I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 646 True Color

After having their breakfast, Angus and the others go to attend their own business. Jason and Aunt Hersha already go to their respective offices to tend to their work. While Jayna decides to practice her skills.

After fighting the whole night against various monsters, beasts, and people, she gets a lot of inspiration and valuable battle experience. Moreover, the system's creature is stronger and capable of maximizing its potential. This gives Jayna a lot of battle experience.

Jayna learns a lot of things despite her vast phoenix memories. As for Anna, she once again disappears with Mira to who knows where. Leaving on his own, Angus decided to revisit the Research Center.

In fact, Angus wasn't mandated to go to the Research Center every day. But he also didn't want to stay idle either. He needs to distract himself and sort his thoughts about Mira's reaction and his [Analyze] new power.

Angus finds Mira's reaction too weird. As someone who has had the system for a long time, he knows the true potential of this system. If Angus keeps growing at this pace, he may become the strongest being in the whole world.

'Her reaction is too lacking. Even if she is powerful beyond measure, she will definitely be interested in the system. Hmm… Maybe she knows that she couldn't do anything to the system or... she already has found people with the system in the past.' thought Angus inwardly.

After thinking for a while, Angus shakes his head while deeply breathing.

"*Sigh* I am overthinking. I should be glad that Mira didn't take an interest in the system." muttered Angus while walking in the capital city street.

Although a high-noble, Angus still enjoys walking around the street and experiencing city life. During this time, he finds some people making a lot of paper ornaments and decorating the whole main street.

"Come to think of it, we will have a mass memorial ceremony this evening. *Sigh* I really didn't like this type of event." said Angus in a low voice before disappearing from his spot.

Unbeknownst to Angus, two little girls sitting on a flying pillow observe him from far above. One of the black-haired girls is eating some snacks from a spatial pouch.

"*Much* *Much* Mira, what did you think?" asked Anna while munching.

"He is good." replied Mira.

"And…" asked Anna.

"I didn't expect to find another person who holds a system. This kind of person will definitely change the world. Not because of the system, but because he is destined to become like that." said Mira.

"Hmm… I wonder about that. Angus seems to be able to elude Fate. You can see it yourself by what he did to me." said Anna.

"Right. That's why I am interested in him. I want to see what he will do and become in the future." said Mira.

"Gezz… You and your stories. You should not be called Master of Hidden in the Dark but Master of Stalker!!" retorted Anna playfully.

The two girls talk with very different behavior and nature than usual. The mischievous Anna looks intelligent and calm, while Mira is no longer taciturn and speaks normally.

The silver-haired girl is even more expressive despite still having a cold demeanor. Unfortunately, no one could hear or sense their talk from the outside, as if they didn't exist in this world.

"It is better than someone who likes to roleplay and become a spoiled child." replied Mira.

"Hey.. I can't help it. You know I can't think clearly without your intervention like this. It is frustrating to always hear those voices." said Anna.

"Still, are you really attached to them?" asked Mira.

"Of course. They save me and raise me. They are my parents, love, and everything." replied Anna.

"Anna, that's not what I am talking about. You know your kind, right?" asked Mira.

"I know… But I still hope to be with them forever or at least longer. I just love them too much. I don't think I could hurt them like the others." said Anna.

"You will die." replied Mira.

"Then, so be it. I want to see how the world reacts when it finds Angus has the [Seed]. Besides, since when have we been afraid of death?" said Anna.

"So, you are setting them up, huh?" said Mira.

"Hey.. I just want to make it more exciting. Besides, what I did can't be compared to you. You are the Master of Hidden in the Dark. Who knows how many times you played with the world to even get that title." retorted Anna.

"Six thousand six hundred sixty-five times." replied Mira.

"That much?!! Now, I know why the world literally leaves you alone. Wait… that number?! You plan all of this, right?" asked Anna with a frown.

"Who knows?" replied Mira.

"*Sigh* Fine. Anyway, what will you do to Gemini? I don't believe you didn't have any plan for these twin spirits." asked Anna.

"Nothing. You may not know this since you can't 'read' them. But Gemini is similar to you. They are also the most powerful star spirit besides their thirteenth. Nothing in this world could go against their wish. Well, more like their whim." said Mira.

"Is that why you decided to talk to them?" asked Anna.

"Yup. You are learning fast." said Mira while patting Anna's head.

"Of course. I am your best friend." replied Anna.

"Alright. Keep up, then. Now, what should we do?" asked Mira.

"Any suggestions?" asked Anna back.

"I hear that lazy turtle moving a lot recently. Did you want to visit it?" asked Mira.

"Lava turtle?! Ahh.. That's great. It's been a while since we had a hot bath." replied Anna.

Then, Mira snapped her hand. Suddenly, Anna blinked a few times before hugging Mira tightly.

"Mira, can Anna eat first?? Anna is still super hungry." said Anna.

"Mm." replied Mira with a silent nod.

The two girls return to their usual behavior and disappear into the horizon. In the afternoon, the two girls arrive at the massive ocean of lava. Magically, this lava never cools off or dries up. It is always molten and bubbling.

A massive turtle moves around in the middle of this lava ocean while releasing a loud groaning sound. Mira snaps her finger and an invisible barrier covers the whole lava ocean.

"Huh?! Who's there?" grunted Avalon through strong telepathy while still submerged inside the lava.

"Avalon." called Mira shortly.

On the other hand, Anna completely ignores the heat and the gigantic turtle. She has already changed into her special swimming bath made by Nabe before.

"Yay!! Cannon Ball!!" screamed Anna before jumping towards the lava ocean.

"Y-You are…." replied Avalon anxiously, ignoring the naughty Anna and focusing on Mira.

"Disappointing." said Mira shortly.

"Wait.. Wait… I can explain this!!" replied Avalon in panic.

Meanwhile, Angus is finally sorting his thoughts and focusing on his research. Besides the digitalize and Moon Rabbit projects, Angus also worked on a few other projects. One of them is his magic guns.

His magic gun is the most crucial factor in surviving when they are fighting against the monster horde at the Nirvas. With the help of complete body control and [Analyze], magic guns become a deadly weapon that always finds their target.

Unfortunately, Angus magic guns still have the same weakness. It generates a lot of heat within a short period. Once it generates too much heat and destroys the rune enchantment, the gun will explode.

During the battle, this explosion helps them since it will become another method to attack. However, it is still a dangerous and unstable weapon. No one could predict when it would generate too much heat.

One of the magic guns is even unusable after a single use. Though most of them are still prototypes, Angus and King Leon already know the prospect of this money-burning weapon.

Upon receiving the battle report, King Leon gives Angus another direct private task to create a small division inside the Research Center. This division will help Angus in perfecting the Magic Gun.

However, Angus has a different plan for this new division. Up till now, Angus already produces many kinds of magic guns. First is the single handguns.

This gun has little firepower and can only shoot low-circle spells. Unfortunately, it accumulated heat too fast compared to the rifle-type gun.

Angus also makes a variety where it is capable of shooting high-circle spells. Though this magic gun could only be used once before exploding. Still, it is a good weapon in times of emergency when he needs a lot of firepower and conserving strength.

Still, this type of single-hand gun is costly. The material production cost is almost one hundred thousand gold coins, nearly as high as an artifact.

Another type of magic gun Angus developed is the rifle type. This weapon has more stability in recoil, firepower, and heat generation. The downside is they cost twice more as single handguns to produce.

If Angus makes the high circle variant, it will increase the production cost many times. Furthermore, all the magic guns can only use specific spells and must be firing-type.

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