them.

To prevent this kind of problem in the future, Angus decides to restrict the magic gun's information and technology from the early stage. He may not be able to completely restrict it. Still, he could minimize the problem, unlike in his previous life.

Angus also plans to create strict rules and a guidebook to regulate the magic gun's development and risk.

Fortunately, the Heart kingdom still uses an aristocratic system where they can easily hide secret information or technology. Most old noble families have secrets only passed down to their family or heir.

Entering the research center, he begins to review all the young researchers with potential and availability. Unlike Angus, who becomes the main researcher through King Leon and Valeron's relation, most young new researchers start from the bottom.

These young researchers are usually only responsible for many miscellaneous tasks throughout the facility. They could only do their own project in their free time. Even then, they only get limited resources.

Although the Research Center was supported by the kingdom, it didn't mean they could spend the money carelessly. It may seem unfair, but most of the time, these young researchers' projects will turn into failure.

Only one or two projects from a hundred could turn successful and be approved. Even then, it is already a very rare case. Despite this, Angus still decides to employ them.

"Hmm… Most of them may be lacking, but they should have no problem creating a low-level spell diagram." said Angus after reviewing all the available young researchers.

After thinking for a while, "Alright, post a recruitment on the notice board. I prefer if they are willing to work by themself rather than forcing them." said Angus while giving a paper to the nearby staff.

"Y-Yes, Sir." replied the staff nervously.

"Hmm… Don't be nervous. I won't bite. Just do your job properly. Alright, you can go now." said Angus.

The young staff bows to him before leaving Angus' room.

"*Sigh* This is the fifth time today. I guess my reputation has already spread around. Still, these young new researchers lack the backbone."

"I remember Master Valeron and even that old dwarf even dared to clash with King Leon. in the past. Damn… I wonder if I can get a good personal assistant like Yelena from the Nirvas Embassy like before." muttered Angus in a low voice.

'Angus!!' a familiar cold voice heard from inside his mind.

'Oh, come on… This is just for my work.' replied Angus.

'No means no!!' replied Jayna from the other side.

'Fine. Anyway, when will the mourning ceremony begin?' thought Angus.

'One hour before sunset. Don't be late.' replied Jayna.

"Well, I guess I will have some fresh air first." said Angus.

"Brat, here you are!!" called an old dwarf.

'Tch.. What a bad day.' grumbled Angus inwardly.

"Nope. I am not here." said Angus bluntly before disappearing using [Beast Walk].

"Oi… I still haven't finished talking. Get back here!!" shouted Balrug.

Unfortunately, Angus was already on his way outside. Exiting the Research Center, Angus decides to visit the extermination squad base. This time he uses the front door like before and does not get stopped since most of the guards already know about him.

They still remember the sensation of getting thrown like a ragdoll a few days ago. Moreover, they also hear Angus' feat from the others base. In the capital city, his fame may not spread too much until recently, but he is famous for his viciousness outside.

All the spies caught when Angus nearby always receives pain torture. Some torturers in the extermination squad even heard rumors that this young baron had a sadistic mind to torture people and did not care about the spy information.

Entering the Extermination Squad base, Angus once again intrudes on Captain Aldo's office like owning the place. Fortunately, Captain Aldo had heard about Angus' arrival and could prepare himself.

"B-Baron Victory, what can I help you with?" asked Captain Aldo nervously.

"At ease, Captain. I just want to know the development of my case." said Angus.

"Ah.. Yeah. Unfortunately, It is no longer my responsibility. Count Flamewaver decided to take the matter alone." said Captain Aldo nervously.

Hearing this, Angus frowned momentarily before glancing in a certain direction in silence. At the same time, King Leon notices something while inside his room.

"Darius, what's my schedule after this?" asked King Leon to his head butler.

"There is none until the mourning ceremony in the afternoon, My Liege." replied Darius politely.

"Alright, empty the room and don't let anyone enter." said King Leon.

"Yes, My Liege." replied Darius respectfully before leaving the room.

A moment later, a flash of fire comes out from a nearby artificial lamp along with a booming sound cracking sound. *Crack* *Boom* Angus appeared with a cold face before King Leon.

"You should know why I am here, right?" asked Angus coldly.

"Take a seat first. We have a lot of things to discuss." said King Leon.

"You look exhausted." commented Angus after noticing the King.

"What did you expect? When you have naughty twin girls who could summon a raining bird poop on a whim. They are more annoying than I thought." complained King Leon.

"Then, why did you bring them?" asked Angus.

"Star Spirit Gemini is not only famous for creating disasters. They are also famous for bringing fortune to those caring for them. Though it seems Lia somehow became very attached to them lately." said King Leon.

During this moment, Angus notices something in the corner of King Leon's table. He finds twin girls peeking at them. With their height and stature, King Leon and Angus could only see their eyes and their small head.

Being stared at by the twin girls intensely, 'Tch.. Forget how they could be here without our notice, their way of peeking at us really… uncomfortable.'

'No wonder King Leon had such a reaction. I wonder how often he gets blue-balled by them when he is alone with Aunt Extalia.' thought Angus inwardly.

The twin girls may not do anything to King Leon. Still, like Angus' assumption, he couldn't do any deed with his beloved Duchess since no one would get comfortable being stared at by them, especially in their private business.

"That's new to me. I never thought you would be the type who believes in superstition." said Angus ignoring the twin girls.

"Every myth and legend comes from somewhere, brat. You just need to find the real story behind it." replied King Leon calmly.

"Tch.. That teaching tone again. You know I will not succeed on your throne or even fight for it, right?" said Angus.

"And why is that?" asked King Leon with a smirk.

"Of course. It is too much trouble. Besides, there are already your sons to fight for it." said Angus.

"True. But, are you sure they will survive for long compared to you?" asked King Leon back.

Hearing this, Angus could only grimace in silence. Although King Leon's words seem harsh, especially towards his son, it is also true. With Angus's current qualification, he will have no problem reaching at least sixth grade.

On the other hand, King Leon didn't have any confidence that his sons could reach this level. Although reaching sixth grade is not as hard as seventh grade, it is also the last barrier to seeing if someone is genuinely talented.

If the person is not talented enough, they may lose their life when forcing themselves to break through.

In summary, even if the princes succeed on the throne in the future, they may die in old age or have another incident. At that time, the next best successor besides the prince will be the Duke or Duchess.

This position will naturally go to Angus since he is the best among the Duke and Duchess's young generation.

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