A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 277: A Surprise Appearance

Chapter 277: A Surprise Appearance

At Hogwarts, Valentine's Day wasn't emphasized by the professors, and there wasn't any reduction in the Friday assignments from the day before. However, for young wizards and witches, this was quite a significant holiday.

"Think about it, just one day a year, girls dressing up in their finest clothes, waiting with bated breath for someone's invitation..."

Early in the morning, Harry sluggishly stepped out of the dormitory. He saw the Weasley twins promoting enchanted mirrors to a tall, freckled boy.

"... We have two styles available now. If you feel that hearts are too passionate for you, you can try the rectangular design. We can add some little Cupid decorations."

"But... I don't have anyone to give it to," the freckled boy hesitated.

"Opportunities wait for no one! Buy our product, change into formal attire, and send out invitations during the morning hours," Fred said in an enticing tone.

George chimed in, placing his right hand over his heart and bowing deeply, "Madam, would you accompany me for a stroll?"

The boy happily purchased their product.

Harry gave the twins a thumbs-up, and they responded with radiant smiles.

"Will more people buy them?"

"Valentine's Day symbolizes sweet love, like mushrooms sprouting after the rain. Even those who didn't plan on buying will find themselves tempted..." Fred explained.

Harry walked over to Hermione's side, pleased to see that she appeared just as she usually did. She was grading a stack of thick parchments. He glanced at them and noticed they were Ancient Runes papers from the third year. The graded papers held a peculiar allure. The first paper belonged to Dean, with six errors circled. Harry secretly wondered how many red circles his own paper would have.

He reached out to flip through the papers, but Hermione slapped his hand away, saying, "Don't mess it up. This is the result of my whole morning's work."

Before long, Ron emerged. One of his pant legs was trapped in his sock, and when Harry pointed it out, Ron yawned and adjusted his pants.

"Any plans for today?" he asked.

"We're meeting Neville by the Black Lake to read. Remember, it's one of the few things we can do," Harry said. Initially, Professor McGonagall seemed intent on keeping him confined to the castle, but after his persistent arguments, some areas outside the castle were begrudgingly allowed.

For instance, the Black Lake was a nice spot. It was adjacent to the castle and offered a clear view of the surroundings. Black couldn't imagine why anyone would want to be seen in this place.

"Perfect," Ron brightened up. "I can practice the new Impediment Jinx I've learned. The dueling competition is about to start, and I don't want to get knocked out in the first round."

Due to the high number of participants, the dueling competition had been moved to the following day, Saturday, starting at ten in the morning and lasting the whole day.

Harry stated matter-of-factly, "You're pretty good in the dueling group." At least Ron was the third person, after Harry and Hermione, to master the spell. Though it came at a significant cost.

The small jar of bruise-healing ointment he had gotten from Madam Pomfrey had run out.

Ron's enthusiasm visibly picked up. For the next while, he shared his insights into mastering the spell. "As Professor Harp says, you must truly understand the spell. How do you understand it? I personally think you need to experience the feeling that magic brings you..."

Ginny and Neville emerged shortly after. Hermione had quickly finished grading the last paper by this point. She checked the time and said, "Let's go."

As they left the common room, they were surprised to find that the corridor was already bustling with people. Couples strolled hand in hand. And around every boy or girl who seemed lost in thought, there was someone they were yearning for in their line of sight.

They walked past a group of second-year girls, and the wind carried snippets of their conversation, "... Professor... my card?"

"What are they all thinking?" Ron said incredulously.

Hermione understood, "Perhaps they just want to offer a festive greeting..."

They waited outside the castle gates for a few minutes, and then Luna came bouncing along, holding Ginny's hand. "Leaving the castle is a good idea. That way we can avoid the Nargles in the mistletoe."

"Nargles... what?" Ron asked.

"Nargles. They make people dizzy and their minds go all fuzzy..."

"That explains why witches like kissing under the mistletoe," Ron teased. Harry wanted to laugh, but both Ginny and Hermione were glaring at him.

On the grass by the edge of the Black Lake, young wizards and witches sat in groups of two or three, enjoying a leisurely time. It wasn't until the third girl, encouraged by her friends, handed Harry a card that Ron sourly commented, "Why aren't you accepting their invitations?"

Harry's face reddened, and he stammered, "I, uh... it's just that..."

Luna chimed in cheerfully, "Do you have someone you like?"

The words had barely left her lips when Ron and Ginny fixed their gaze on Harry's face, as if trying to find a flower in bloom. Harry blurted out in exasperation, "No"

Luna stared at him, surprise evident in her eyes.

"You startled her," Hermione chided. Ron came to Harry's defense, "Luna's always like that, right?"

Luna mused, "I don't think she meant me." She pointed towards a distant weeping willow by the lakeside, and everyone followed her gaze.

Ron squinted, "Looks like a bloke." He shot a meaningful look at Harry.

Harry, feeling awkward, mumbled, "It might be because of my shouting just now... that's all..."

However, after about ten minutes, the boy was still staring in their direction, and even Harry felt it, a growing unease.

Hermione stood up, "Why don't we go and ask him? Perhaps he has something important to tell us." She walked over to the willow tree and engaged in a silent conversation, gesturing towards Harry.

After a while, Hermione returned, looking puzzled, "He wouldn't say a word."

Ron chuckled, "Looks like it's up to Harry."

Getting up from the grass, Harry shrugged, "It's definitely not what you're thinking. Just wait; I guess he might be asking about the dueling club?"

He approached, almost seeing the boy's face, likely a first-year student, in a loose, old robe, frayed at the edges.

It reminded him of Ron. Harry forced a smile, pondering how he'd make his tone both tactful and firm if this boy really was an admirer. He'd had enough trouble with Colin Creevey already.

Sixty feet, fifty feet the boy across from him also seemed delighted to see Harry, opening his mouth as if to say something.

"Buzz~ Buzz~"

Harry's pocket began to vibrate. Abruptly, an ear-piercing buzzing erupted, loud enough to be heard half across the Black Lake.

Harry's smile froze, time seemed to slow down, and he could see every fleeting expression on the boy's face, even guessing what he himself must look like.

But the next second, a realization hit him the Sneakoscope! The Sneakoscope had gone off!

"It's Sirius Black, run!" Harry shouted loudly, agilely leaning to the side while drawing his wand and sending a red jet of light flying.

Yet the spell went awry, hitting the willow tree. The boy no, Sirius Black also pulled out a wand and deflected the spell with a rope, turning to flee.

Without thinking, Harry charged after him, the piercing buzzing making it hard to hear anything else. His heart raced, and he was consumed by the need to catch Black.

"Harry, don't risk it!"

Percy clutched him in a hurried embrace, still holding a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Harry struggled, "Let go let me catch him "

His gaze stayed locked on Black, growing smaller in the distance. Students nearby stared in confusion. Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Ginny ran over, panting, "Harry, oh is that, is that?" Hermione yelled, trying to make herself heard over the buzzing.

"It's Sirius Black!" Harry yelled, though he couldn't hear himself properly.

Neville looked bewildered, "What are you guys saying?"


Everyone saw Professor Harp descending from the sky on his Firebolt, his wand pointing at Harry. The buzzing noise abruptly ceased.

"Professor Sirius Black, he's here!"

"Disguised as a student, it's Polyjuice Potion"

"He still has a wand!"

Felix Harp said calmly, "Which way did he run?"

Harry hastily pointed in a direction. Then it dawned on him around Hogwarts, Apparition was impossible, as Hermione had informed him. That meant he still had a chance!

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