Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 79: Evolution of Ion and Rock Golem

Chapter 79: Evolution of Ion and Rock Golem

Wrapped in blue light, the evolved Ion looks just like Lily and has grown to the same height as Lily, about the same height as an upper grade elementary school student. She has grown in the way that a girl should grow. She's just dressing up...let's stop watching.

Her hairstyle, twin-tails, has become a little longer. Her clothes have become a bit more luxurious. If I had to sum it up in one word, I'd say that she's the type of person who's strict about public morals. If she continues to grow like this, she's going to be a career woman. Ion asks me while paying attention to her changes.

"H, How is it? Takuto-san"

"Yes. You've become beautiful"

"I, Is that so..."

Ion turns her back to me, fiddles with her own twin-tails and mutters, Beautiful.... What kind of reaction is this? I don't know whether to be disgusted or happy.

Anyway, let's take a look at the status of the evolved Ion.

Name Ion Dragonewt Lv20

Vitality 3035

Magic Power 3845

Strength 2530

Defense 1520

Agility 5865

Dexterity 5055


Dual Wield Lv16

Throwing Lv1

Underwater Action Lv5

Water Blade Lv9

Pseudo Dragonification Lv1

I knew Ion would learn Pseudo Dragonification. But I don't think it will have the exact same performance as Lily. I'll have to use it once somewhere.

After that, we were attacked by Chubby Rabbits again. But fortunately, there are only six of them. It's a good time to test it out. I give Ion the order to turn into a pseudo-dragon.

"Yes! Activate pseudo-dragonification!"

A pillar of blue light envelops Ion and she becomes a pseudo-dragon. The pseudo-dragonized Ion, like Lily, has blue dragon horns for ears, blue dragon wings on her back and a blue dragon tail.

However, the overall impression was a little different. Lily's is a powerful dragon, but Ion is a beautiful dragon. Let's check the status.

Name Ion Dragonewt (Pseudo-Dragon) Lv20

Vitality 3555

Magic Power 4565

Strength 3050

Defense 2040

Agility 6585

Dexterity 5575


Dual Wield Lv16

Throwing Lv1

Underwater Action Lv5

Water Blade Lv9

Pseudo Dragonification Lv1

Flight Lv1

Dragon Technique Lv1

Yes. She's too strong. 50 Strength and 85 Agility is just too much! And just like Lily, she has flight and dragon techniques. Now, what kind of fight will this be?

Ion suddenly thrust two daggers into the ground. What is it?

'Dragon Technique! Dragon Wave!"

As Ion said this, water began to pour out of the daggers she had thrust into the ground. In the end, it turned into a wave that swallowed up the Chubby Rabbits in front of her and washed them away. That's a lot of water.

At this point, however, Ion returns to normal and collapses. Lily sees this and says,

"Ah, a chance for punishment"

"Of course not!"

I stopped her. Naturally. Ion hasn't done anything wrong. There's no reason to punish her. Lily swells her cheeks when I stop her, but when Ion turns her eyes of anger at Lily, Lily screams and she hides behind my back. Don't use me as a shield.

By the way, the Chubby Rabbits who were swept away were unfortunately safe. The previous technique attacks a wide range, but it seems that the power is not as powerful as it looks. However, they must be dying. After that, Kurogane protects us perfectly and I, Setia and Konoha's magic surely kill them. We dismantled them properly and got rabbit meat again.

Ion's skill and Kuroganes level improved. That means info will come.

Kurogane's level has reached 8. Evolution is possible

Evolution is here! I wonder if there's a Wood Golem. Let's check it out.

Rock Golem

Mud Golem

Huh? There's no Wood Golem? Wait a minute. Don't tell me that Wood Golem was the destination of its second evolution? Haha, that's not funny.

Well, let's see what it looks like.

Rock Golem

A rock golem. Gains mining and throwing skills, in addition to a significant increase in strength and defense over a normal golem.

Sounds like a pure enhancement. The throwing skill seems to be more of a stone thrower, but it doesn't look bad. If there's one thing that bothers me, it's the lack of an agility value. I'm not sure if you can do anything about the agility value. If I want to go with Kuroganes name, this is the way to go.

Let's take a look at the other one.

Mud Golem

A mud golem. It's not as powerful as the Stone Golem, but it's a little faster. It also gets liquefaction skill and earth magic.

Mmm! That speed boost is tempting! And it seems to have a mysterious liquefaction skill. I'm curious to see what it is. I'm curious, but I'll give priority to the name here.

Now that Kurogane has evolved, he's gone from dirt to rock, so his appearance has changed quite a bit. He's also grown a bit taller. And his stats have increased as well. And I'm glad to see that agility is now 10. To be honest, I was expecting 5.

Now I've finished today's goals of gathering ingredients and evolving Kurogane, but there's still the glass material to get. Let's hurry to the cave.

Name Ion Dragonewt Lv20

Vitality 35

Magic Power 45

Strength 30

Defense 20

Agility 65

Dexterity 55


Dual Wield Lv16

Throwing Lv1

Underwater Action Lv5

Water Blade Lv9

Pseudo-Dragonification Lv1Lv2

Kurogane Golem Lv8 Rock Golem Lv1

Vitality 3845

Magic Power 0

Strength 3845

Defense 3845

Agility 410

Dexterity 410


Bare-handed Lv3Lv4

Defense Lv7Lv8

Provocation Lv4Lv5

Physical Resistance Lv7Lv8

Mining Lv1

Throwing Lv1


Author note:

This was the chapter where Ion and Kurogane evolved. Ion's Dragon Wave is a technique that creates a wave in front of you from the point you stab. If there is an ally in front of you, it will also target them, making it a dangerous move.

Next time, a very useful summoned beast will appear. Please look forward to it.

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