USSR 1941

Chapter 623: Prepare

  Chapter 623 preparation

   Then there is the issue of amphibious landing ships.

   This was not a problem at first, because with the continuous production of the factory day and night, there are more than 700 amphibious landing ships transporting supplies for Stalingrad on the Volga River.

  On the other hand, the problem of the railway bridge is related to the life and death of Stalingrad, so as long as a phone call, the Army Command will transfer the amphibious landing ship to the NKVD 10th Division without hesitation.

  The fact is indeed the case. When Major General Batrakov contacted the Army Group Command, Golikov only asked: "Does Shulka know?"

   "That's exactly what Comrade Shulka asked, Comrade Golikov!" Batrakov replied.

   "No problem!" Golikov said: "Three hundred ships, and I will pick the landing ships in good condition and make the necessary repairs before handing them over to you!"

   After finishing speaking, Golikov hung up the phone.

   This made Batrakov a little embarrassed, because Golikov obviously didn't trust him as a teacher and trusted Shulka more.

   But at this time, he has nothing to complain about, because now it seems that the fate of the entire 10th Division depends on Shulka, and he can't accept it.

  The problem is the mobilization of these equipment.

   "We must strictly keep it secret!" Batrakov said: "If the Germans find out that we have transferred the amphibious landing ship transporting supplies to the 10th Division, they will probably guess that we are going to cross the river to make a surprise attack!"

   Shulka nodded in agreement.

  Batrakov's ability to think of this shows that he has gradually come out of the previous state of being at a loss and found a little confidence.

   But he still didn't consider it thoroughly enough.

"Strict secrecy by any means will not work!" Shulka replied: "The German spies and informers are everywhere, and we need 300 amphibious landing ships, and they are still from the Volzhskaya station. Transferred to the granary, such a large-scale transfer cannot even be hidden from the enemy's air force!"

  Volzhskaya Station is a station on the banks of the Volga River, more than ten kilometers away from Station No. 2. It is an amphibious landing ship transportation line opened by the Soviet Army in residential areas.


   "Do nothing!" Shulka said. "Business as usual! I mean, the amphibious landing ships will not be moved until the last moment!"

  Batrakov couldn't help but "Oh" when he heard the words, and then nodded in agreement.

   The reason is very simple, it is very difficult to mobilize 300 amphibious landing ships and hide them from the Germans.

But if at the last moment, that is, half an hour before the planned raid, the amphibious landing ship is transferred from the station more than ten kilometers away, then even if something is discovered by German spies, it will be difficult for them to send the news and do it within half an hour. Make correct judgments and respond in a timely manner.

   It is important to know that the amphibious landing ship can reach a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour on land. Considering factors such as driving at night and street congestion, even at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour, it only takes half an hour to reach the granary.

   Needless to say next, start a surprise attack immediately.

   "We can let the engineers open up the road as much as possible in advance!" Batrakov pointed to the map and said: "From the station to the granary, and from the granary to the shore!"

   "Good idea!" Shulka agrees.

  This will not make the German army suspicious, but also can speed up the deployment.

   Another problem is Commando.

  Batrakov said to Shulka without thinking: "I think the main force should be the army you lead. You have two companies, don't you?"

   This is a bit ironic. Not long ago, Batrakov looked down on the two companies in Shulka's hands, but now he wants to use them on his blade.

  Shuerka couldn't refuse, and the trainee company was the only one that could be called elite at No. 2 Railway Station.

   "But they only have two companies!" Shulka said: "At the same time they are not suitable as the main attacking force!"

   "What do you mean?" Batrakov asked back.

   "They are more suitable for street fighting!" Shulka said: "Like fighting the enemy in the granary!"

   Shulka is telling the truth.

  The battlefield is real, and various occasions and situations are actually suitable for different troops to fight. If you don’t know your own situation or know it’s not suitable but bite the bullet, the result will not only fail to win but also hurt yourself.

  For example, now, the sniper company and the mortar company, their qualities and specialties are of course more suitable for dealing with the enemy in the city rather than landing on the beach.

   After a pause, Shulka added: "Why don't we give this task to the navy? I mean the naval infantry brigade! And our sniper company and mortar company can cooperate with them!"

   "Makes sense!" Batrakov said: "They can even prepare at the Volzhskaya station, and then go to the granary with the amphibious landing ship at the last moment!"

   This is exactly what Shulka thought, that is, the entire army, including the men, supplies and landing ships, will be arranged and reinforced by the group army.

  The army will certainly not refuse.

   On the one hand, it is still because the fall of the railway bridge is no small matter.

On the other hand, the supply line in Stalingrad at this time is not as difficult as it was in history, especially troops and light equipment... light equipment and personnel can be transported by pontoon bridges and amphibious landing ships, and heavy equipment can only be transported by large transport ships Transportation from the Volga River channel is still under the blockade of the German Air Force.

   More importantly, there should be no complaints about any troops reinforcing Stalingrad at this critical juncture, otherwise Moscow's punishment will come down soon.

  So, Golikov just called the Front Army, and an elite battalion of a naval infantry brigade was ready immediately.

This unit is the 322nd Battalion of the 255th Brigade of the Naval Infantry... The Soviet Navy can be said to be the most "unemployed" unit. Although this brigade is called the Navy, its combat experience is the heroic launch of the German army in the Tuapse area He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for jungle warfare.

  The reason why the 322nd Battalion is here is because it was sent to Znaminsk to receive the amphibious landing craft ordered by the Navy and receive relevant training.

Therefore, when the commander of the 322nd Battalion was ordered to reinforce Stalingrad and then rushed to the headquarters of the 10th Division of the NKVD to report, he did not have a good attitude... The 322nd Battalion of the Navy was preparing at the Volzhskaya Station, and the commander secretly rushed Go to station 2 to discuss the detailed battle plan.

   "It seems that we can finally use amphibious landing ships!" The naval captain named Harichev said angrily: "Those are our amphibious landing ships!"

   "They have always been yours!" Shulka replied with a smile: "And I can guarantee, Comrade Kharichev, that you can use it to launch a perfect landing operation!"

  Captain Harichev's eyes lit up, as if to say that this is what the navy should do.

   It's just that what he didn't know was that what he landed was not a beach but a river.

  (end of this chapter)

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