X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 47: The Cruel Beels

Chapter 47: The Cruel Beels

"That's how you should attack." Grinning widely in satisfaction, Jino uttered as he watched the seemingly dead body of the Demon Captain woman who fell from his ball of fire.

He then shifted his gaze to the Demon Captain he was grabbing and was shrouded in a fire as he spoke, "Now then, it's your turn."

The Demon Captain, Lak, inside the ball of fire floated in the midair just above a person's body. His faint silhouette inside of the fire seemed as if dead and was not moving at all. No scream could be heard and his life energy was fading as he failed to retaliate.

"Exploding Star!"

As Jino raised his hand upwards and as he was releasing an amount of World Energy, the ball of fire rotated rapidly and the heat increased greatly. After a short moment, the ball of fire exploded and the seemingly dead body of Lak flung down to the ground and rolled violently on it.

As his body stopped moving with a heavy thud, Lak's eyes were all white and his mouth was widely opened while the smoke continuously coming out from it.

"Tsk tsk," Clicking his tongue in dismay, Jino then waved his hand from left to right and the fire and black smoke around him caused by the explosion vanished right away. He then wagged his hand to his shoulder back and forth and dust on it was shaken off.

"Incredible!" Anna and Nene exclaimed in disbelief. They already knew how powerful Jino was but seeing him making an action could still turn them gape in surprise.

How much time has passed? 5 minutes? 3 minutes? No, it only takes him a little more than a minute to finish off the Semi-Demons all by himself.

Anna and Nene swallowed a mouthful of saliva as they thought how terrifying Jino was. The other party might really be reckless and always do things on his own, but his strength was no joke.

"Sigh, it's finished already?" Jino mumbled to himself, seemingly not contented at all, "I never thought that these Semi-Demons was actually so we..."



A loud collision echoed as Jino almost failed to react and was forced to be sent backward by who knows who! He only saw someone appeared so suddenly right before his eyes and immediately gave him a vicious slash right on his face.

He hurriedly crossed his arms to protect his handsome face but the force was so strong that he was still sent backward.

Jino forcefully halted the force pushing him away as the trace of his feet lined on the ground. As he managed to stop, he immediately looked around to see who was that bastard but a chilling sensation warned him and he reflexively jumped away.


Someone fell from above behind Jino and the other party's dagger pierced through the ground and caused a crack on it that lined like a lightning. If Jino failed to evade that attack, he really was wondering how would he die.

Slowly, the silhouette of that someone became visible to the eye and a wide grin was first to be noticed on him. Seeing who was that someone made Jino widen his eyes for a moment before his body trembled in agitation.

"So it's you," Jino sneered coldly looking to the person before him, "I never thought that you are still alive."

"How could I not be alive?" The person stood up leisurely as he pulled out his dagger from the ground. He then played with his dagger and put in his index finger on the hole of the end of its hilt. After which, he whirled his finger, and the dagger spun amazingly before it stopped and was held by that person. That person then pointed the dagger against Jino in arrogance.

That person was of course no other than the Demon Captain, Beels! And it seemed that he became stronger and faster than before. He stood up mightily and gazed at the humans in his surroundings as if looking down into insignificant beings.

"Oh?" Jino muttered with his eyes narrowed. Even he himself felt something different from the other party.

"What happened to Derik?!" Just as the two were talking with each other, a voice of a woman sounded. They both turned their gaze to the direction of where the voice came from and there they saw Anna beside Nene with her fist tightly closed and was somewhat trembling. Her green eyes were fierce and coldness loomed upon her.

"Do you mean the human I fought just now?" Beels asked as a smug face full of mockery was revealed on his face. "Don't worry, I didn't kill him. I just put him under a curse and was half-dead right now. It's a bit annoying if he would just resurrect on your village you know."

"You...!" Anna found it hard to suppress her anger as an incredible amount of energy leaked out from her body. Her green eyes glowed brighter as she made a step forward and bent her knees, ready to attack at any moment.

But in a moment she was about to go and smack the face of that Semi-Demon, a warm palm patted her shoulder and a voice echoed on her ears, "Calm down Anna!" Nene urged the other party.

Slowly, the energy that Anna was releasing calmed down as she finally regained her sanity. She then stood up straight and breathed a deep and long one before she gazed back to the Semi-Demon who was now smiling at her.

"Thank you." Anna thanked Nene for stopping her. If not, she would probably have made a move without thinking. They still didn't know full well the capabilities of this arrogant Semi-Demon so rushing towards the other party without thinking could make them lose their life instead.

"Oh Come on, why did you stop?" Beels grumbled, unsatisfied with the action of the other party. After which, his mouth curled upwards as he provoked, "Let's play a bit human and I will give you a price if you entertain me a bit. I might tell you what exactly I have done to your comrade."

His sneer was full of evil as he laughed like a madman. Just thinking about what he had done to that human could make his heart palpitate wildly in excitement. He wanted more, he wished for more! His cravings to do it regularly were painted all over his face.

Seeing Beels' action, the three Hunters could only remain speechless for they were having a hard time suppressing their temper that was about to explode.

"Your friend is pretty tough you know. He could still fight back even after he lost all of his limbs." Beels continued to laugh malignantly for he could not suppress his urge to tell the story of what he had done any longer.

"His ability to cast an invisible barrier really is good and even my dagger is having a hard time contending it. It really is a tough fight you know, and if I got careless for a moment and was caught by his barrier, I wonder how would I escape. Thankfully, I am so great and he could not stand my speed and failed to catch me.

"So when the barrier protecting him was somewhat wavering from the continuous attack that I gave to him, I unleashed one of my strongest moves and finally landed a heavy blow. His barrier is destroyed and I managed to deliver him a slash on his body.

"But what follows is more exciting, I cut his limbs one by one so we both could enjoy the show. I first cut his left arms halfway and then the same goes for the other. After that, I slowly cut both his arms wholly and only his shoulders were left. His cries, the cries of agony are still ringing in my ears!

"I told him to kneel down so that I can let him go but he was so stubborn and still trying to fight back. So I cut his legs to removed both of his useless knees as he helplessly fell on the ground. His cries became louder and I couldn't help but laugh.

"The blood that pours out from his cut limbs makes me itch for more so I came closer into him and slowly inserted one of my favorite dagger on his chest. Slowly, his cries died out and..."


Beels was still enjoying sharing his story when a loud voice halted him. A pillar of fire rushed in his direction accompanied by countless roots that were popping out around him. Even with his fast speed, he found in himself the difficulty to escape.

Anna and Nene couldn't suppress their anger any longer and had already made a move! Every single word that the other party told them ignited the rage deep within their heart.

They both really thought that Beels was already finished this time if not severely injured but to their horror, they saw Beels vanished on sight only to appear right in front of them. The other party stretched his arms and slashed his dagger to their necks right away.

Both of them hurriedly bent backward to evade the sudden onslaught and luckily, they managed to do so. Then the duo reflexively backed away to make some distance for they felt that death was just beside them. After which, they immediately surround themselves with woods and fire followed suit to protect themselves.

They turned their gaze to the other party only to see him stretching his arms lazily as if he was just doing a warm-up.

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