X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 35: Two Person In One Body

Chapter 35: Two Person In One Body

As the two of them entered the spatial rift, the spatial rift went back to its original state.

Watching Vanessa leaving out the area without consulting them, Jannes and Jambres really were speechless. But knowing that this wasn't the time for nonsensical argument, they both gazed at Sam as they said simultaneously, "Why not we play again?"

Sam grinned in agitation as he responded, "I'm honored to play with one of the Knights of Hell."

Sam knew full well that even though the other party was the so-called 'weakest' among the Knights of Hell, their strength wasn't the one to joke with.

Among all the Knights of Hell, ten were already became known to the world and no one knew how many of them were still alive and kicking.

All that humanity knew was that among the 666 Knights of Hell, more than 600 were already been slain by humanity in the past three Great Wars.

Sam then exuded out an incredible amount of energy as he asked fiercely, "Why not you show your true self already since you can't fight with your full strength anyway. I'm getting bored fighting your other self you know."

"So you knew?" Jannes and Jambres, the older and younger brother grinned as they both said, "Since we're restricted to use our full strength anyway, maybe we should try using all the strength we could muster right now."

After saying those words, they as well exuded an incredible amount of energy as a heavy force pushed away his surroundings. Jannes and Jambres reached their hand to their earrings as they both removed them from their ear.

The sky became darker as lightning was flickering with the dark clouds. The dark clouds then landed from the sky, shrouding both Jannes and Jambres.

As if a black whirlwind was formed, horrible sight came into view.

The aura of utter evil exuded out from inside the darkness that was now forming in a spherical shape and was rotating at an incredibly fast rate.

The force of the angry wind pushed away all the Hunters and Semi-Demons brawling around. They couldn't help but to halt their fight once again and worry for their own safety instead.

Though all of them were pushed back, Sam nearby was grinning from ear to ear. The angry wind tried to push him back but as if it was pushing a towering mountain, the angry wind could only graze past.

Sam waited patiently as a very faint silhouette of one person inside the darkness slowly came into view.

The blistering rotation of the spherical darkness gradually calmed down but the utter evil became fiercer. The dark clouds were still shrouding the one inside, leaving only the very faint silhouette of someone.

But it didn't take long for that someone inside the dark clouds to release an incredible force to push away all the dark clouds.

After which, a person was revealed and that person was very similar in all way to Jannes and Jambres.

The only different thing was that the mark on his chest was moved in the middle and was changed to the number "21". There was also a mark of 666 on the upper center of his forehead and two earrings resembling a fang were pierced from both of his ears.

He stretched his neck slowly and a snap of bones cracking echoed to the surroundings. He then swept his gaze around him until his gaze landed on Sam.

When he gazed at the other party a wide grin was immediately revealed on his lips as he spoke, "Do you want to change the battlefield?"

Sam really felt an incredible and indomitable aura leaking out from the other party, and this really made him tremble in agitation. He grinned as well as he said, "Fine then, let's chan..."


Sam was just about to agree and was still telling the other party to change the battlefield but halfway through his words, he found himself already sent flying!

Jannes and Jambres who now became one immediately gave him a vicious punch that even Sam didn't see it coming.

He bumped into many trees and boulders and passed through rivers and mountains but the strength of the force that hit him was so strong that it was hard to halt his flight.

Sam gritted his teeth, trying to forcefully halt the flight and to his disbelief, he bumped into something that made his flight to stop. Not only that, after his flight was stopped, that 'something' he bumped into gave him another strike that resulted in him falling on the ground heavily.

A huge crater immediately formed when he landed on the ground. That moment, he immediately understood that that something he bumped into was no other than his enemy, the combined body of Jannes and Jambres.

Standing up in great difficulty, he turned his gaze up above and saw someone floating slowly down to the ground. He narrowed his eyes in great wariness as he wiped away the blood leaking out from his lips with the back of his hand.

"Maybe this place is fine." Jannes or Jambres spoke.

"I think so too, this place is fine." Jannes or Jambres agreed.

The sound of the voice was actually the same but Sam could tell that it came from two different people. He could tell that although Jannes and Jambres became one, it was only limited to their body.

Their consciousness and soul were still divided!

It was as if two entities were living in one body.

"So who are you right now?" Sam asked the other party.

"We are Jannes and Jambres. Can't you see?" Two voices sneered coldly at the same time.

"Tsk!" Sam realized that the more he talked to the other party, the more frustrated he became.

So he vanished from where he was standing only to appear in front of Jannes and Jambres and brought them a deadly punch.

"Oh?" Jannes or Jambres remarked lazily. "Why so fierce?"

Jannes and Jambres in one body readied a punch as well and gave it to the other party. And their punch collided with each other!

A loud boom echoed, and an incredible shock wave blasted the surroundings. Trees jumped out to where they were standing and the land below was starting to form a new crater.

But both of them didn't budge at all. As if it wasn't enough, they prepared another punch and it both collided with each other yet again. A loud boom echoed once again and the crater became much bigger.

The surrounding living beings were frightened and left the area in frenzy!

The eyes of Sam and the combined body of Jannes and Jambres were flashing in cold glint as a couple more punches were given to each other. But not even a single one of them budge a little!

Even though their punch landed on each other's body and a small scratch was made to each other's thick skin, it only made the both of them feel more excited and they couldn't help but let out a wide grin.

"So your physique is not that bad huh." Jannes or Jambres remarked. "You're not that bad as a human."

"Really?" Sam asked in mockery as he continued, "But as a Demon, you're pretty bad to be considered as one. I am even starting to wonder, are you really a Pureblooded Demon?"

Immediately, the grin on Jannes and Jambres' face turned awful as their face turned dark. An aura of hostility was exuded out and pushed away Sam in some distance.

"You're courting death!"

Jannes and Jambres realized as well that the more they talked to the other party, the more frustrated they become.

So they decided to put aside all the talking and let the punch do all the talk instead.

Jannes and Jambres pointed down their right fist downwards as they held their right arm with their left hand. World Energy was gathering insanely fast on their right fist as shockwaves were pushing away the surroundings.


However, they were yet to finish the skill they were preparing when they found out that they were already sent flying! They even found that there was a mark of a fist on their cheeks!

"Too slow!" Standing in pleasure with a stance of a punch, Sam remarked in dismay.

He knew full well how dangerous was the attack that was prepared by the other party. So why would he wait for it to be finished?

Are you crazy? It's better to be shameless than to die!

So if you're going to use a skill, make it fast next time! Understood?!

Besides, everything is fair in war! Do you still not understand it?

But as Sam was still thinking how stupid his enemy was, he suddenly felt a shudder down to his spine. He turned his gaze above and saw the other party falling in great speed!

"Shameless!!!!!" Jannes and Jambres roared.

Their right hand was glowing in darkness and something like a tattoo of black snakes were crawling on it. Heavy pressure weighed down on Sam as he found that it was hard to move.

But even after the difficulty of moving, Sam forcefully jumped away to dodge the sudden onslaught of the other party and thankfully he managed to do it.

But the attack was so strong that when it collided to the ground, a huge hole was dug out that as if there was no end to its depth.

Even when Sam evaded the punch directly, the impact of the punch to the ground produced strong shockwaves that pushed him away.

As he landed on the ground, he forcefully blocked the heavy force and the flinging rocks and woods that were pushing him away by his crossed arms. After a few moments, his gaze landed on where the collision was made and to his disbelief, he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"This is crazy!" Sam uttered in horror.

In that place, around a hundred meters diameter became a huge hole to the ground as black smoke continued to rise to the sky.

He looked for his enemy but to his horror, he realized that his enemy was actually standing right behind him!

Their eyes were flashing with a cold glint and white smoke was coming out from their mouth. Their right hand was closed tightly and black snakes that seemed like a tattoo were moving on it. A dangerous aura was exuding out from their hand and was ready for the kill at any moment.

Knowing how dangerous it was, Sam hurriedly turned around to block the incoming attack but he was already too late!

The moment he turned around, a punch immediately landed on his abdomen as he couldn't help but ti spurt a mouthful of blood!


Sam was immediately sent flying at an incredible speed and no trees and boulders were able to stop him! And it was as if the trees and boulders were giving way to Sam, afraid to be implicated in their fight.

He continued to fling away until he bumped into the foot of a towering cliff!

As he slammed on it, another spurted of blood was made and a crater on the side of the cliff was being revealed. Sam then fell to the ground and a bunch of rocks followed suit and immediately landed over his body.

As if Sam suffered a heavy blow, he didn't immediately get up and only stayed under the rocks.

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