Why I Quit Being the Demon King

Chapter 277

Why I Quit Being the Demon King Chapter 277

62. The Hero, the Demon King, the Uncle, and the Nephew (2)

Because of the series of unbelievable news, the leaders became rather confused.

Moreover, of all the information, the most frustrating thing was a report from a knight group that they were facing the southern border with demons.

It seemed like the war had already begun.

There was

news that nearby knights and soldiers had gathered at the old coastline to defend against the Demon tribe and block the Demon tribe’s scouts .

King Regin van Bich of the Kingdom of Verde urgently summoned the Yellow Dragon Knights of the royal palace.

Unlike the Blue Dragon and White Dragon Knights who protected the inside and outside of the kingdom, the Yellow Dragon Knights were the king’s private army.

In terms of organization, it was not much different from the Royal Guard, but it was a turning point when Queen April welcomed her husband.

The Queen placed the Yellow Dragon Knights as a unit under the direct command of Regin.

There were many noises, but no one could ignore Regin’s skills.

Above all, thanks to the divine sword Balmung pulled from the rock, his strength was not at a level compared to other warriors.

There were no people as sensitive to force as the knights.

Currently, the Yellow Dragon Knights were giving absolute loyalty to Regin.

Queen April spoke to Regin with a worried look on her face.

“Do you have to go on your own?”

“I am a warrior. “If there are demons there, we have to fight them.”

“It’s okay for me to forget. But don’t forget that

Berol… your son Berol is here .”

Regin laughed at her words.

“It would be better for the father to be alive, but if his death had meaning, it would be a greater lesson to Berol.”

“I don’t know about that.”

In response to the complaints of the queen, who was more than 10 years older than her, Regin took her in his arms and kissed her.

“don’t worry. “I am strong.”

” know.”

“The only person in the world I can’t beat is my brother. “This divine sword, Balmung, will protect our royal family.”

Regin had two swords at his waist.

One was the Holy Sword Regulus, a sword similar to the symbol of Leo Paladin that was given to him by the Holy Emperor.

And the other one is the divine sword Balmung.

It was an ancient divine sword that Zeke brought.

Regin tied the two swords tightly to his waist and left for the battlefield.

Most of the sea surrounding the Joseon continent disappeared.

It escaped through

a tiny crack created by the impact of the fall .

Except for a few salt lakes that were stagnant like lakes, only barren sandy flats without a single blade of grass remained on the gently sloping land that had previously been submerged under the sea.

The fish carcasses were already starting to give off a rotten smell.

Across the 100-kilometer wide desert, a scout troop of demons could be seen setting up a watchtower.

Regin led the Yellow Dragon Knights and headed there.

The watchtowers were guarded by short,

pointed-eared goblins.

It wasn’t a very strong monster, but it was highly intelligent and annoying.

He rode around on a wolf and used a sling as his main weapon.

It was not a place suitable for riding horses.

The knights stationed their horses in temporary tents made by humans and formed formations with shields and spears.

At the very front was Gukseo Regin. The goblin scouts


the Yellow Dragon Knights advancing in a tight scrum .

The fortress’ door opened and a large force of goblins came out.

The number of Yellow Dragon Knights is 1,000. In comparison, the goblins were a large army approaching 10,000.

In addition, the opponent had about 3,000 cavalry mounted on wolves.

At first glance, it was obvious that the Yellow Dragon Knights would be outnumbered.

But at the very front of the wedge-shaped unit was Regin.

The amount of experience he gained while participating in the Demon World Expedition alone

made him grow completely differently than before.

There was a lot I learned while teaching Migo.

Moreover, he had a divine sword, Balmung, in his hand.

How can something like a goblin withstand the divine sword?

Regin mercilessly cut down the goblins to create a path, and the Yellow Dragon Knights hunted down the wolf cavalry with long spears, and the goblin army was completely defeated.

He cut down thousands of enemies and took over the fortress, even stationing the kingdom’s army there


The fortress built by the goblin army was no longer on the continent of Jose.

The corners of the land were all shattered when it collided with the demon world, and this place was about the border of mugwort.

Originally, the border of mugwort was a place full of poison and organs.

However, as the rocks of the Joseon Continent broke apart and were covered with soil and rocks, there are now no problems with people passing by. It was

actually an unfair thing from the demons’ point of view


A huge continent fell from the sky to the ground, violating its borders.

The outskirts of the Demon World were originally granaries.

Farming was the best because it was a place with a little bit of sunlight that was blocked by the Jose Continent.

In those areas, huge plantations were destroyed and several villages disappeared.

It was only natural to dispatch a scouting party to investigate.

When the goblin advance team was routed, a new expeditionary force was selected from the Demon World.

The being who ruled the northern plains was Osis the Greeder.

He was the lord of all kinds of poisonous insects and evildoers.

A large force of giant scorpions, the Scorpions, rode north under the command of the falcon-headed Horus.

The Scorpioga was so powerful that it was comparable to a tank.

Although he was not a demon due to his lack of intelligence, Horus had a special secret to controlling insects.

It moved with scorpions, giant rhinoceros beetles, and centipedes.

Tens of thousands of bugs formed an army

and attacked the goblin fortress that was taken as soon as they arrived at the northern border.

However, Regin had already accepted all of the late troops into this fortress and completed their deployment.

Weak parts of the fortress were strengthened and huge weapons such as ballista were installed.

The wooden fence in front was thickly covered with mud to protect against fire or arrow attacks.

In particular, Regin took the lead by rolling up his sleeves and carrying dirt and stacking it, so everyone from the elite knights to the combat slaves

did their best without a single person being excluded.

Osyth’s army attacked the fortress under the command of its commander, Abraxas.

The scorpions climbed over each other like mountains, trying to cross the fortress.

Regin ordered his troops to attack the bottom of the tower with ballistae.

A net of hooks spread from the tree-like arrows and tore the scorpions to pieces.

The Yellow Dragon Knights were in charge of the scorpions that crossed the wall one by one. Although

it was not beyond human strength,

it was a well-trained army. Regin covered the shortcomings.

Balmung demonstrated enough power to be called a divine sword. There is nothing that cannot be cut. As Regin’s excellent swordsmanship was added, the giant scorpion was rather pitiful.

After blocking the vanguard that tried to cross the castle, Regin opened the castle gate and ran outside.

His war horse was a special pedigree war horse given to him by Isolta.

They broke through the rough terrain of

the Demon World, where ordinary horses had difficulty running, and headed toward the enemy camp.

The target is Abraxas.

I had been watching him closely from earlier as he climbed on the scarab’s back with his commanders.

Countless poisonous needles aimed at Regin.

However, Regin did not stop charging towards Apraxis while hiding behind his shield.

Apraxis swung his whip and aimed at the foot of the horse Regin was riding.

Regin controlled the horse and jumped into the air, where he stepped on the horse’s back and

leaped once more.

“Evil! Evil! “Repent even now!”

He shouted harshly and swung his sword down.

The holy cross was scattered among the demons, and Abraxas lost his life instantly.

Regin did not stop there and cut down countless commanders around him.

The command center was instantly devastated.

The source of the trouble was that they let their guard down, fearing that there would be a commander attacking the middle of the enemy camp


The adjutant who remained in the castle opened the gate wide and drove the Yellow Dragon Knights out.

The army of the Demon World was already nothing more than a ragtag group of people who had lost their heads.

The knights welcomed their master and marched like a madman all the way to the middle of enemy territory.

Regin joined the Yellow Dragon Knights and charged into the enemy camp once again.

The demonic army was completely demoralized.

Although it was called the elite army Scorpia, it was nothing more than a snake with its head cut off. They

berated the entire army until the sun set, and

the number of enemy heads they cut down was ten thousand.

As the enemy army continued to win battle after battle, the seven dukes of Ma-gye were caught up in worry.

The continent of Horce, which covered the sky like a lid, disappeared and the sun suddenly poured down.

I always said I missed the sun, but the truth was quite the opposite.

Most life forms in the demon world have completely adapted to a world without sun.

Only the high-ranking demons did not care about small environmental changes, but the rest

did not.

Of course, direct damage such as burns or blindness was prevented thanks to the black curtain covering the enclave, which was like the cover of the demon world, but not everything was resolved.

In particular, plants were destroyed.

A plague whose name is unknown spreads around, drying out the plants of the demon world.

The Dukes of the Demon World were putting all their capabilities into solving the problem.

Meanwhile, new enemies appeared in the north.

Even though he was strong, it wasn’t much of a pain.

Demon King Migo spoke to the worried demon peacocks.

“I will take care of the enemy in the North.”

“However, nothing is yet known about the enemy’s identity. Even if they are real humans or not…

“Didn’t you say that it is almost certain that the continent of Jose fell to the north?”

Seiton, the sloth, bowed his head in response to Migo’s question.

“Under the circumstances, that seems to be the case.”

“Then they must be residents of the Jose continent. He must be a warrior. Are you planning to just watch as warriors invade our land again?”


“Organize an army with demons that can fly. “I will personally drive them out of the border.”

Migo put the Demon King’s gauntlets on his hands and climbed onto the wyvern’s back.

A unit of about 10,000 wyverns went on an expedition under her command.

The Seven Dukes did not worry about her.

There was no disagreement that if one were to choose the most powerful demon king of all time, Migo would come in first.

Except for him who was kicked out of the demon world.

Migo looked at Ha-gye from the wyvern’s back.

There were countless corpses of demons piled up around the fortress.

A lot of time had already passed and the carriages had already made a path in the back room.

The size of the human army was well over 50,000, and the warrior’s flag was occasionally visible


The humans who discovered the Wyvern unit began shooting magic.

Migo took the army to a room about 10 kilometers later and made them stay in the demons’ barracks for a while.

Commander Torto was a beastman with the head of a bear.

It was one of the beasts ruled by Darosh the Glutton.

Torto placed his forehead on the ground and bowed to the Demon King.

“The great King of the Demon World, my lord! I have already heard of your coming to this harsh land .

“It would be polite to welcome you with a fancy banquet, but since the war is in full swing, please forgive me.”

Migo told him.

“That has happened. “Tell me about the situation of the war.”

“Yes, my lord. So far, seven elite units have attacked their fortress, but have been defeated each time. Meanwhile, the fortress is becoming more solid, enemy reinforcements are arriving one after another, and their power is growing uncontrollably.”

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