A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 276: Fame and Fortune

Chapter 276: Fame and Fortune

Emerging from Filch's office, Felix was pondering over what Lupin wanted to retrieve. At present, he only knew that this item was connected to his schooldays and likely involved the secrets of Black or the enigmatic Peter.

Removing Filch's subjective lens, Felix extracted two particularly useful pieces of information: firstly, Lupin and his friends didn't seem to care much when the item was confiscatedwell, at least not on the surface. But now, Lupin was fervently eager to reclaim it. Secondly, the item was lost, lost in the distant past, making it difficult to ascertain who took it.

Many of the former illicit young wizards had graduated long ago.

Lacking crucial information, Felix could only silently note it down for later use. He made his way to Hagrid's hut where Hagrid was clearing snow from his pumpkin patch. Fang was bounding around him, exuberantly running to and fro.

A gray Hippogriff, with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a horse, was tethered not far away. It clicked its sharp beak like clinking blades as it saw Felix approach, its gaze following his footsteps.

"Hagrid!" Felix called from a distance and patted Buckbeak's pointed beak. The creature had grown quite familiar with Felix, tilting its head back and emitting a resonant snort, then contentedly half-closing its eyes to enjoy his touch.

The burly man straightened up, casually planting his shovel in the ground. He strode over, beaming with joy, and said, "Felix, Mr. Scamander has responded! He did it! The case has been sent back for retrial!"

Felix nodded. "That was my purpose in coming as well. I received a reply too, Hagrid. Now, what do we need to do?"

"Do?" Hagrid blinked, looking at him with confusion.

"Yes," Felix affirmed, "Buckbeak's case has been sent back. With the back-and-forth of reassignment, it might take ten days or half a month. We can't just sit idly during this time..."

Observing Hagrid's baffled expression, he sighed and continued, "No reassignment means the case isn't categorized yet, which is advantageous for us. If we can change it to a fine payment, this matter might end sooner than expected."

Hagrid grasped the idea. "So you're saying... no hearing, no trial, all of that is gone?"

"Provided we proactively get involved," Felix said seriously. "My suggestion is to pay a visit to the Ministry of Magic, inquire about the progress of the case, and if possible, propose the fine. Even if that's not feasible, we must advocate for the nature of the case: this wasn't a sudden aggression by a tamed magical creature, but an accident caused by improper teaching."

He concluded, looking at Hagrid, "We can't let the initiative slip from our hands. If the Ministry's focus isn't on whether Buckbeak is guilty but rather on the severity of the charges, we'll be in an extremely passive position."

"Then I'll head to the Ministry this afternoon!" Hagrid said excitedly, glancing out at Buckbeak. Joyfully, he added, "Did you hear that, Buckbeak? We see a glimmer of light..."

As February arrived, Felix found his interactions with the outside world becoming increasingly frequent. Mrs. Dorotia Pomfrey, the Bellbys, and the Lumbatons were understandable, but steadily, he received letters from pen pals who communicated through correspondence.

In these letters, they expressed their congratulations. Felix patiently waited, and not two days later, on the same day, three exquisite letters arrived at his doorstep. One was from the Saint Mungo's Magical Medical Association. Though it bore the name "Saint Mungo's," it wasn't much related to Saint Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. At best, it could be said they were both established to commemorate the same personMungo Pomfrey.

The Saint Mungo's Magical Medical Association was similar to the Wizarding Courts of Wizengamot, except it was a circle of elite healers. However, the members of this association had a closer bond and their own journal, "Dragon's Bile and Mandrake Essence."

Within the official letters, there was an overflowing enthusiasm for Felix Harp's outstanding contributions to the magical medical field. It emphasized two points. First, it requested Felix to name his therapeutic method. Second, it intended to bestow upon him the "Saint Mungo Medical Badge" and extend an invitation for his membership in the Magical Medical Association.

Regarding the former, Felix couldn't come up with anything particularly appealing, so he settled for the conventional nomenclature, naming it "Harp's Memory Healing Technique." As for the latter, Felix gladly accepted, responding with a letter of gratitude.

The second letter arrived from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. The letter detailed the clinical application data of his treatment method, highlighting its remarkable effectiveness, even on stubborn memory impairments. The current head of the hospital invited him to create a magical portrait, an "honour for every founder."

Felix struggled to imagine how his portrait would look when hung. However, considering that each portrait was akin to a pair of eyes and ears, his mild discomfort faded away. He inquired if he could take charge of the portrait himself, with St. Mungo's providing the dimensions.

The final letter hailed from the Ministry of Magic's Wizengamot Administration, its tone serious, announcing his nomination as a candidate for the Order of Merlin, First Class. It required him to submit the necessary materials according to the attached form, to be reviewed by all Wizengamot members.

Felix followed each step meticulously. This was the process every recipient of the Order of Merlin in the academic realm needed to undertakeBellby had gone through the same procedure last year.

Newspapers started to frequently feature his name. The Daily Prophet dedicated three full pages to showcasing his remarkable contributions over three consecutive days. His deeds in France were recounted anew, along with the assertion that "this is a belated honor."

During meals in the Great Hall, Felix would often notice Hogwarts young wizards carrying various clippings and whispering in corners. Apart from the newspapers, this was also tied to his frequent reception of owl post. Felix toyed with the idea of casting a shielding charm on himself, but it was just a fleeting thought.

One afternoon, Professor McGonagall brought in a young witch with a peculiar expression. She introduced her as, "This is a journalist from the Wizarding Weekly, and she's here to interview you..."

Once the routine interview concluded, the journalist started directing him to pose in various ways. Felix felt like a puppet, and after enduring a dozen or so photographs, he firmly put an end to the ordeal.

The witch journalist looked somewhat forlorn. "We could've taken even better pictures, Mr. Harp. You would've been a strong contender for this year's 'Most Enchanting Smile Award'..."

Felix shuddered. "I'm sorry, but that's not something I'm interested in." He swiftly concluded the interview and, during a meal with Severus Snape, couldn't help but remark, "I haven't had time for research lately. The realm of fame and fortune is indeed an arena~"

Snape snorted in response to his sentiment.

It wasn't until early February that Felix finally found some respite. By then, the ice and snow had gradually melted, and the open space in front of the castle was teeming with vibrant life.

Young wizards shed their heavy winter garments and cloaks, took off their scarves, and lounged lazily in groups along the lakeside on the castle's south side, basking in the sun. They watched the giant squid swim in the lake.

In this leisurely ambiance, Valentine's Day arrived.

In celebration of the fourth chapter's ascension as the leader, and with gratitude for the support of the Flying Carpet Society!

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