Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 738 The Hidden Dungeon’s Final Boss Emerges!

Chapter 738 The Hidden Dungeon's Final Boss Emerges!


"They're almost here!"

"That Yggdrasil Witch's magic is spreading everywhere! Don't touch the plants!"

"Quickly! Open the emergency gate! While the rest is fighting, we have to at least bring these things to our master! Bring the fetuses of the chimera prototypes as well!"

The cultists were all carrying many things from the other rooms in the small underground facility, rushing towards the gate which was still sealed.

One of the magicians quickly waved his wand, attempting to open the gate so everyone could run away from the massacre happening right next to them.



A purple slime emerged in front of them, blocking the gate that had just open, her entire body quickly shapeshifting to gain many spikes which she constantly expanded everywhere.

"Nah, you're not getting anywhere, bastards!"

"A-A slime?!"


"She's poisonous, watch out!"



As she pierced their bodies with deadly poisonous slime spikes, she also fired poison and acid bullets, sometimes even melting a few into flesh and blood.

"Ugh, this is gross, but you guys are even grosser!" Jenny had already decided to just go all-out without hesitating, stopping them from advancing further and even tanking most of their deadly spells, which were poisonous and so, could be absorbed by her quite easily.

"You don't have to do this alone either, Jenny!" Lily stepped forward. "I'll punish all of you, evildoers! What you've done will never be forgiven! [Divine Earth Spirit Magic]: [Gaia's Punishment]!"

While covering her entire body on an armor of stone, metals, and crystals, Lily hit the ground with tremendous strength, generating a huge rampage of countless of giant arms made of stone, spears, swords, and axes made of crystals, and fingers made of combined ores.

The multiple attacks were all part of her Gaia's Punishment Spell, a very strong spell she had yet to try out on her foes until now!

The results, as if it wasn't obvious enough, were utterly devastating.


Countless of explosions rained down over the cultists, countless died on the spot. The surviving ones, shapeshifting into aberrant monster-like appearances tried attacking with stronger magic, shattering some of Lily's mighty magic spells, only for acidic poison bullets and poisonous slime spears to fend them of quite quickly.

As the cultists were going down rapidly, I sensed one of them raising a strange item, a wand made out of bones with a red jewel on top of it. He looked desperate, panicking as he imbued his energies into the wand!

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" I instantly ran towards him, to stop whatever machinations he had in mind.

"We are not going down without taking you down with us!" He cried. "Wake up, you useless chimera! You're more than just a farm of endless miasmic fragments for us! After all, a small piece of that Demon King is within your core!"


The wand glowed brightly before my branches and roots could reach him, activating several magical mechanisms around the largest glass tube in there.

The magic circle surrounding it activated, its white and red runes glowing brightly with crimson light, emanating an ominous blood-colored energy!


The entity within the tube started groaning and screaming with the voices of hundreds of people. Whatever this chimera was, it was suffering!


[The Evil Cultists have released all the seals containing the Origin of the Darkness within the depths of the Hidden Dungeon!]

[The Hidden Dungeon's Final Boss is beginning to become free from the shackles containing it within the glass tube! It's powers are overflowing!]

Crack, crack…!


The beast broke free from its prison, its small body quickly beginning to grow larger and larger, growing countless arms, legs, eyes, and jaws from the countless lifeforms it has been made out of, including the people that might have been captured as well.



[The Hidden Dungeon's Final Boss [The Failed Copy Of The Origin of Darkness: Lv225] has fully awakened!]

[Its powers are beginning to constantly grow as it had been freed from its restraints!]

"Hahahah… HAHAHAHA! You're all going to die!" The cultist that freed the chimera laughed. "Even Players can die if their souls are shattered! And this entity… it has inherited a little part of the Demon King of Miasma's powers! It will SHATTER all of your damn SOULS- GRAAGH…!"

"Shut up already."

I didn't let him continue speaking his nonsense as I pierced his body with countless sharp Yggdrasil's wood spears surging from the ground, destroying his Demonic Heart before he were to turn into a monster too.

"I've had enough of all you monsters…" I sighed. "Shatter our souls? Do you think we are afraid after all the shit we've gone through?"

"Yeah, those words are not that intimidating anymore, honestly." Mark said, his flames spreading around his body.

"Alright, so this guy's the final boss, huh?" Rita wondered, floating nearby.


The aberration kept growing larger, countless rivers of miasma and nether spreading everywhere. Suddenly the corpses of the cultists were… reanimated?!


[The Hidden Dungeon's Final Boss [The Failed Copy Of The Origin of Darkness: Lv225] has begun to infect the nearby corpses with its Miasma and Nether, bringing them back from the dead as aberrant [Miasmic Cultist Chimera Zombies: Lv180]!]

[The Hidden Dungeon's Final Boss [The Failed Copy Of The Origin of Darkness: Lv225] very presence exudes a mighty and nefarious power, further boosting the strength and magic power of its subjects, increasing All their Stats by +150%!]

[A powerful [Corrupted Divine Barrier of Miasmic Nether] is surrounding the Hidden Dungeon's Final Boss, blocking 90% of all Damage!]

Not only it rose an army of Undead out of nowhere with its strange powers, but it even mutated them into even stronger monsters, and to boot, it gained a barrier that negates 90% of damage?!

And as if things couldn't get worse, my Domain was being constantly consumed with incredible speed! If we don't do something quickly to stop its expansion, we might be in quite a problem.

Good thing I've got a plethora of powerful skills and spells to rely on!

"We both can play the same game!" I roared. "[Spiritual Sacred Sanctuary]!"


A powerful Spiritual Barrier spread around us, while constantly burning the Miasma and Nether!


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