While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 393: The terrifying body of disaster! I, Su, am a foreigner

Chapter 393 The terrifying body of disaster! I, Mr. Su, have shed blood for foreigners! [8k monthly ticket requested]

  【When you rush back to the agreed place, this alien team has been killed by the human monks. 】

  【When you saw this, you silently collected the corpses of these aliens...and took away some of the flesh and blood essence...】

【Three months later, you met a second alien team. The leader of this team was a saint-level Balrog. 】

     Although you are a bad demon, it is not easy to cultivate to the level of a heavenly king, which aroused the interest of this fire demon and was reluctantly included in this team. 】

  【After three months of swimming in the fire demon team, you returned to the cave where you practiced before and took away part of the essence of flesh and blood. 】

  【A month later, when you return to the Balrog's stronghold again, all the foreign races have been killed, leaving only corpses on the ground...】

  【So, you became a loner again...continuing to travel in this Linlan world. 】

  【In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed. 】

  【In the 174th year, your cultivation level has been further improved, and you have been promoted to a Martial Emperor level evil demon! 】

  【The Martial Emperor of the evil demon clan is already the overlord of the clan! 】

  【After knowing your terrifying strength, many lemures came to surrender... In just one year, the number of lemures under your command exceeded 100,000! 】

   【In the 175th year, a demigod-level two-winged demon took a fancy to you. To be more precise, it took a fancy to the one hundred thousand cannon fodder under your command. 】

  【The Two-Winged Demon, among the alien races, is not weaker than the Fire Demon Tribe, second only to the Hundred Royal Tribes...】

  【You were recruited by the legion where the Two-Winged Demon belongs. 】

 【A few months later, the two-winged demon army gathered and prepared to attack a human city...】

  【Originally, it was a sure thing to capture the human city...but I didn't expect that the old tribulation monk would be miraculously promoted to immortal...】

  【Hundreds of thousands of aliens died tragically, and all the legions including the Winged Demons were killed... None of the lemure cannon fodder under your command was spared. 】

 【Only you, barely escaped...】

  【With tears in your eyes, you took away the flesh and blood essence of the Two-Winged Demon, returned to the cave, and prepared to continue practicing in seclusion...】

 In the real world, Su Xing twitched the corner of his mouth when he saw this.

 “Good guy, I don’t need to be a spy at all!”

"As long as I am among the aliens, the alien army will be destroyed directly... This is too easy!"

Su Xing even doubted that the calamity body talent alone was enough for Su Xing to kill foreigners by himself.

 And Su Xing's cultivation level is still low now...

If the cultivation level were higher, wouldn't it be possible to conquer more foreign races?

Thinking this way, Su Xing had a look of excitement on his face.

“We need to improve our strength faster... As long as I, Mr. Su, are an alien for a while, the aliens will have no peace!”

Su Xing can’t wait to see the evil demons he incarnates everywhere.

Look at the simulation panel.

   【In the 180th year, you swallowed a lot of flesh and blood essence and almost choked to death... Fortunately, you were prepared and drank a lot of water to save your life...】

 【Year 185, swallowing the essence of flesh and blood...】

  【In the 190th year, swallowing the essence of flesh and blood, your realm will be slightly improved! 】

  【In the second hundred years, after devouring a complete emperor-level flesh and blood essence, you finally broke through to the legendary level! 】

  【Legendary level lemures, among the lemures, are already unique in millions. They can be called the geniuses of the lemures...】

  【After your strength increased, you decided to leave the cave and go to the outside world to see the situation of the human race in Linlan Realm. 】

【In just a few decades, most of Linlan Realm has been invaded by aliens, and only a few monks in the city are left to hold on...】

  【According to this situation, in less than thirty years, the entire Linlan world will be captured by aliens...】

                                In the 201st year, you were recruited into the legion by a foreign god, and you were in charge of hundreds of thousands of lemure cannon fodder under your command. 】

 【The following year, a human monk in the Human Immortal Realm broke through the desperate situation and achieved the Earth Immortal Realm...】

  【The entire alien legion, hundreds of saint-level aliens under their command, and millions of alien cannon fodder... were all destroyed! 】

   【You escaped by chance and are ready to return to the cave to continue seclusion. 】

  【Unexpectedly, I was noticed by the commander of another legion, and was included in the legion, commanding the cannon fodder of the evil demons in the legion...】

  【Only three months later, this legion was attacked and killed by humans again...】

  【Next, in just ten years, you joined more than ten alien legions one after another! 】

  【No fewer than ten alien gods died in "your hands"... In Lin Lan's world, there were actually seven or eight immortals who broke through against the odds...】

  【The human race that was originally going to be exterminated, miraculously got a chance to breathe, and was even able to resist the alien race! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing had a strange look on his face.

“What the hell...I’m not just bringing misfortune to the foreign race?”

"I have simply single-handedly improved the luck of the human race!"

In just over ten years, seven or eight immortals broke through the desperate situation and drove out the aliens.

With such a breakthrough speed, not to mention a small thousand world, even some medium thousand worlds would not dare to break through like this, right?

If every small world were like Lin Lanjie's "stubborn resistance"...

 How can there be any alien race in this world?

I'm afraid the human race has all moved to the alien race's hometown, right?

 “Hiss…the Divine Body of Disaster is really a terrifying talent!”

 Su Xing smacked his lips.

 When I drew this talent before, the simulator had already given a prompt, indicating that this talent was extremely terrifying and exceeded the ordinary golden talent.

Coupled with the lemure clan, it is very suitable for this disaster body, and it is even more useful than the awakening body!

Taken together, the effect of this talent is probably equivalent to half of the red mythical talent!

“Tsk tsk, if this situation continues... won’t everyone in Lin Lan Realm become immortals?”

Su Xing thought a little exaggeratedly.

Although he knew this was unrealistic, Su Xing was still curious about how terrifying his walking "bad luck nuclear bomb" could be.

 Looking at the simulation panel again.

In the 210th year, you barely survived and escaped back to the cave where you were previously in seclusion. 】

  【The tenacity of human monks in this world has exceeded your imagination...】

【And you are just a weak evil demon now. If you encounter a monk above the integration stage, I am afraid you will die unjustly and miserably. 】

  【So you devour flesh and blood in the cave and prepare to retreat. 】

  【After more than ten years of accumulation, you are getting closer and closer to breaking through to the emperor level lemure...】

   【In the 220th year, in just ten years, you successfully broke through and became an emperor-level evil demon! 】

  【Emperor-level lemures are already extremely terrifying existences among lemures... To be able to cultivate to the emperor-level with the body of a lemure can be called the pride of heaven! 】

   【You have not returned to the outside world for ten years, and you are a little worried about the situation of the human race, so you return to Lin Lan Realm. 】

As expected, in the past ten years, the alien race has accelerated its pace of invasion. Although more than ten divine legions have been lost, the strength of the alien race still has an absolute advantage! 】

  【In just ten years, the human race was once again in dire straits, and several immortals died in battle...】

  【But everything took a turn for the better after you came to the alien legion! 】

  【In the next twenty years, you will be defeated in every battle...the millions of foreign troops will be destroyed by the human race while talking and laughing...】

  【It's not that you deliberately became a spy, it's just that every time the human monks have a war, a strong person will break through and turn the tide. 】

  【In this way, the originally decadent situation of the human race has been miraculously reversed...】

   The time is coming soon, the 240th year! 】

  【After more than twenty years of accumulation, your realm has been promoted to the late stage of the Great Emperor. 】

  【Although the lemure clan has no natural talent and weak bloodline, it is fortunate that it has extremely high plasticity...】

  【In recent years, you have relied on your understanding of the great road to comprehend many natal magical powers. 】

  【The **** fire you release is even more powerful than that of the Balrog aliens...】

  【In your constant escape, your escape speed is not much weaker than that of the Shadow Clan. 】

  【This year, after your unremitting efforts, I finally realized a hint of the law of space! 】

  【You have opened up a personal space of your own. The space is not large, about a hundred cubic meters. 】

  【But it is also enough for you to hold part of the flesh and blood essence collected before...】

  【So, you asked the legion commander for a month's leave, and prepared to return to the cave to retrieve some of the inventory. 】

  【One month later, when you return to the legion, the original commander of the alien **** legion with medium divine power has died in battle...】

  【Hundreds of thousands of lemures under your command, all died... You escaped once again. 】

   【Are you alone again, you might as well look for your next alien legion while breaking through your cultivation level. 】

  【In the following decades, you once again moved around more than 20 alien legions, and "personally" destroyed twenty or thirty alien gods...】

   【In the 270th year, through your unremitting efforts, your realm has finally reached a further level! 】

  【Congratulations, you have become a saint-level lemure! 】

  【Saint-level lemures are already legendary existences in the lemure family... There have been no lemures of this level in the entire lemure family for hundreds of years! 】

  【Every evil demon respects you like a god... and listens respectfully to any of your orders! 】

  【On the battlefield, you have become the "mascot" of the legion! 】

You don’t even have to join the battle in person. As long as you join a legion, within a year, those lemure monsters scattered all over the place will definitely spring up to join you. 】

  【You only need to move your mouth a little, and there will be hundreds of thousands of lemures serving as cannon fodder...】

  【Therefore, even some aliens at the level of gods are respectful towards you. 】

   【After all, no matter which legion there is, cannon fodder aliens are needed to clear the way. 】

  【With your presence, this legion doesn't have to worry about not having enough cannon fodder at all! 】

 In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

 Each race has its own advantages if it can survive in the world.

Even lemures, the weakest beings among alien races, newborn lemures, are not even as good as mortals...

 But even so, the reputation of the cannon fodder of the evil demons is even greater than that of some of the "Top 100 Royal Clan"!

 The reason…there are a lot of them!

 On the Blue Star, there once was a kind of mouse called lemmings.

Lemmings can give birth to seven to eight mice in one litter, and they can breed twelve times a year!

 Such a terrifying reproduction rate...

 In half a year, two lemmings, one female and one male, can breed a million lemmings!

 The breeding speed of lemures is not much worse than that of lemmings!

  Because the lemures have low talent and weak strength, they are mature when they reach the bronze level!

 Mature lemures, if two are bred together, can breed once a month, and can give birth to about ten new lemures at a time!

Even if a lemure is born and grows to a bronze level, it will take half a year to a year.

 But as long as there are enough nutrients and blood food for the lemures, it is not difficult to breed an army of one million lemures in one year!

It is precisely because of this that the life of a lemure is so worthless...

Even the weakest legion has more than 100,000 lemures serving as cannon fodder!

 Cannon fodder is nothing in the eyes of the strong.

 But if there are too many, it will always give people a headache...

And waking up, as a saint-level evil demon, is extremely rare!

  Lee Demons are born with low intelligence, but are suppressed by their bloodline and naturally obey high-level lemures...

 It is no exaggeration to say that with one command from Su Xing, it is not a problem to command millions of evil demons to serve as cannon fodder!

Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead, those evil demons are still willing to break through...

 Therefore, although Su Xing is only a saint-level lemure, his status in the legion is probably second only to the legion commander!

 Even, comparable to some god-level aliens!

After thinking about this, Su Xing smacked his lips and said:

“Unexpectedly, this lemure race also has its own talent for ruling a clan...coupled with the divine body of calamity, the alien race will really suffer this time!”

Su Xing couldn't wait to know how much trouble he could bring to the alien race by himself.

Look at the simulation panel.

  【In the next thirty years, you will continue to serve the major alien legions...】

  【And the commander of the legion you serve has been upgraded from weak divine power to medium divine power, to strong divine power... In the end, you have joined the legion ruled by a true god! 】

【And this True God Flame Demon is also the commander-in-chief of the hundred legions that invaded Lin Lan Realm this time! 】

  【As for your previous "bosses", they have already returned to the West...】

  【In just one hundred and fifty years, out of the tens of millions of alien armies and hundreds of legions in the past, there are now only less than ten left...】

  【The alien army invaded Linlan Realm and suffered unprecedented heavy losses! 】

  【According to original calculations, at most a hundred years, the entire Linlan world would be completely invaded by foreign races! 】

  【But now, after a hundred and fifty years of delay, Lin Lanjie has not completely invaded, and the alien race can no longer hold on...】

On the other hand, on the human side, originally there was only one heavenly immortal, three earthly immortals, and more than twenty monks above the immortal realm in Lin Lan Realm. 】

  【But in just one hundred and fifty years, the talented monks in Lin Lan Realm have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain! 】

  【Not only was a true immortal born, but three heavenly immortals... and even hundreds of more immortals were born! 】

The birth rate of such terrifying immortals is even higher than that of Lin Lan Realm in the past five thousand years combined! 】

  【In the third hundred years, the only True God of Flame Demon among the foreign legions knew that he was unable to invade this Linlan Realm. 】

 【And if the invasion of the world fails, what awaits him will be extremely severe punishment...】

  【But punishment is always better than seeking death! 】

So, in this year, the True God of Flame Demon announced the failure of the invasion of Linlan Realm, and led the only three remaining legions, and hundreds of thousands of aliens left Linlan Realm. ]    【As a rare saint-level lemure, you naturally left together...】

In the real world, Su Xing looked strange when he saw this.

 “This simulation... I didn’t do anything!”

“You actually saved a small world just like that?”

 After waking up for a while, I had some doubts about life.

 How much effort and energy did he spend to save Blue Star and Little Qingyun Realm before?

 In the end, didn’t it end in failure?

 But this time, Su Xing did nothing...just relying on bad luck, the alien operation failed!

Of course...a hundred-strong army commanded by a true **** does have enough water, but it is not as good as a hair invading the Xiao Qingyun Realm...

Even so, it also shows the "powerfulness" of Su Xing's evil demon vest!

 “Tsk, tsk, the misfortune of the alien race…is the luck of the human race!”

Su Xing smacked his lips, as if he had mastered the correct way to open the evil demon's vest.

“However, how powerful can this disaster **** be when it is incorporated into the alien army?”

Su Xing is a little curious.

According to the trajectory in the simulation, the Evil Demon Vest should now have left Lin Lan Realm and returned to the alien army.

With his status as a saint-level lemure, Awakening should be able to be reused to some extent, right?

Thinking of this, Su Xing had a smile on his face.

“The aliens in the Qingyuan Territory will suffer the consequences!”

Thinking this way, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

In the 310th year, you followed the True God of Fire and Demon and returned to the Fifth General Legion, and the Eighteenth General Legion reported on its work. 】

  【At this point, you know that the leader of the Flame Demon Legion, who is a true god, is just an ordinary member of the 18th Legion. 】

  【The commander of the 18th Legion is a genuine second-level god, comparable to the Golden Immortal Monk! 】

"Originally, the true God of Fire Demon, whose operational strength... spent nearly two hundred years and had a combat power several times that of Lin Lanjie, but still failed to capture it, would definitely be punished and even become a blood-eater..."

  【However, this true flame demon **** seems to have some connections among foreign races, and he gave your saint-level evil demon "Auspicious Auspiciousness" to a deputy commander of the 18th Legion, so he barely survived. 】

  【In this way, you have suddenly transformed from the cannon fodder commander of a small legion to the part-time cannon fodder commander-in-chief of a third-level cannon fodder commander under the command of the 18th Legion! 】

【This third-level deputy leader of the Divine Palace is an extremely beautiful succubus, one of the top 100 royal families among foreign races, and his ranking is not low...】

  【This succubus is very interested in you...】

  【Of course, what interests you is not your body, but your realm! 】

   【Being a mere lemure, he has achieved the level of a saint. This is too rare among lemures! 】

  【Generally speaking, saint-level lemures can already join a large army and control tens of millions of lemure cannon fodder, and their treatment is not low. 】

  【But the succubus obviously has some connections, so he will keep you in the legion and prepare you to train a team of about five million lemure cannon fodder to prepare for subsequent operations. 】

  【After hearing this, you naturally agreed. Being able to join a higher-level legion and work hard to "help" foreign races is one of the few pleasures you have. 】

【So, for the next twenty years, you recruited and trained lemures while devouring the essence of flesh and blood to practice. 】

    Time has come to the 330th year soon. 】

 【This year, with the help of a large amount of flesh and blood essence, your realm has entered the middle stage of the Saint...】

   【Although you are in the middle stage of the Saint, due to the weakness of the lemure clan, the combat effectiveness you can exert is barely comparable to that of the ordinary Saint-level aliens. 】

  【But you command an army of eight million evil demons, which is no joke! 】

   【The Succubus God Mansion, I am very satisfied with your performance, so I am preparing to invade the next human world in advance. 】

  【And you have also figured out that the target of this succubus's action is a world in the middle of a thousand worlds...the star world! 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked a little solemn when he saw this face.

 “Invading the Star Realm?”

  "So...the Little Green Cloud Realm, the Black Water Realm, and the Yellow Sand Realm... should all have been destroyed by this time!"

"The next step...the alien race is to invade the star world..."

 Su Xing is very familiar with the strength of the Star Realm.

 In the entire star world, the strongest person is nothing more than a true immortal...

Even if Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method is awakened, it is not realistic to give birth to a mysterious immortal in just three hundred years.

 From a different race, a deputy army commander at the level of a **** was sent to take action...

 For the star realm, it is naturally a sure thing...

What's more, there are red-eyed aliens lurking near the Star Realm.

According to Su Xing’s estimation, there is no possibility of Xingchen Jiejuan successfully resisting the aliens...

“The only hope now is to combine this evil demon vest with the body of disaster... I don’t know how much power it can exert?”

 Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

【In the 333rd year, the Succubus God led half of the gods of the 18th Legion, commanded an army of 20 million aliens, and entered the star realm! 】

  【The reason why you know so clearly is that the lemure cannon fodder under your command accounts for eight million...】

  【In addition to eight million lemure cannon fodder, you also discovered traces of many red-eyed aliens lurking in the legion...the number is probably no less than one million! 】

  【In this case, the invasion of the star world will naturally be extremely easy in the early stage! 】

  【In just a few years, no less than a million monks died at the hands of the alien army, and the number of Star Realm tribes destroyed was no less than a hundred! 】

  【Until the 340th year, your calamity body talent began to take effect...】

  【A true god-level Balrog, your old boss, leads millions of aliens to prepare to invade a large tribe. 】

  【According to the information, there is a true **** in this large tribe... dozens of beings above the immortal realm. 】

   【And you cooperate with your old boss and lead half a million lemure cannon fodder to prepare for the invasion. 】

  【Originally, this was something that could be easily accomplished...】

  【Unexpectedly, the Balrog seemed to have made some mistakes in his recent cultivation... He was actually killed on the spot by an old true immortal. 】

  【The millions of foreign troops lost their commander, like a group of dragons without a leader, they fled in all directions...but nearly half of them were killed by this big tribe! 】

  【Even you, under the encirclement and suppression by the monks from the Star Realm, barely managed to save your life and escaped back to the alien lair...】

  【Returning to the alien race, Succubus God Di was a little angry about Balrog's death, but he was a little relieved to see you come back alive. 】

  【If you die, of the eight million evil demons under your command, I am afraid that none of the aliens can command...】

  【And the human race's tailwind situation and the alien race's nightmare also began from this day...】

  【In the next ten years, you participated in several major battles. 】

  【Every time you fight, you lead millions of evil demon cannon fodder, you are not afraid of death, and you are killed by human monks...】

  【But unfortunately, every battle you participated in ended in the defeat of the alien race! 】

  【Either the human monks broke through on the spot, or the human race got wind of it in advance and set up an ambush...】

  【In short, in several battles in ten years, the aliens suffered millions of casualties, while the number of human casualties was only tens of thousands...】

  【This strange phenomenon quickly alerted the succubus. 】

  【But the Succubus Mansion did not associate these defeats with you. After all, your "heroic performance" in every battle is vividly remembered. 】

  【He can only be regarded as a monk from the star realm who fights to the death and is extremely difficult to chew...】

  In the blink of an eye, more than thirty years have passed. 】

  【In the past thirty years, dozens of large and small battles, less than ten tribes in the Star Realm were wiped out... The alien army caused nearly five million injuries! 】

  【Most of them are the cannon fodder of the evil demons under your command...】

Even though a lot of cannon fodder died, the Succubus God's Mansion didn't feel bad, but according to this tactic of injuring one thousand enemies and damaging oneself eight hundred, even if the entire 18th Army was exhausted, the Star Realm would still not be taken! 】

 【This is unacceptable to the Succubus God's Mansion...】

  【Not to mention the Star Realm tribal monks who cannot withstand the successive years of fighting, even the foreign armies are too much to bear. 】

  【In particular, the lemure cannon fodder under your command suffered heavy casualties. Without the cover of the cannon fodder, the alien army suffered even more damage...】

  【If this vicious cycle continues, I'm afraid the Succubus God's Mansion may not even be able to take over the Star Realm! 】

  【In this case, the Succubus God's Mansion decided to take a temporary truce for a few years in order to allow you to re-cultivate more lemures. 】

 【And this also buys the monks in the star world more time to cultivate and recuperate...】

  【In the next few years, you order your lemures to only devour the flesh and blood essence of foreign races, and not to devour humans...】

  [In just a few years, the number of evil demon cannon fodder has once again recovered to eight million! 】

  【After the recovery of cannon fodder, the Succubus God's Mansion once again launched a general attack on the Star Realm...】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, he almost lost his temper with a smile on his face.

“Tsk, tsk, the most brilliant undercover agent, he doesn’t even know he is an undercover agent!”

 “Just by relying on bad luck, we prevented the invasion of the alien legions... Such methods, tsk tsk!”

Even Su Xing feels a little outrageous.

  The Zhongqian World, which is only a mere star realm and is no higher than the True Fairy Realm, actually blocked most of the alien army?

Perhaps if I wake up and take action, I can defeat this alien army.

 But it will take some effort to wake up the 20 million foreign army.

What's more, after repelling this group of aliens, the next group of alien armies will arrive soon!

But right now, the army commanded by the Succubus God is obviously much stronger than the Star Realm...

 But it feels like a fist hitting cotton, and there is nowhere to use the strength!

 According to the plan and hard power, it should be able to destroy the Star Realm, but in fact it cannot defeat it...

How can the succubus seek help from aliens?

 According to this development, the Star Realm may be able to persist for much longer!

“Tsk, tsk, this eighteenth army is probably going to fall into this small star realm...”

“However, it’s time to further mention the strength of my evil demon vest... I wonder if I can be promoted to the **** level?”

 After being promoted to a god…

 Doesn’t it mean that Awakening can attract more alien races?

Thinking this way, Su Xing had a little expectation on his face.

   【Succubus God's Mansion, including you, did not expect that... the invasion of the star world would be such a fierce battle! 】

 【In the blink of an eye, another few decades have passed...】

  【Time is coming soon to the 400th year! 】

  【This is the seventyth year since the Succubus God's invasion of the Star Realm...】

  【However, it took a full seventy years for the alien army led by the succubus to conquer more than a hundred tribes... and even captured one-fiftieth of the territory of the Star Realm! 】

On the other hand, on the alien side, there used to be 20 million alien troops, but in just seventy years, there were only less than 10 million left! 】

  【Which...even includes the five million evil demon cannon fodder under your command! 】

In just seventy years, the 18th Legion, the alien race that followed the invasion of the Succubus God's Mansion, has lost more than half of its strength! 】

  【Such a heavy loss, even a third-level succubus god's mansion would not be able to bear it...】

  【In this case, the Succubus God's Mansion finally decided to give it a try! 】

  【He has no choice but to gather all the foreign races and launch a general attack on the human tribe! 】

  【This year, tens of millions of alien armies launched a general attack on the largest tribes in the Star Realm! 】

  【Led by the Succubus God himself, and with the five million lemure cannon fodder under your command as the vanguard, launch an attack! 】

  【However, no one expected that the biggest problem in this battle actually came from the Succubus God's Mansion! 】

"Originally, with the strength of the Succubus God's Palace, even if he fought against several true immortals at the same time, he could still suppress them steadily, and he could even kill one or two true immortals on the spot..."

  【But I didn’t expect that in these short seventy years, a mysterious immortal would be born in the star world! 】

  【That is a true immortal who has lived for more than 30,000 years. His life span is about to end, and there is no hope of breakthrough...】

  【Unexpectedly, once I understood Xiao Zhoutian's star-gazing method, I successfully entered the great realm and became a genuine Xuanxian! 】

   【The Star Witch clan is already good at fighting... coupled with the fact that they have entered Xuanxian, there is no longer any gap between the top combat powers! 】

  【Coupled with more than seventy years of fierce fighting, unknowingly...the strength of the human race and the monks has actually been reversed! 】

 【A monk from the Star Realm is good at body training...】

  【For some unknown reason, seventy years ago, they obtained a prescription for elixirs, which could strengthen the vitality and blood of immortals by feeding on the flesh and blood of foreign races! 】

In just seventy years, no fewer than three hundred beings with bodies worthy of immortals were born in the star world! 】

  【Coupled with the constant losses of the main combat power of the alien race over the years...for a time, the offensive and defensive momentum was different! 】

  【The most important thing is that as early as thirty years ago, the Succubus God's Mansion once asked for support from the void...】

  【The aliens also promised to send millions of red-eyed aliens to support. 】

 【But that’s not all, reinforcements have not arrived for thirty years...】

  【This world-wide battle ended in the defeat of the alien side...】

  【Twenty million foreign troops invaded in full force, and in less than a hundred years, they fled like a lost dog...】

 【Before leaving, the number of the alien army was not even 100,000...】

 (Today, I still present an 8k chapter, breaking through two million words~Please give me your monthly vote by the way~)

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