X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 49: Counterattack Of The Demon Captains

Chapter 49: Counterattack Of The Demon Captains

Hearing her question, Jino's mood immediately turned awful. His face was darkened and his fist was clenched very tightly. An incredible amount of World Energy gushed out from him and an aura pressing down his surroundings was exuded.

Even Karen felt like she was carrying a mountain as she found it hard to move or even breathe from the heavy pressure giving out by the other party.

"Don't compare me from those trash!" Jino exclaimed in anger as a fire started to envelop him. After which, several head-sized balls of fire appeared so suddenly around Karen, ready to explode at any moment!

Karen was really shocked this time, but she had no time to dillydally as well. The two coffins around her vanished without a trace and a very sturdy-looking coffin appeared right behind her and swallowed herself right away. She knew that the other party was serious this time and his attack was very dangerous. That being said, she unleashed one of her strongest defenses!

"Protection Of The Coffin!"

"Hmph! Do you think this puny coffin can protect you?" Jino harrumphed coldly.

The many balls of fire surrounding the other party finally floated towards the coffin where Karen hid herself. The balls of fire engulfed the coffin and within the next few moments, it emitted a blinding light followed by a huge explosion!


The ground vibrated and the wind frenziedly gushed forth. Black smoke utterly covered the area as even the silhouette of the coffin couldn't be seen anymore. Jino thought that the other party really was dead this time but within the next few moments, he saw a movement within the dark smoke.

But of course, the dark smoke still didn't leave the area as if it was serving as a smokescreen for the other party. That being said, Jino didn't know what really was happening inside and he really was frustrated by this fact. But one thing was certain, he knew that the other party was still alive and kicking!

In the next few moments as he saw that another movement was done inside the black smoke, and as his frustration hit the max level, he was just about to barge inside of it but to his surprise, an incredible amount of energy leaked out from inside the smoke!

Not just one, Jino was sure this time that there were four of them who were unleashing those horrifying energy. Knowing this fact, he turned his gaze to the body of Lelith who he bombarded last time only to find her nowhere. That time he already knew what happened, the body of that Semi-Demon was reclaimed by her comrades!

As there was nothing else he could do but to prepare himself, he then turned his gaze behind him to look for his own comrades only to see the both of them already prepared for the worst possible outcome.

Nodding in satisfaction, he then turned his gaze back to the black smoke and what he saw was that the black smoke was swept away by a strong invisible force!


In no time, all the black smoke was swept away and four figures were revealed! Dangerous aura threatening to cause destruction exuded out from all of them as Jino, Anna, and Nene were gazing at them in great wary.

And of course, those four figures were no other than the four Demon Captains they were facing; Karen, Beels, Lak, and Lelith! All of them seemed to become so much stronger, as their black armor they wore from before was nowhere in sight and were replaced by some sort of coverings that made them look cooler and gorgeous.

But their looks weren't the important thing here but the danger they were threatening to cause.

"Oh?" Jino didn't know what to say but instead of fear, what he felt right now was excitement! An ear-to-ear grin was formed on his face as he exclaimed, "Let's begin the round three!"


However, just after he said those words, the other party immediately made a move! Lak and Beels, both of them appeared so suddenly right beside Jino's left and right. The other party had already prepared a vicious punch as they didn't hold back at all.

But despite all of these, Jino seemed to be unfazed as his grin didn't leave his face. He raised his both hand to his left and right and surprisingly, he caught both of their fists with a strong shockwave gushing out to push away the surroundings.

Seeing this, Lak and Beels found their pupils narrowed in surprise before a grin was formed as well from both of their faces. Their tails swung like those of the lizard preparing itself to catch its prey.

As one of their fists were caught by the other party, they prepared their other fists for another vicious punch! Jino was just about to retract his hand to protect himself but the other party was holding both of his hands as their fingers were now interlocking each other!

So as he was helpless to retaliate, both Lak and Beels delivered their punch successfully. It happened so fast that Jino could only barely saw it. That being said, both of the fists of the other party landed to his left and right chest and helplessly sent him away. Jino was then rolled violently on the ground.


Jino spurted a mouthful of blood as he barely held his ground and stood up in great difficulty. However, he was just about to look for the other party when he found both of them already beside him with a prepared punch only for him! Jino tried so hard to protect himself as he crossed his arm in front of his chest but he was still sent backward pretty far away!


"Let the boys do their way and let we ladies do our way as well" Karen spoke with a smile that as if not smile. Her gaze was fixed on Anna and Nene and saw both of them still surrounded by woods with fire.

"What is this, are they really scared of us?" Seeing the other party, Lelith ridiculed with her provoking smile. She just almost died a while ago and she really was itching to kill some humans so just provoking them wasn't really enough.

She also wanted to fight Jino to avenge herself but what else could she do? The boys had already have come to the other party leaving her no choice but to face these two human women instead.

With that said, she had decided to vent all her anger to these two humans!

With that in a plan, she then waved her elegant hand, and a black bow without string and was longer than before, appeared on her left hand. She pointed it towards the other party and raised her other hand to stretch the seemingly invisible string of her bow.

As she slowly stretched the stringless bow, a black string appeared on the bow and a dark light appeared as well resembling to that of an arrow. As she fully stretched the black string, an incredible amount of World Energy gathered to the arrow seemingly threatening to cause destruction in its existence.

Anna and Nene felt goosebumps all over as they immediately realized the bad premonition that was about to happen. Anna, without further delay, raised her both hands as the ground started to shake. Within a few moments, a Wooden Golem of about four meters tall and with a wooden shield on its hand, popped up from the ground, ready to protect its master at any moment.

"Wooden Golem, I command you to protect us at all cost!" Anna commanded as she gasped for air as if she just lost all of her energy to summon this thing.

The Wooden Golem then raised its shield to protect its master as it noticed the hostile and dangerous aura from the ones in front of it.

Meanwhile, Nene whose ability was more inclined in the offense, just stayed behind Anna as she closed her eyes, seemingly trying to prepare something for a counterattack!

"A desperate struggle of the weak." Lelith muttered in mockery with a mischievous grin. After which, she released the arrow and it frenziedly rushed to the golem that was protecting its master.


It was so fast that it was almost impossible for the naked eye to see through it. So in no time at all, the arrow collided with the sturdy-looking wooden shield!

But what was unbelievable was that there was no loud boom that Anna was expecting for. Instead, as the arrow touched the surface of the wooden shield, the arrow vanished right away!

Anna turned her gaze to the other party who unleashed the arrow only to see her smiling at her. At that moment, Anna knew that something was wrong so never she let her guard down for a second.

But what made her eyes agape in shock and horror was when she realized her connection with her Wooden Golem had disappeared as well together with the dark arrow. At that moment she immediately realized what had happened so without any second thoughts, even after she almost lost all of her World Energy, she raised her hand once again and something like a root popped up from the ground and entangled the Wooden Golem right away!

It was much better if she could run away since she only had a little World Energy left within her but what else could she do? Her dear friend was right behind her and couldn't be interrupted by what she was doing.

"Oh? You have a good instinct there you know. I praised you with that." Lelith chuckled softly before she narrowed her eyes flashing with a cold glint as she spoke, "Now then, let's play even more."

After she said those words, the golem struggled to its feet and tried to remove the roots entangling its body.

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