A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 370: A Surprise

Chapter 370: A Surprise

The students walked into the room in single file, and the door to Classroom Seven closed behind them automatically.

Before them lay a narrow path with swirling mist on either side. Amidst the mist, vague figures could be seen.

"Can you imagine what kind of creature might be concealed in there?" Roger Davies of Ravenclaw wondered aloud. He was tall and handsome, with deep brown hair combed neatly back, revealing a dashing face.

Though he addressed everyone, his gaze flickered towards a pretty girl not far from him.

"Where does he think he is, a ballroom?" Ron muttered from behind, causing Harry and Hermione to burst into laughter. The wizard named Davies, wearing a high-collared robe with blue and bronze embroidered cuffs, was trying to slick his hair back as he spoke.

A soft chuckle echoed through the mist, making Harry freeze. He turned abruptly to look into the mist, hearing it distinctlyits source was nearby. A cluster of mist floated and dispersed ahead, revealing nothing. He hurried a few steps, catching Ron saying, "... But who's that girl? She's really beautiful!"

In Harry's view, the girl Davies was fixated on was indeed lovely. Petite, almost fragile. Her fair skin and delicate features were framed by chestnut short hair. The only minor flaw was her thick eyebrows, a bit mismatched with her face. And, there was one more thingshe was a Slytherin.

"Do you know who she is?" Ron nudged Hermione.

"How should I know?" Hermione replied impatiently.

"You at least know half the students in the school. Someone like her, so... so..." Ron struggled to find the right word, but it eluded him.

"I only know students who take Ancient Runes!" Hermione retorted sharply.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, Felix Harp, leading the group, finally halted. It was then that they realized they stood at a central crossroads, where two long corridors formed a cross shape, each segment obscured by mist.

"I'll need to look at your essays first," Felix addressed them, "You can explore around... Although this place isn't quite perfected yet, there might be... surprises awaiting you." He smiled, conjuring a comfortable armchair for himself and settling into it.

The students exchanged glances, slightly unsure of what the professor meant.

The girl with short chestnut hair spoke calmly, "Are we encountering the same things?"

Felix pondered briefly and replied, "It depends on the area you choose."

"Is it dangerous?"

"That's for you to define, but don't forget why you came."

The short-haired girl nodded slightly, drew her wand, and walked into the nearest mist. The mist parted to create a path, then seamlessly closed as she entered.

Several seconds passed, and those left behind heard no sound.

"Let's pick one too," Hermione said decisively. Harry and Ron watched as Davies dashed after the girl with the short hair, entering the same section as her. They decided to go in a different direction.

"How about this way!" Harry pointed to the right. It was here he had heard a soft chuckle, and he was curious to investigate.

Ron and Hermione agreed. "Neville, what about you?" Harry asked. Neville scratched his head, "I'll stick with you guys, I'm a bit worried on my own."

Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and two other Slytherin students ventured into a new section. Cedric, Susan Bones, Cho Chang, and Angelina Johnson, among others, chose the final area.

The remaining students also chose their paths, leaving Felix Harp seated in the center, rapidly perusing through essays.


The students embarked on their respective adventures.

Cedric found himself lost, with Cho nowhere in sight. After walking for a while, he saw a corner of a structure emerging from the mist. It was a grand and spacious arena, reminiscent of the gilded dueling platforms in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but much larger.

"Professor Flitwick?" Cedric gasped as he saw who stood upon the platform, his mouth agape in astonishment.

He had expected to encounter peculiar creatures, given Professor Harp's eccentric reputation, which had spread with uncanny accuracy. Some Muggle-born students had even compiled a list of creatures frequently seen in movies for this purpose.

A witch who enjoyed watching ghost and monster movies provided a wealth of material. When she showed them to Cho, although she appeared nonchalant, she was internally quite anxious.

Young Felix smiled and said, "Getting distracted here might not be a good idea. Perhaps you're waiting for a companion to arrive?" He pointed to the side.

Cedric then noticed Cho cautiously emerging from another direction. She was accompanied by Susan Bones, the Weasley twins, and Angelina Johnson.

"Hey! Cedric, you made it first," Fred greeted him.

"We waited outside and caught a few ourselves," George said with a grin.

"Now that everyone who's coming is here, what's your decision?" Felix raised his wand, "Individually or all at once?"

In the second area

Harry encountered a young student with auburn hair. He had a sense of familiarity with the face, especially the hooked nose. The suspicion was confirmed when the student introduced himself.

"Are you Headmaster Dumbledore?" Harry exclaimed.

"Headmaster?" Young Aberforth Dumbledore smiled, "I only have memories from when I was student council president. Would you like to hear about my experiences, Harry?"

Harry found everything before him extremely bizarre. He was meeting a young Dumbledore, and they were discussing the topic of student council. He wasn't sure if this was some kind of scheme. He tested, "Professor Dumbledore, I came in because of Professor Harp. Are we... uh, supposed to have a duel?"

"A duel?" Young Dumbledore chuckled, looking at him with an amused expression. "Of course."

Ten seconds later.

Harry struggled on the ground; his clothes seemed to have turned into a cage, completely restraining him. He couldn't even lift his hand.

"You got too close to me and didn't sense the spell's fluctuations. I guess you haven't learned nonverbal magic?" the auburn-haired Dumbledore said. He waved his hand, dispelling the magic. "Well, let's try again..."

In the third area.

Young Felix yawned, "Just the two of you? It's a bit dull with so few people."

Colin Creevey clenched his teeth, casting silent spells one after another. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" The spells were swatted away by a hand, leaving Roger Davies unable to get close. The spells that Felix seemed to easily brush off were now heading straight for him. He wanted Colin to stop, but he couldn't find the opportunity, evading spells while jumping up and down.

Young Felix lazily suggested, "The Humanoid Armor Charm, interested?"

In the fourth area.

Draco Malfoy was cornered against a wall, facing a lion-bodied, scorpion-tailed creature that towered over him by ten feet. The scorpion's barb glinted with a metallic chill. He leaned back as far as he could against the wall, trying to keep some distance from the thing.

"Mr. Malfoy, I've told you three times now, stop running..." Professor McGonagall adjusted her square glasses and sternly looked at him. Behind her were a row of humanoid puppets.


About half an hour later, Felix finally finished reading the essays.

"Tsk! Wonder what they encountered." He stood up, walked into the mist, circled around, and led the students out.

These students followed behind, disheartened and looking completely different from when they had arrived. They now appeared defeated.

"So, each of you has met at least one of the Keepers of the Enclaves. They come from memories of four professors' youth, including me. So, you might find some differences in personality compared to the reality. Yes, some differences..."

Felix said somewhat nervously, "It's quite normal. You need to learn to differentiate." His own memories were a bit too eccentric. He found his own memories performing closed-eye spell-catching tricks. Collins, the girl, was infuriated...

Although he had considered it, he had never actually done it. He wouldn't joke about his safety.

Felix sighed. Whether it was the portrait or the young memories in Classroom Seven, they were all livelier and more cheerful than his own personality. Maybe it was because he hadn't imbued them with the darkness and secrets he held.

This left him with an uneasy feeling and speculation: if he hadn't experienced his school years, would he have grown up to be as absurd as those memories?


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