A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 369: Classroom Seven

Chapter 369: Classroom Seven

After the conversation with Professor McGonagall, Felix only assigned one homework task. Its content was similar to the dueling system essay that Harry and Hermione had writtenwhat things could help you survive in times of danger?

"Personality, knowledge, mastered spells, items carried with youeverything can be included," the new male and female prefects conveyed his words to the selected students.

Over the next week, many professors worked together on a major project, while Felix himself spent time inside the Room of Requirement, replicating the magic and magical conduits depicted there, along with the crucial magical nodes. Now, only the final step remained

Saturday morning.

Dumbledore and Felix stood in the empty room. The transformed hills and greenery were gone, as were the traces of different dueling arenas from the competition. Even the black suspended door used to select students a week ago had vanished.

In the room, only the subtle Traceless Expansion Charm cast by Felix remained, allowing the interior space to rival ten Quidditch fields. If not for considering the other four schools, Hogwarts could easily have its students reside here.

The professors had added layers of sturdy spells and protective magic. In truth, every inch of this ancient castle was imbued with powerful magic. Their efforts primarily supplemented the existing defenses.

Currently, only the two of them were in the classroom, engaged in a serious conversation

"What do you think?" Felix inquired.

"Worth a try," Dumbledore said casually.

"I never imagined embedding my own magic into Hogwarts' defensive system, to endure for a hundred, a thousand years..." Felix was briefly lost in thought, and as he snapped back, Dumbledore was smiling at him.

"Let's begin, Albus. The students outside must be eager," Felix tightened his grip on his wand and said.

Dumbledore complied readily, raising his own wand. Like a conductor in an orchestra, he waved his arm, connecting with the ancient castle in a way Felix couldn't comprehend.


Whether an illusion or not, Felix felt the castle under his feet coming to life, like a dormant dragon stirring slightly. Nests were built, holes were dug, and little creatures parasitized on its scales, discovering that the whole world had changed.

Clusters of magic materialized into physical formspurple, blue, yellow, bronze, green, gray... They merged and separated rapidly, forming blossoms of magical flowers.

"Felix" Dumbledore's voice was deep.

Felix understood instinctively that he needed to stabilize these magical manifestations, creating secure linksmuch like the Room of Requirement.

A fluffy silver sphere appeared in his hand, resembling a dandelion seed yet also resembling a cluster of neural networks. Occasional pale blue currents flickered within it. It drifted into the air and rapidly expanded into a three-dimensional structure, filling the spacious room.

Felix recited complex incantations, gradually merging the tendrils and cores with the space, like synapses absorbing ownerless magic, fortifying the magical nodes above.

Then everything vanished. Magic, tendrils, nodes... they had become one with the room.

Felix shifted his focus, finding those nodes and hiding them one by one. Even the most powerful wizards would struggle to detect them. Dumbledore did the same, using his unique authority as headmaster to establish stable magical pathways.

As long as Hogwarts existed, as long as it admitted students, it would never vanish, just like the Room of Requirement.

Dumbledore completed everything and noticed four memory stone basins before Felix.

"What are these...?" he curiously asked, forming a certain suspicion.

"They're memories of several professors," Felix succinctly explained.

He took a deep breath. Everything prior had been for creating a suitable environment. Now came the main event. Despite the relative simplicity of this step, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Felix controlled the four basins to fly to the four corners of the room, seemingly dividing it into four sections, each centered around a basin.

"What's the purpose of this?" Dumbledore asked with great interest. Even for him, this was a rare instance of grand magical practice, a fusion of alchemy, Legilimency, and Transfigurationa rarity in the wizarding world.

"Adding a touch of ceremony," Felix smiled and explained. Then his tone turned serious. "So, the first Custodian: seventeen-year-old Albus Dumbledore."

The basin to their left shattered, releasing countless dense silver clouds. Following that, a tall, thin young student with auburn hair walked out.

His slender and nimble fingers gripped a wand, effortlessly sweeping to the left and right, parting the dense mist. Young Dumbledore possessed piercing, bright blue eyes, radiating kindness and mischief.

"Old friend, you haven't given me much knowledge. My mind is as empty as can be. How am I supposed to deal with those troublesome students?" Young Albus Dumbledore complained. Despite the grievance, he seemed unruffled, smiling and nodding toward Felix Harp.

Dumbledore looked at him, eyes glistening, and murmured, "This was when I had just graduated. Full of youthful exuberance, believing I had a bright future ahead..." He shook his long silver beard and smiled. "Oh, I don't know if I've mentioned, but I used to adore Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans when I was young. Now, I can't stand them."

"Time truly can change everything."

Young Albus Dumbledore continued waving his wand, conjuring silver surges. Billows of mist, like solidified waves, hung in midair. Subsequently, they transformed, shaping an open-air courtyard with red and gold embellishments abound.

Felix Harp and Dumbledore watched for a while, then turned to the other side. Felix whispered, "The second person selflessly providing memoriesMinerva McGonagall."

The second memory stone basin exploded into dust. A young, beautiful lady stood in its place. She had thick black hair and appeared to be around thirty, with green eyes. This was young Minerva McGonagall. Her connection to Transfiguration, as evidenced by her stern expression and her hair tightly pulled up into a bun, was more pronounced here.

"Quite interesting," she remarked, surveying her surroundings. She pursed her lips in her characteristic way. "Let me think about what I need to do. Minerva left me a task list."

Then, she remained still.

The third to emerge was a younger Philius Flitwick. He looked considerably younger than the current Charms professor at Hogwarts, without the gold-rimmed spectacles and fewer wrinkles. He wore a dignified, formal suit.

He revealed that this was what he had worn when he became the Wizard Duelling Champion.

"Oh, Felix, Albus..." young Flitwick slightly bowed, elegantly waving his wand in the air. "Welcome. I presume you're not in the mood for a duel at the moment, but I'm here, awaiting your challenge."

Finally, the last basin shattered, and young Felix Harp stepped out. His appearance was identical to his present self, albeit with a more carefree expression. He looked at Felix, pointing a finger at him. "I need to talk to you. You've placed too many restrictions on me."

"Oh, you don't need to." Felix mumbled, letting layers of silver mist envelop him completely.


Felix said to Dumbledore, "They won't appear frequently. Instead, they'll serve as custodians of this hidden realm. Their task is to infuse more vitality into this place, to make those experienced scenes more vivid and manageable. Of course, I mean after the training."

Dumbledore nodded slightly. "You've told me all this, and I have no objections."

They exited the room together. Over twenty students waited anxiously outside. A young girl exclaimed shrilly, "Why isn't my name on the list? Why?"

Professor McGonagall was comforting her, "Miss Gringlass, you're too young, your mind isn't mature enough yet. It wouldn't be appropriate..."

"I'm the champion of the first-year duel competition! The champion!" Astoria yelled at the top of her lungs.

Professor McGonagall rubbed her temples, looking at her headache-inducing pupil. Dumbledore walked over and bent down, speaking gently, "You're little Astoria, right? Your father sent me a letter. Let's go have a look, shall we? And by the way, I could recommend a few sweets for you..."


"Professor McGonagall can vouch for me..."

McGonagall rolled her eyes to the side, but at least one trouble was resolved. She told Felix, "These students are in your hands now, Felix. I believe"

She pondered briefly, deciding not to say more. She turned and left.

Felix looked at the young faces. "Alright, classmates, with your essays in hand, follow me."

He took a few steps, paused, and looked at the slightly ajar door. He drew his wand, sketching in the air, and above the doorway appeared gilded letters: "Classroom Seven."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged glances. Harry shrugged, "At least now it lives up to its name."


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