Escape From Konoha

Chapter 130: 126: Behind the Scenes

Chapter 130: 126: Behind the Scenes

Inside a damp cave, surrounded by huge tangled trees, a figure sat motionless upon a chair made from the very trees themselves.

His eyes remained open in the darkness, revealing a scarlet gleam.

Before long, a pe humanoid creature with a swirling face appeared in front of him.

It was the White Zetsu known as Guruguru.

"How's it going?" Madara stared at Guruguru with his Sharingan, asking about the current situation.

Guruguru scratched his head, initially anticipating Madara's praise for repelling the enemy, scratched his head. Yet, upon seeing Madara's stern expression, he refrained from joking and replied earnestly, "Although the enemy isn't too powerful, their fighting ability is tricky. So, they accidentally managed to escape."

"Have you gathered intelligence about our enemier?"

Madara composed himself, desiring to know which ninja from which village had attacked him. It was important for him to figure out those who had discovered his presence.

"According to the available information, It appears the other party is not affiliated with any of the Five Great Nations, and they're not even human. One is a huge earth creature, while the other is an large water python. In comparison to humans, they resemble more of a Compared with humans, they are more like sentient of summoned beasts."

"In other words, could there be a mastermind behind this?"

Madara fell into deep thought after saying this.

Guruguru nodded solemnly. Although he didn't notice the existence of the mastermind behind the scenes, the likelihood was a high probability.

"White zetsu, you previously mentioned some Uchiha members defecting from Konoha. This might be connected."

"Yes, Madara-sama." White Zetsu confirmed.

"Before this, all the White Zetsu sent to infiltrate the Uchiha Clan mysteriously vanished. It wasn't until the Uchiha defections that it was possible."

Madara's lips curled slightly, forming a wry smile, as he whispered, "It's truly interesting. If it were mere coincidence, I wouldn't believe it. There are too many coincidental elements at play. They must have discovered my existence; they just haven't confirmed my identity yet."

"Master Madara, what's your plan?" White Zetsu seemed to understand Madara's intent.

"Although we can't be certain, those defectors from the Uchiha clan are the prime suspects."

"Do you want us to investigate Konoha once more?"

"No, Konoha has not made any news of this huge incident. It is obvious that Konoha wants to minimize the impact of these defection. Information about those individuals must be highly classified, accessible only to high-ranking officials. That place isn't one you can casually infiltrate."

Madara shook his head, dismissing White Zetsu's suggestion.

The external sensory barrier only prevented foreign enemies from invading, and to be able to formulate corresponding tactics in time to destroy the enemy.

However, the information room and the defense system, which can only be accessed by the intelligence department and the Hokage alongside the senior officials, which was very different from his past in Konoha.

He knew Konoha's defense system well, and while infiltrating was possible, escaping posed a challenge.

Konoha's Anbu remained a deadly threat to White Zetsu. If caught, they could dissect him, revealing his secrets. In this critical moment, Madara needed to avoid unnecessary complications.

"Then, what should we do? Create more White Zetsu to protect our surroundings?"

White Zetsu bacame distressed

"Of course, I still have lots if strength. I plan to use the Divine Tree and whites's flesh to create a few special individuals. In the previous battle, the enemy may have probed our capabilities. Once they know about our strengths, they won't be as quick to dismiss us. Instead, they might deliver a fatal blow to our side."

Madara had a strong premonition.

"No wonder they retreated after the battle." Guruguru said with disappointment.

"That's only part of it, Guruguru. Your information has been leaked. We've both revealed some of our cards, but neither side knows the full extent of the other's hand."

"Does that mean we have an advantage here?" White Zetsu wondered.

"No, we're at a considerable disadvantage."


"Idiot, the fact that they found this location suggests they've learned about your past whereabouts. They likely know that Uchiha Obito kid is your objective. Furthermore, the situation with Nagato may have been exposed. I recall that a White Zetsu sent to monitor Nagato mysteriously disappeared."

Madara shot White Zetsu a cold look.

Hearing Madara's words, a cold sweat broke out on White Zetsu's back. It was utterly unimaginable that so many critical aspects had been exposed on their side.

It was one thing to mention Obito, as it wasn't that important, but Nagato was Madara's most important pawn, and there could be no accidents there.

"So... Madara-sama, what's our next move?" White Zetsu was now completely flustered. Their previous composure stemmed from being completely in the dark. Being unnoticed was their strength. Once their cover was blown and their intentions became clear, it was the worst possible situation.

If the enemy planned to take action against Obito or Nagato, White Zetsu and Guruguru's abilities wouldn't suffice for protection. Furthermore, Madara's safety had to be a priority.

Though the enemy hadn't fully understood their situation yet, as long as they continued probing they would eventually reveal them. At that point, it would become incredibly dangerous.

"We have a plan." Madara declared.


"But add a few more smoke bombs."

"How many more?"

"Send White Zetsu to the other Ninja Villages, pretend to search for information, or conspire, anything to distract their attention and confuse them."

"Is that okay?"

"If it's necessary, it's okay. I need time to create a new White Zetsu. In addition, unless there's a big problem, stay away from my side. Your presence exposes my location. Go to other places, establish strongholds, and set up numerous explosive tags. If the enemy passes by, detonate them."

Madara gave the orders coldly.

As for whether the detonated strongholds would endanger the White Zetsu's lives, Madara didn't care at all. They were expendable tools.

White Zetsu naturally had no objections. For them, if one White Zetsu fell, there were thousands more. Life and death were of no concern.

"Madara-sama, what about your safety?"

"Afterwards, I'll retreat inside the Divine Tree and hide. When necessary, I'll use the Divine Tree's power for combat."

Though aggressived, this was the only viable option Madara could think of.

"But then, your vitality..."

"There's potent vitality in the flesh between the pillars, and it can still be used."

This was an unavoidable choice. Even if it was a precautionary measure, Madara had no intention of sitting idly and waiting for her death.

While the situation was unfavorable, it wasn't a lost cause. As long as Nagato remained safe, there was no need to worry.

What happened next would depend on the enemy's reactions. White Zetsu realized that regardless of what he said, Madara was resolute in her decision.

"Guruguru, you should act together. I don't need your protection here. Your presence could expose me."

Guruguru nodded.

With the aid of the cells between the pillars and the Divine Tree, although Madara's strength wouldn't fully recover to its prime, and his vitality would decline, he could engage in short-term combat without issue. Even as a weakened Madara, not just anyone could challenge him.

What Madara said was true. White Zetsu's primary role was to move around around Madara, which only made his location more conspicuous. The enemy excelled in stealth and concealment which were obviously higher than theirs.

"Now, what will you do, mysterious figure..." Madara's Sharingan penetrated the darkness as he sat on a wooden chair whispering.


It would be another week before he returned to the Land Of Demon.

Mastering the Sage Mode and Life Regeneration jutsu had consumed much of Shiraishi's time.

He had allowed the Shadow Dancer's Shadow Blade to inflict severe injuries upon himself, continuing to experiment with the healing capabilities of this medical ninjutsu.

While mastering Life Regeneration was out of reach, Shiraishi believed that with continued practice, performing this ninjutsu would only be a matter of time.

The only problem in using this ninjutsu requires a lot of Senjutsu chakra.

After years of growth, natural energy was readily available. He could absorb boundless natural energy from nature with ease. However, chakra remained Shiraishi's weak point. His chakra was just at the average level of a Jonin, if not slightly lower.

He basica6 used ninjutsu during critical moments, focusing on auxiliary jutsus with low consumption and high practicality.

Aside from creating clones, he had little need to enhance his own strength. The key was to improve the clones' abilities and then transfer that progress to himself.

Even if he fused with the Shadow Dancer, he could draw chakra from her, but using the Sage Mode and Life Regeneration multiple times wasn't possible.

In the case of severely wounded individuals at the brink of death, three to four times was the limit.

Thus, Shiraishi's next challenge was to enhance his chakra and merge it with natural energy to generate more senjutsu chakra.

"Katsuyu, do you have any knowledge on how to significantly increase a ninja's chakra?"

As Katsuyu had witnessed the history of the ninja world, she must hold secrets that Shiraishi was unaware of, such as rare treasures and methods for increasing chakra.

The clone of Katsuyu that followed Shiraishi to the Land Of Demons resembled an ordinary domestic cat in size, resting softly on his shoulder.

In response to Shiraishi's question, Katsuyu replied, "The enhancement of chakra is closely tied to a person's physical fitness and innate talent. Ninjas with Kekkei Genkai, due to their exceptional bloodlines, typically have significantly higher chakra levels than ordinary ninjas. Shiraishi-sama, lacking a Kekkei Genkai, will need to use external methods."

"External methods?"

"Methods like becoming the Jinchuriki of a tailed beast. From what I understand, if the tailed beast forms a harmonious bond with the human host. And if the human becomes a perfect Jinchuriki, the human gains control over the tailed beast's chakra at will."

"Tailed beasts are crucial assets held by the Five Great Nations to deter other countries. Getting such entities would be a difficult problem."

While not impossible, dealing with the aftermath would be highly troublesome. The ninja villages of the Five Great Nations held immense power, and despite their internal conflicts, they would never permit external interference in their interests.

Given the limited available resources and current technological level, the Five Great Nations naturally prioritized the best resources, followed by neutral countries, leaving small nations like the Land of Grass and the Land of Rain in dangerous situations.

"The Five Great Nations are not the only nations with tailed beasts . During the first Five Kages Conference, Senju Hashirama distributed a tailed beast to Takigakure in the Land Of Waterfalls, which is not under the jurisdiction of the Five Great Nations."

"Takigakure? I've heard of it. Due to its remote geographical location, it's rarely affected by the ninja conflicts among the Five Great Nations, maintaining relative peace."

It was also among the stronger ninja villages outside of the Five Great Nations, and its strength should not be underestimated.

"Yes. In addition to the tailed beast, this ninja village has something called Hero Water. If a ninja takes it, it significantly increases their chakra."

"Such a wonderful item."

Shiraishi contemplated. While he was aware of Takigakure having tailed beast, Hero Water was a new revelation.

"I wouldn't recommend Shiraishi-sama using it. The boosting effect of Hero Water is indeed powerful, but it comes at the cost devouring the user's vitality. While the enhancement is strong, the side effects are extremely noticeable."

Katsuyu's words gradually dampened Shiraishi's enthusiasm for Hero Water. However, his interest remained, and he thought about the possibility of contacting ninjas from the Takigakure and exchanging valuable items for Hero Water to study further.

"Besides this, are there any other methods to increase chakra?"

"The power of Dragon Vein."

"Dragon Vein? I recall that place is in the Land Of Winds, referred to as a nation within a nation, but I've heard that it's fallen."

Shiraishi fell into deep thought.

"Yes. The power of Roran's Dragon Vein is essentially like the veins of the earth. A unique chakra formed by the gathering and transformation of natural energy from the Earth. Given Shiraishi-sama's understanding of natural energy, taming the unique chakra of Dragon Vein should not be difficult."

Katsuyu explained.

"What's the extent of its energy?"

"Although the power of Dragon Vein has dried up significantly compared to ancient times, it should be easy to reach tailed beast level chakra."

Katsuyu continued to provide information to Shiraishi.

Shiraishi nodded, recognizing that tailed beast level chakra would allow him to use various jutsu without worrying about chakra depletion.

Moreover, the current situation with Sunagakure battling Konoha in the Land Of Wind meant a increased domestic defense and weakened overall strength. It was an opportune moment to infiltrate the Land of Wind and use the power of Dragon Veins.

After all, Shiraishi highly valued chakra at the tailed beast level. With such chakra, the abilities of his clones would reach new heights.

Therefore, Shiraishi immediately made a decision to journey to Roran and obtain the power of Dragon Veins as mentioned by Katsuyu.

As Shiraishi approached the window, preparing to heave a sigh of relief, he suddenly witnessed a confusing sight outside the window.

"What's the matter, Shiraishi-sama?"

Katsuyu noticed Shiraishi's frozen stance and asked suspiciously.

Katsuyu looked in the direction Shiraishi was looking, but found nothing strange.

At that moment, an intelligence officer clad in a black windbreaker with a Purple Rose emblem on the back knocked on the door and entered.

"Shiraishi-sama, this is the latest information compiled by the intelligence department. Please take a look."

As he placed the documents on the table and prepared to leave, Shiraishi immediately asked the staff member, "What has happened in the days since I left? I distinctly remember a mountain in that direction, yet it appears to have vanished?."

Shiraishi pointed to a mountain range visible from the window, and one of the mountains seemed to have disappeared as if a piece had been gouged out.

Shiraishi had a clear recollection of the mountain being intact before his departure. Why had it disappeared during his absence?

He hadn't instructed any construction activities in that area.

The staff member hesitated for a moment and stammered, "It might be best for Shiraishi-sama to inquire with those two individuals."

The staff member was merely a messenger and wished to avoid involvement in any potentially dangerous situation. Intervening in the affairs of these powerful individuals was exceedingly dangerous.

After conveying the message, the staff hastily left from the office, clearly reluctant to linger any longer.

Shiraishi couldn't help but wonder why the staff seemed so intimidated. Nonetheless, he had more pressing concerns regarding Ruri and Ayane.

Walking over to his desk, Shiraishi picked up the various pieces of information given to him by the staff and began reading through them.

One particular piece of information immediately captured his attention.

"A white individual skilled in escape skills?"

Shiraishi mumbled to himself, interested by the report's content.

The information originated from General Tu and his water clone, Soryu. They had tracked the lair of these white creatures and encountered a different white creature with a powerful ability to use Wood Release.

The document provided a detailed account of the battle, showcasing the enemy's formidable powers and abilities. It concluded that the swirl-faced creature was a highly dangerous enemy, suggesting that discretion was paramount in any future encounters.

"In typical team engagements, the primary objective should be to flee, rather than engaging in combat. There's no room for recklessness."

The report also included images of the swirl-faced creature and other white creatures.

"Shiraishi-sama, are these...?"

Katsuyu inquired, perched on Shiraishi's shoulder as she observed the information. Her tone conveyed surprise upon seeing the images of the swirl-faced creature and other white creatures.

"It's related to a mysterious group I've been monitoring. They have a keen interest in Konoha and the Uchiha clan. I intend to uncover their motives. Do you have any knowledge about these strange creatures, Katsuyu?" Shiraishi questioned.

"It's not about knowing or not, Shiraishi-sama, but is this information genuinely accurate?" Katsuyu inquired with an air of seriousness in her tone, which surprised Shiraishi.

He had known Katsuyu for quite some time, but this was the first instance he had witnessed such seriousness in her demeanor.

"It's accurate. I have several preserved samples of these creatures in my laboratory." Shiraishi responded firmly.

"I didn't anticipate there were still remnants from that era." Katsuyu said.

"That era?" Shiraishi asked, intrigued by Katsuyu's implications. It appeared that these creatures were not products of the present era.

"Shiraishi-sama, I previously mentioned the Divine Tree." Katsuyu began.

"Yes, you mentioned that the Divine Tree absorbed natural energy and transformed it into chakra." Shiraishi recalled.

"These white creatures were once ancient humans."

"Humans?" Shiraishi showed surprise.

Having dissected these white creatures extensively, he was well-versed in their internal physiology. To his knowledge, there were no existing species within the ninja world that resembled them.

"These white creatures collectively referred to as White Zetsu are living soldiers created by the Divine Tree using ancient humans. Over time, they gradually disappeared, and I believed they had been wiped out by humans. I never anticipated their reappearance in this era." Katsuyu explained.

Living soldiers created from the Divine Tree? Shiraishi was surprised.

The secrets of ancient times held a fascination that surpassed his expectations.

"The white creatures I previously captured were relatively weak. However, this swirl-faced individual managed to singlehandedly overpower both of my clones in their Sage Mode effortlessly. It appears that they have some extraordinarily powerful individuals amongst them." Shiraishi noted.

"The power of the Ten Tails from the Divine Tree is unpredictable, it is the origin of ninja chakra." Katsuyu solemnly added.

"In that case, Katsuyu, do you have any knowledge why these living soldiers known as White Zetsu have reawakened in this era?"

Shiraishi wanted to know the connection.

"I don't have any comprehensive information. The Sage of the Six Paths was responsible for suppressing the Divine Tree, but I was not involved in that battle. The toad living on Mount Myoboku may have some knowledge. They share a connection with the Sage of the Six Paths. Nevertheless, I wouldn't recommend that Shiraishi-sama seek answers from Mount Myoboku at this point." Katsuyu cautioned.

Shiraishi nodded in agreement.

Based on Mount Myoboku's actions in supporting Konoha and the warnings issued by Miroku, it seemed that tensions existed between him and that place.

Katsuyu supported Shiraishi because she observed the world with detached indifference, without any interest in worldly power, wealth, or authority.

On the contrary, Mount Myoboku had excessively interfered in human affairs, usng their unknown prophetic abilities and exerting influence on the course of human development.

This high-handed intervention into the laws governing the evolution of all things unsettled Shiraishi, fostering an inexplicable urge to crush it.

"Now that this matter has surfaced, we shall follow the trail."

"Shiraishi-sama, please be careful. I firmly believe that there is a someone orchestrating events from behind the scenes. Should the Divine Tree reawaken, it could spell doom for the world. The individuals responsible are likely to come seeking the Tailed..." Katsuyu warned.

It wasn't that Katsuyu doubted Shiraishi's abilities, but the Divine Tree's existence was an exceptionally grave threat. Hence, this cautionary reminder aimed to prevent any underestimation of future adversaries.

Just as the Katsuyu issued this warning, the office door was suddenly open.

There was no knock on the door.

Two people entered without permission.

"Shiraishi-sama, I am seriously asking you not to act recklessly. The world may truly descend into chaos."

Katsuyu pleaded, though Shiraishi didn't seem disturbed by her advice.

The atmosphere in the room immediately grew tense and oppressive as Ruri appeared with a stern expression and Ayane with a sly grin. The entry of these two figures conveyed an unsettling change in the room's dynamics.

The room's temperature seemed to plummet, reminiscent of a cold January evening. Whether or not the world would plunge into turmoil remained uncertain, but Shiraishi had pressing concerns regarding the activities of these two individuals during his absence.

He couldn't help but wonder if the inexplicable disappearance of the mountain he had observed earlier had any connection to them.


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