Escape From Konoha

Chapter 129: 125: Uchiha (3)

Chapter 129: 125: Uchiha (3)

In the forest, as General Tu was summoned back by the Water Clone..The Water Python, using the reverse summoning jutsu, General Tu's entire body was already torn apart, transforming into a pile of scorched mud. Slowly, the mud started to come together and regenerating.

The explosion had been powerful enough, but they had been cautious not to approach the enemy's position too closely to avoid detection, so the full force of the blast wasn't unleashed.

However, given General Tu's extensive experience with explosions, he believed that even if the enemy hadn't been killed outright by the explosion's shock, they must have been severely injured.

Yet, General Tu thought it likely that the enemy, even if hit by their explosion, still retained some fighting capability. To be safe, it was better to set off another explosion, at least rendering the opponent immobile before dealing the final blow.

After all, when encountering a Sharingan user, the strategy was simple: burrow underground and detonate. There was no need for a head-on confrontation.

For Genjutsus and spiritual attacks he was no match for them, especially against the Sharingan, which was notoriously powerful.

Although the Water Python was equipped to dispel the genjutsu at any time, Shiraishi had cautioned them about the strength of the opponent's Sharingan. They had to proceed with caution.

So, General Tu deemed it strategically sound to trigger another explosion, potentially weakening the opponent or even causing their death. While he contemplated this, he suddenly sensed a shift in the surrounding atmosphere.

Numerous sharp trees suddenly burst through the ground, winding tightly around his body, immobilizing him in an instant.

General Tu turned his head to see his captors, creatures resembling the strange white creatures but with swirling faces and there was a hole where he could see the dark essence inside.

These were the unique white-collared being, Guruguru, sent by Madara to investigate the enemy's identity.

As soon as Guruguru came over, he said to the bound General Tu: "Oh, I searched all over the place, only to find you lurking here, up to who knows what mischief. You must be the one responsible for interrupting my thoughts on how to defecate while hanging upside down with your explosions, right?"

It seemed like he was genuinely annoyed at the General Tu for disrupting his thoughts with the explosion and denying him the pleasure of executing a headstand while relieving himself.

General Tu stared at the peculiar whirlpool-faced white creature. He hadn't expected his capture to occur so fast, and he couldn't help but sense a difference in power between these being and the ones following him.

There appeared to be a significant gap in strength.

The whirlpool-faced figure emitted an unsettling aura of danger.

"Speaking of which, do you know how to defecate while hanging upside down? If so, please tell me, maybe I will make your death easier. After all, Guruguru is a good boy, hehe."

Guruguru giggled, scratching his head, seemingly not taking the confrontation seriously. It wasn't arrogance but rather his inherent personality, which was naturally funny with his tone.


"Huh? What are you babbling about? Are you also curious about defecating while hanging upside down? Given your strange b9dy, you probably have no idea what it's like to defecate at all. Well, there's no helping it. I'll just have to turn you into... waste!"

Guruguru's clasped his hands together, causing the trees coiled around General Tuto constrict tightly, as if wringing out a wet cloth. The General Tu was squeezed into fragments resembling mud, which scattered in all directions.

"What a letdown. I didn't expect to dispose of you so easily. I thought you were some sort of sneaky infiltrator. Turns out, you're just a petty thief with a knack for sneaking around." Guruguru remarked, clearly unimpressed.

Turning to leave, the figure suddenly halted, his gaze fixated on the ground. The earth was emitting faint whines, and stones on the ground were trembling and creating noise.


The ground ruptured, and Guruguru immediately leaped back, darting into the forest.

Cracks extended from the ground, following Guruguru, and their range expanded, accompanied by thunderous roars.

"Oops, it appears things are becoming troublesome. Is this guy indestructible?" Guruguru's comical tone niw had a more cautious note.

He glanced back at the forest where birds scattered in alarm, the setting sun casting a blood-red hue. The tremors intensified.

Boom! Boom!

The earthquake roared more violently. Something dreadful was about to emerge from beneath the earth.


The ground cracked open, and Gururguru was thrown to the ground, hitting a massive tree before coming to a stop.

He dusted himself off, standing on a tree branch, apparently unharmed. He observed the huge earth creature that had suddenly surfaced in the forest.

Towering above the tall trees, the creature was a gray-yellow rock giant, its body encased in rock armor. It wielded a stone lance fashioned from solid rock, its bloodshot eyes fixed on Guruguru.

Boom! Boom!

As it approached, the ground trembled beneath its massive strides, flattening and uprooting trees in its path.

The stone lance was hurled at Gurugurui's position.

There was a deafening explosion, and a cloud of dust and smoke enveloped the area. The enormous stone spear remained wedged in the ground at an angle, seemingly still.

Guruguru panted heavily, observed the relentless advance of the rock giant, which had shown no hesitation in its assault, leaving him in an awkward predicament.

"Damn it! You dare to challenge me, a mere piece of shit! Watch as I teach you a lesson!"

Guruguru clapped his hands, his chakra beginning to coalesce as he prepared to unleash his ninjutsu.

"Come on! Wood Release: Wooden Dungeon Jutsu!"

Gigantic trees emerged from the sky, transforming into huge wooden giants nearly matching the earth giant in height.

These wooden giants exuded a ferocious and violent aura, no less imposing than their earth giant. They charged forward, causing the ground to tremble.

Guruguru stood atop one of the wooden giants, directing it to clash head-on with the earth giant.

Thunderous crashes reverberated as both giants took a few steps back, regrouped, and charged again.

The eartth giant grabbed a stone spear embedded next to it and aimed it at the heart of the wooden giant, ready to strike.

"Wood Dungeon Wooden Dragon Jutsu!"

Guruguru swiftly resorted to another wood release jutsu upon realizing the dire situation.

An incredibly thick wooden dragon coiled around the wooden giant, opening its jaws to intercept the incoming stone spear.


The wooden giant trembled, and Guruguru swayed on it, nearly losing balance.

The stone spear pierced the wooden giant's heart with precision, passing through.

A python-like water construct, as large as the wooden dragon, formed by converging water, latched onto the wooden dragon, biting into its body and knocking it aside, clearing the path for the stone spear to attack the wooden giant.

"It's not the earth guy that came out from the earth giant, but rather a huge water snake? You truly are a tricky opponent."

Guruguru said, his as he regained his composure.

Wood Release wasn't so easily defeated.. Despite having its heart pierced, the wooden giant clenched its fists without hesitation, delivering a powerful punch to the earth giant's face.

The rock earth let go of the stone spear, stepped back, trampled the earth, and eventually steadied itself. Meanwhile, the wood giant withdrew the embedded spear, wielded it, and taking a combat stance.

Guruguru chuckled and said, "Your weapon is good, I'll take it as a gift. Let's see if I can turn you all into sawdust next time! Attack!"

With the wooden giant charging forward alongside the wooden dragon and the Water Python coiling around the earth giant, a massive water cannon erupted from the serpent.

The wooden dragon opened its huge maw, intercepting the hefty water cannon and swallowed it directly, turning it into chakra to absorb.

The Water Python. took advantage of the wooden dragon's absorption of the water cannon's energy, quickly closed in. It Wrapped around the wooden giant, then open its massive mouth, biting down on the wooden giant's neck.

A large amount of wood shattered and fell from the sky..

Guruguru yelled in panic, recognizing the earth giant and Water Python as were not as powerful but were faster enemies than the wooden giant and wooden dragon.

Especially, the huge Water Python seemed to have its own consciousness, unlike Guruguru who needed to control the wooden dragon's attacks. If it isn't attacking, it coiled around the wooden giant as an ornament.

The Water Python violently chewed at the wooden giant's form, scattering sawdust. Most of the giant's neck had been devoured.

Guruguru quickly controlled the wooden dragon to bite down on the Water Python's body.

The Water Python immediately sensed that something was wrong; it found that its senjutsu chakra was being continuously absorbed by the wooden dragon.

At this rate, it would soon revert to its normal state.

"The power of the Wood Release to calm the troubled times isn't limited to attacking."

Guruguru said with a victorious smile on his face.

The wooden giant's neck began to regenerate under the resupply of chakra.

Guruguru switche his tactics, he seized the Water Python's head, intending to squeeze it until it burst.

However, the earth giant, holding a condensed stone spear, lunged forward, striking the wooden giant's body. This blow caused the wooden giant to buckle, eventually collapsing to the ground.

From the outskirts of the battlefield, a large number of white creatures observed the ongoing battle.

"That idiot Guruguru, relying on wood release, couldn't handle the enemy. Madara-sama will be very angry when he hears of this."

"Don't underestimate the enemy; the enemy seem far from ordinary. They infiltrated without detection and have the ability to fight Wood Release directly. It's not an ordinary enemy at all."

"No matter what kind of enemy it is, whenever Guruguru uses the Wood Release, they enemy will be crushed under its power."

Although Guruguru's Wood Release was far from matching the abilities of Senju Hashirama, the legendary "god of Ninja" with mastery over wood release.

in the modern ninja world, there were very few who could challenge Guruguru on their own.

The earth erupted and dust filled the air due to the stone spear attack. However, for the resilient wooden man, this attck merely caused a minor inconvenience.

The Water Python disengaged from the wooden man and refrained from making direct contact again. Not only did it fail to absorb chakra from the wooden gaint, it also depleted its own chakra. Engaging in a prolonged battle was detrimental to its self.

Nonetheless, their intelligence gathering had reached its limits. If they continued, their lives would be in danger.

While they hadn't acquired any information about the Sharingan ninja's abilities, simply knowing that Wood Release existed was a major gain.

"What's the matter? Are you exhausted? I'm filled with energy here! You two, get ready to be beaten by me! This time, I will come up with a plan that can make you defecate even while hanging upside down!"

Guruguru shouted imposingly as he urged the wooden man and wooden dragon to charge forward.

The central forest had been transformed into a desolate wasteland due to the intense battle. Trees were uprooted, and their exposed roots littered the terrain. Potholes marred the once pristine landscape, casualties of the huge clashes.

The water snake, witnessing the advancing wooden man and wooden dragon, opened its colossal maw, unleashing a torrent of water toward them.

"Hmm?" Within the water flow, the wooden man's movement noticeably slowed due to the resistance.

Meanwhile, the earth giant disintegrated into countless massive stone fragments, floating in the air before flying towards the wooden man.

The wooden man managed to catch one boulder in its palm, but another struck it, causing it to stagger and nearly falling backward.

A relentless barrage of boulders followed, each one finding its mark, hammering the wooden man's form. Even the wooden dragon making a scream of distress.

Guruguru desperately dodged the incoming projectiles, but he couldn't maintain control over the wooden man and wooden dragon to retaliate.

After the boulders attck stipped, Guruguru looked around, only to find the earth giant and the huge Water Python had disappeared in front of him.

"Hehe, scared off by my power, were you? Indeed, poop is no match for me at all." Guruguru smugly remarked.

Although it had demanded considerable effort, he had successfully repelled a formidable adversary. When he returned, he was certain to earn praise from Madara-sama.

Guruguru felt rather pleased with himself indulging himself in self-praise.

He then released the jutsus of the wooden man and wooden dragon before making his way back in the direction where the white zetsu had gathered.

Once he left, a shadowy figure emerged from the devastated, barren earth, its dark eyes fixed on the path of retreat taken by General Tu and the Water Python.

Without a word, the figure disappeared back into the earth, leaving no trace behind.

Shikkotsu Forest Boundary.

Shiraishi's upper body was bare, enveloped by the moist, invigorating air that brought him comfort.

On this mountaintop, one could feel the raw, natural energy that permeated the surroundings. It was an ideal place to train with natural energy and fuse it with one's own chakra to fully master Sage Mode.

Suddenly, countless shadow blades emerged from the nearby shadows, slicing across Shiraishi's exposed upper body, splattering blood.

Despite the excruciating pain, Shiraishi endured, acutely aware of the massive surge of senjutsu chakra coursing through his body.

Bringing his hands together, he performed a specific jutsu. In a matter of moments, the grievous wound on his upper body miraculously healed, leaving behind only crimson stains.

The paleness that had washed over his face vanished, replaced by its original healthy hue, and there was no sign of weakness.

A small clone of Katsuyu wriggled over and marveled, "Shiraishi-sama, your power is truly astounding. You've only just begun to understand the basics of my Sage Mode, and you have already mastered m healing sage art."

Shiraishi was using the healing sage art of Katsuyu—Life Regeneration. This jutsu changed chakra into powerful life force, facilitating the rapid recovery of injuries.

This is the highest level of medical ninjutsu Shiraishi has ever seen.

"This jutsu is still not perfect because it requires hand seals. In situations where injuries are too severe for using hand seal, this jutsu cannot be activated."

Shiraishi let out a sigh of regret..

Hand seals were essential for guiding chakra within the body to use ninjutsu efficiently.

Despite Shiraishi's efforts to simplify this sage art, certain essential steps, such as the hand seals, couldn't be omitted, and the jutsu couldn't be performed without it.

"Please don't worry, Shiraishi-sama. You've achieved incredible progress in just a few days. You're the quickest learner I've ever seen in senjutsu healing. Tsunade-sama took a month to master this jutsu, and you're just getting started." Katsuyu reassured him.

"Tsundade-sensei learned this jutsu too?" Shiraishi asked, visibly surprised. He recalled that Tsunade wasn't capable of Sage Mode and, by extension, senjutsu healing.

Katsuyu responded, "Tsunade-sama may not have learned Sage Mode, which restricts her from fully understanding all aspects of this jutsu. However, she used this medical ninjutsu as a foundation, incorporated her unique medical insights, and integrated them with chakra to develop her own S-class advanced medical ninjutsu—Creation Rebirth."

"Is that so?" Shiraishi was intrigued by this revelation. Even though Tsunade couldn't use the Sage Mode aspect of the Life Regeneration jutsu, she had managed to develop her own S-level advanced medical ninjutsu. It was an achievement not to be underestimated.

"Nevertheless, Tsunade-sama's jutsu is still incomplete. Additionally, the Life Regeneration and Healing Sage Arts I created can be applied to others, while Tsunade-sama's jutsu is limited to oneself. Furthermore, our jutsu can restore the gravely injured to full health within seconds and, under specific conditions, even extend one's lifespan." Katsuyu explained patiently, telling Shiraishi all the mysteries of Sage Mode and life regeneration.

Shiraishi couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Katsuyu's Sage Art, known as Life Regeneration, was incredibly versatile.

It provided remarkable healing capabilities upon oneself and others. As long as a breath of life remained, it could mend even the gravest wounds in a matter of seconds and even extend one's lifespan. In the realm of medicine, it was almost omnipotent, save for the power to resurrect the dead.

However, the prerequisites for mastering this medical ninjutsu were very harsh. One needed a profound understanding of Sage Mode, coupled with expertise as a medical ninja, proficient in various medical ninjutsu to maximize the odds of success.

"This is truly an incredible jutsu."

Shiraishi admired.

Katsuyu in her usual humble manner, responded, "Shiraishi-sama, you are truly remarkable. You have single-handedly perfected the Sage Mode system that suits you alone.."

Shiraishi chuckled in response. "It was largely a matter of chance. Looking back, many of my experiments were actually accidents. For instance, the use of Chakra to verify the existence of natural energy was founded on the premise that Chakra could indeed merge with natural energy to create Senjitsu Chakra."

"I see." Katsuyu nodded.

"Well, even though it was a mistake, your verification process wasn't entirely incorrect. Chakra does indeed have a deep connection with natural energy." Katsuyu affirmed.

"Really?" Shiraishi looked at the Katsuyu in surprise and then he was relieved of the assurance.

Given that Katsuyu was a being that had lived for over a thousand years, her grasp of natural energy and Chakra was undoubtedly profound.

"In the era more than a thousand years ago, the world lacked Chakra as a substance." Katsuyu began.

"No Chakra at all?" Shiraishi frowned.

"Correct. At that time, only natural energy existed in the world. Chakra was born due to changes in the world." Katsuyu clarified.

"Changes in the world? What do you mean?" Shiraishi asked, he was genuinely curious.

"The existence known as the Divine Tree. This tree absorbed natural energy from its surroundings and bore a fruit at the top of the tree. That is the beginning of Chakra and the origin of Chakra." Katsuyu recounted.

"So, Chakra is essentially transformed from natural energy? The most fundamental essence of Chakra is natural energy?" Shiraishi asked in amazement. This perspective had never crossed his mind.

He had been unaware that Chakra's essence was, in fact, natural energy.

"Yes, that's correct. Natural energy is inherently wild and challenging to control. The Divine Tree couldn't directly devour such untamed power. To ensure its own safety, it transformed natural energy into Chakra, which is more manageable. Over time, Chakra became prevalent in the world, gradually displacing natural energy and penetrating the bodies of all living beings, passing down through generations."

"What happened to the Divine Tree?" Shiraishi's interest was piqued.

Although he had gleaned some knowledge about Chakra and its connection to natural energy from his past experiments, the whereabouts of the Divine Tree remained a mystery.

"Shiraishi-sama, I'm sure you've heard of it." Katsuyu said.

"Heard of it?" Shiraishi appeared puzzled.

"Tailed Beasts. The Divine Tree was a huge monster that was eventually split into the nine Tailed Beasts, which have been passed down through ancient times to the present. This monster was also known as the Ten-Tails, a manifestation of all the Tailed Beasts combined." Katsuyu disclosed, a secret capable of upending Shiraishi's understanding of the world.

"Tailed Beasts...Natural Energy...Chakra...Ten-Tails..... Divine Tree..." Shiraishi thought about his past experiments and his research on Tailed Beast Chakra. Even a mass of Chakra seemed to possess a strong sense of autonomy.

"What a fascinating history."

Shiraishi showed a smile on his face..

He was increasingly appreciating the value of his contract with Katsuyu. Not only had he acquired formidable Sage Mode, but the knowledge and experiences he was gaining were becoming increasingly vital in this era.

"Katsuyu, may I ask one thing?"

"Of course."

"Could you create a clone to document the true history and show the truths of all things to the world? It's a profound question that everyone must know and reflect upon. The experiences and knowledge you've amassed over thousands of years are the true treasures, far more valuable than superficial skills like Sage Mode." Shiraishi passionately suggested.

Shiraishi stood up, his eyes filled with excitement as he looked out into the boundless world. It was the first time the Katsuyu had seen Shiraishi like this.

"Shiraishi-sama... truly was a strange human being." She thought to herself. Even Tsunade, who had become friends with her, had only learned ninjutsu from her and had shown no interest in the history and knowledge she possessed.

Likewise, past visitors to the Shikkotsu Forest had displayed no curiosity about past events, as if ninjutsu and strength were the sole pursuits worth their attention.

However, Shiraishi was different, and his thoughts were incompatible with those of the world's. His spirit was brimming with vitality and hope.

Reflecting on Shiraishi's earlier words, he seemed determined to bring a different wave to this world, one that would move the earth, the skies, and the oceans.

"Very well, Shiraishi-sama." Katsuyu replied, its tone resonating with genuine joy.

It was an emotional rollercoaster she hadn't experienced in a long time. Following a contractor like Shiraishi would undoubtedly offer a glimpse of many beautiful sights, and the birth of an entirely new world.

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