Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 737 Learning To Be Ruthless

Chapter 737 Learning To Be Ruthless


My Spear reached the cultist's throat, his HP quickly going down with each second the spear was piercing his throat, making him bleed.


He quickly forced it out of his throat, his hands revealing sharp black claws and miasmic and nether energies surging from several runes, his form beginning to change.

"You damn…! RAAARRRGH!"

His appearance quickly transformed, becoming some sort of chimeric werewolf! Wait, so even the normal cultists that look like people have turned themselves into… creatures?


[The [Corrupted Miasma Cultist: Lv150] has undergone a special [Chimeric Miasmic Transformation], increasing All Stats by +100%!]

[Filled with new strength, it has no sense of fear anymore!]

Well, I guess it certainly makes things simpler…

"I'm not even going to engage on a conversation with you." I said. "[Yggdrasil Magic: Divine Root Spears]!"


My surroundings quickly shook as the roots spread around his body and summoned dozens of spears imbued with spiritual energy, piercing his body several times, blood and miasma splattering everywhere.


With a furious roar, the cultist furiously freed himself from the roots entangling him, even with his body covered on spears piercing his flesh, he ran directly to me.


Swinging both of his huge claws, several slashing waves made of dark energies were fired towards me rapidly, as I moved Gram and picked back up the spear, shaping it into a sword and utilizing the Heroic Swordsmanship Techniques to block the attacks as I made my way through!


[The Effects of the [Heroic Swordsmanship's Footwork] Technique have been activated, AGI and DEX have increased by +200%!]

I made sure to move correctly as I ran forwards, focusing completely on channeling my energies into my legs to move as quickly as possible. The effects of the [Heroic Swordsmanship's Footwork] naturally activated quickly.

"[Heroic Parry]!"


Each of his frantic attacks were easily blocked by my swords, as each parried blow released explosions of light, blinding him.


Once he finally gave me an opening by closing his eyes, I took the chance.

"[Divine Sword Slash]!"

Channeling a large quantity of Mana into both swords, I unleashed a single sword attack that released a gigantic slash of pure light, slicing him into two halves.



The especial effect of Gram activated in that instant as well, generating "illusions" of the same attack, multiplying it five times, as two other Cultists nearby were cut down to piece as well, albeit involuntarily so.




They fell into the floor into pieces, as I ended gaining EXP from them and all… I felt slightly disgusted with what I had done, but there was no sense of guilt over having taken their lives.

Based on all the things they had done; they deserved no mercy at all!

"S-She must be that Yggdrasil woman!"

"Kill her quickly!"


More and more cultists kept rushing towards me, and when I was about to conjure some Spirit Magic to send them away, dozens of dark spears started falling from the skies, piercing their bodies, and exploding!

"[Malice Magic]: [Shadow Void Spears]!" Rita roared. "DIE YOU FUCKING SHITHEADS!!!"


Rita was completely furious, blowing the cultists into pieces, managing to kill a few without them turning into monsters beforehand…

Meanwhile, the survivors quickly turned into aberrant, chimeric half-beast forms, attempting to get her as she floated in midair.

"Oh no, that is not going to be as easy as you imagine, fools!" She laughed. "[Shadow Dragon Claws]!"

Her darkness quickly gathered around her hands as gigantic draconic claws made of shadows materialized, much like the powerful spells she had conjured beforehand, she unleashed several slashing attacks using these claws!


Devastating the cultist ranks, she also conjured several spheres of darkness, summoned from her Dark Spirit Magic…

"[Malice Magic]: [Dark Spirit Orbs Abyssal Orbs]! Attack!"

The dozens of black orbs started floating around her, firing lasers of darkness-attribute spiritual energy everywhere, acting as both protection and also as automatic attacks and offense, it was simply amazing!


As this happened, Mark jumped into battle, leaping from the skies and clashing into the ground with a huge explosion of spiritual flames.


"None of you is getting away!"

His skull-like face, resembling the skull of a huge bird now, blazed with flames as he grew two huge blazing wings from his back, while his enormous arms transformed into cannon-shapes, firing cannonballs made of blazing wood towards everyone!

"[Totem Body Transformation: Blazing Spirit Cannons]!"

Each cannonball seemed simple, yet the impact alone generated huge explosions of flames much more potent and cheaper in mana costs as well!


He kept firing them everywhere, blowing the cultists into bits and burning them. They transformed into monsters but that did little against him, he grew a second pair of arms and swung his Berserk Sword, set on flames, and temporarily fused with Totem Spirits and Fire Spirits.

"[Spiritual Phoenix Sword Arts]: [Rising Phoenix]!"


Mark furiously swung his sword upwards, generating the illusion of a gigantic phoenix made of flames erupting from his sword, the world was suddenly filled with flames, burning all of his surrounding enemies!




The resilient Cultists turned into monsters as they burned, but Mark simply moved forwards towards them, his body quickly summoning several Totems.

"[Blazing Spirit Totem Magic]: [Volcanic Draconic Stakes]!"

Channeling the power of the Fire Dragon Spirit, he summoned several gigantic stakes in the shape of dragons, rushing towards his foes and piercing their chests, filling them with flames as they were pierced.


Meanwhile, as we all kept purging them, Jenny and Lily rushed towards the two other corridors, which I followed them through my extended senses using my Domain which expanded everywhere.

In there, the cultists were hurriedly trying to grab as many things from smaller rooms, including containers filled with what seemed to be floating souls!

"Jenny, Lily, take them down and retrieve those souls! They are most likely the souls of the people!" I told them through the roots and branches. "They might be dead, but at the very least we have to let them rest in peace!"

"Got it!" The two nodded, decided to fight as well.


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